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Paul Lambert


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A villa manager who doesn't treat the fans with disdain.



Alex McLeish never had a bad word to say about Villa or the fans and still doesnt. Obviously I prefer Lambert as a manager but McLeish was always respectful to us and the club.


Unless you meant Houllier in which case, yeah you have a point :)

Disagree. Some of McLeish's post match comments were a disgrace. He treated this club like a **** joke.
Agree Mantis, whilst he didn't put the fans down he constantly put the club down
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Should be an exciting summer. First up on lamberts to do list is to get benteke on a new contract! Unlike Mon I expect him to make a couple of early signings whilst clearing out the remaining deadwood.

At times this season been utterly depressing but it's certainly been entertaining!

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To be fair to Morpheus he continually used our bid for Dempsey as proof that Lambert could have signed a player on high wages whenever he mentioned this.

You logic appears to be he should have signed more experienced players and therefore we would have done better. Well aside from the issue of the wages, there is little to suggest this would have been the result. Just take a look at QPR and the impact of their transfer policy both before and after the appointment of the man you wanted here not so long ago.

It is a short term approach which offers no guarantee other than a bigger wage bill and players that will decrease in value rather than ones which might increase.

Does this apply to all experienced players or just the ones signed by QPR? Is it not possible to sign experience and have them not turn out like you describe above?

Apart from those points I agree with pretty much the rest.

We're in a better position than last year in terms of going forward and building something as a club.



On the first point, our interest in Dempsey only proves that Lambert was interested in the player it doesn't prove he could have got close on the wages.


On the point about experienced players, no of course not but I was trying to point out that simply getting experienced players wouldn't have ensured we were better than we've been this season which seems to be the assumption Morpheus makes.


There have been examples of it working in the past, Bolton for instance. But more often or not sides that put their hopes in these sort of players usually come unstuck and almost always end up with players they can't shift eating up wages.

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Says the man who in August wrote

No chance of relegation this season - stupid really

There has been a 'relegation' thread 3 years in a row . I wouldn't want to name names, but I recall a bunch of the same people, 3 years in a row, giving their opinions on how poor we are and how we're going down.

We'll, we're still here.

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Says the man who in August wrote


No chance of relegation this season - stupid really

There has been a 'relegation' thread 3 years in a row . I wouldn't want to name names, but I recall a bunch of the same people, 3 years in a row, giving their opinions on how poor we are and how we're going down.

We'll, we're still here.


More luck than judgement.

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i know this is a good debate forum but i think some people need to read through posts twice before answering, maybe count to 5 after seeing they've posted something, or go for a short walk.


A lot of people call "fickle" or "hypocritical", think we need to remember that this is football and everything changes within 1-2 weeks. It is plausible for a player to be called out as "not good enough" or "past it" one week, then be referred to as "world class" a couple of weeks later. Maybe if some of you were a little more forgiving of others opinions or their ability to change their opinions then the discussions wouldn't get quite so heated

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41 points - 3 up from last season

League position 15 - 1 up from last season.



Bump! Think we've reduces the wage bill in the process as well. :thumb:

Edited by Skruff
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Says the man who in August wrote


No chance of relegation this season - stupid really

There has been a 'relegation' thread 3 years in a row . I wouldn't want to name names, but I recall a bunch of the same people, 3 years in a row, giving their opinions on how poor we are and how we're going down.

We'll, we're still here.


More luck than judgement.


How can it be luck when people predicting we will stay up have been right 3 seasons in a row?


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41 points - 3 up from last season

League position 15 - 1 up from last season.



Bump! Think we've reduces the wage bill in the process as well. :thumb:

Encouraging as it is the most important thing for me is how we finished the season. 6 wins, 3 Draws and 5 losses is 7th-8th form over a season, and 4 of the losses were against the top 4, and we was only outplayed against United. This was the complete opposite to how we finished under McLeish, 2 lucky wins in 19 depressing games.

The way the table finished I think it's possible to make grate strides next season. It all starts off if we can get Benteke and Weimann to sign new contracts. 2 or 3 astute signings and a couple Lambertesq lower league gems we can finally start to look up rather than down for the first time in 3 years.

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I am still not convinced that Lambert is a good manager.We did not move on from the Liverpool game, or the Fulham game or the Sunderland game.The last game of the season was against Wigan who are already down, and we could not beat them. 

So if we cant beat a team that is in 18th place how good are we ????

And before anyones starts on about there was nothing to play for, or that this game did not matter.....Yes it did matter and there was something to play for.

It was Lambert`s chance to show us how the team has progressed since he took over,it was his chance to show us how good we are now.

The bottom line is ManUre had nothing to play for either they also had nothing to prove, yet they went out and showed the fans what they are made of, in other words they want/try to win every game irrespective of wether it is a champions league game or a friendly against a lower rated team in some foreign country.

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Well done Lambert, he turned around what looked like a damned season. I took a while for him to see the obvious and use the wings but he got there in the end. I know we had injuries and that didnt help our defence but at the time we were still playing poorly and like frightened kids, but that all changed after the Newcastle game. His signings have generally been good. I believe he tends to make the right calls on the starting line ups now and good calls on subs.


We need to still need to work on defending (in general) and on free kicks and corners. Our goalkeeper being voted player of the season dispite not keeping a clean sheet since November says a lot.


Attacking wise we have been a joy to watch in 2013, Great to see all four strikers scoring. Just need to keep hold of ALL FOUR now.


Big decisions to be made with the likes of Bannan, Albrighton, N'zog, KEA, Ireland, Bent, Enda, Holman. Are they apart of Lamberts future plans. Which of these are good squad players and which of these need to be replaced?


Would love to see our transfer business done early but will not be holding my breath (or reading and transfer speculation threads).

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I am still not convinced that Lambert is a good manager.We did not move on from the Liverpool game, or the Fulham game or the Sunderland game.The last game of the season was against Wigan who are already down, and we could not beat them. 

So if we cant beat a team that is in 18th place how good are we ????

And before anyones starts on about there was nothing to play for, or that this game did not matter.....Yes it did matter and there was something to play for.

It was Lambert`s chance to show us how the team has progressed since he took over,it was his chance to show us how good we are now.

The bottom line is ManUre had nothing to play for either they also had nothing to prove, yet they went out and showed the fans what they are made of, in other words they want/try to win every game irrespective of wether it is a champions league game or a friendly against a lower rated team in some foreign country.


Utd achieved the same result as we did. Against a team in poorer form than our opponents. They also shipped 5 against them.

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ManUre had nothing to play for either they also had nothing to prove, yet they went out and showed the fans what they are made of.

They conceded 5 goals from an under performing team that punched way above its weight early in the season.

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I'm very aware like you and everyone else that he had a difficult job to do here within the circumstances he was given. No-one is disputing that. However is it such an uncommon occurrence for a manager to be sacked and the new manager having to sort out existing problems at the club? If you agree that its not such an uncommon occurrence then you must judge at what level those problems were for the new manager to manage.



In my opinion those problems where not at a level that would justify the season we have just experienced and could have been avoided with better preparation by the manager.  



Is it uncommon for a manager to inherit a club in need of some sorting out? No.


Is it uncommon for a manager to inherit a club which has gone through multiple managers in a short space of time who have made some woeful signings with the little more available. A club which has consistently sold its best players and been left with a squad full of inexperienced kids, average players on huge unsustainable wages, more holes than the West Yorkshire police's collective memory and several players with at best questionable attitudes.


It isn't common to inherit a club with all of these things and a chairman who only provides around £17m to sign around 8 players while at the same time giving a brief of significantly reducing the wage bill while turning around a team that has struggled against relegation the previous 2 years.


Few manager do a Moyes and go into a club on a high and few take over a club in quite such a mess as we were in.


So yes, I agree with your basic point and I agree you need to then judge a manager on his performance in respect of what he inherited. Oddly you seem to be failing to follow the principle that you yourself are stating.



You spent much of the season banging on about players like Berbatov seemingly either completely unaware that Lambert is working under constraints that would stop him making those sort of signings. 


I think you are completely failing to judge Lambert against these conditions and what is more you are doing him a discredit in doing so.


You logic appears to be he should have signed more experienced players and therefore we would have done better. Well aside from the issue of the wages, there is little to suggest this would have been the result. Just take a look at QPR and the impact of their transfer policy both before and after the appointment of the man you wanted here not so long ago.


It is a short term approach which offers no guarantee other than a bigger wage bill and players that will decrease in value rather than ones which might increase.


Lambert not only inherited a total mess but he showed a great deal of balls in taking the approach he has to sorting it out. He could have taken a McLeish style approach signing has been crap like Jenas (something Redknapp did as well ironically) which would have been the easier option and certainly the safer option in terms of his reputation.


Only Lambert didn't do this, he put his hard earned reputation on the line and back his judgement to sign young and promising players with a view to improving them and improving us as a club in the medium to long term as well as the here and now. Was the season more bumpy because of this approach? Almost certainly, is the club in a damn sight better position now than the day he walked through the door? Again almost certainly I would suggest.


He has added some gems to our squad like Lowton, Westwood and your friend the new Heskey and a few others who might go on to be gems we will have to see. What he hasn't done is saddle us with shite like Boswinga or Jenas that managers like Redknapp would have done and which you would have welcomed.


You talk about the manager needing better to have prepared better, well I'd love to hear you expand on that one I really would.


Has this season been great? No but he has achieved what were his two primary objectives, reduce the wage bill and keep us up and not only has he done this but he has built foundations of a good young side worth far more than what it cost to assemble which should help us move forward in the next couple of years.


Before the season I predicted we would finish 13th, now granted I didn't expect some of the heavy defeats or the loss to Bradford but we are tonight 15th and 1 point of 13th. So I can't really judge Lambert's performance this season as being anything other than a success overall with a few blips along the way.


If you see it differently, fine that is up to you but I think you are judging him too quickly just as you did Benteke and you are doing so without fully taking into account both what he inherited and the potential benefits to the club in the approach he has taken.


Oh and just to add, you saw fit to call for Lambert to be sacked a few short months into his time here yet you say a season is too soon to judge for those who think he has done a good job. And you want to talk about hypocrisy? 


I thought you wanted to withdraw from the debate?


You are the one who actually seems fixated with Berbatov constantly mentioning the player when everyone else has moved on here. I mentioned Berbatov in light of him being available for a nominal fee and of our failed attempt to sign Dempsey in that if we were prepared to pay the wages of someone like Dempsey then the signing of a player such as Berbatov wouldn't at that time been out of the question. Do you remember that Lambert stated Lerner had given him the option of signing more established Premiership stars but he had decided not to take up the option? Or is it convenient for you to forget that and ignore the fact that Berbatov has been Fulham's best player this season?


I haven't needed to discredit Lambert. He has done that himself with the performances of the team this season due to bad preparation and i state again in several posts throughout the season you stated that we were down yet now criticise me for having an objective view on coming so close to being relegated and thats what i consider being a hypocrite.


If you actually take a look at my view on signing experienced players i did highlight certain areas in the team, namely midfield and defence. Where have we suffered most this season due to a dearth of experience?


I see you've also stated in your further attempt to discredit me that i would have welcomed signings such as Boswinga and Jenas this season. Take a look back in the thread and see in what context i have mentioned Boswinga. That pretty much makes you a liar doesn't it along with previous accusations of not admitting i was wrong about Benteke and misjudging Lambert when we've just gained Premiership safety with one game to go but then you seem to think that is some sort of success to do that.


I have highlighted Lambert's mistakes and also praised him when warranted and was one of the few posters who consistently stated that we would be safe after the system change. I was right about that as i was right about our prospects this season under a transfer policy that very nearly saw us relegated and as you said we would go down i don't think you are in any position to try and take the higher moral ground on anything this season.  

Edited by Morpheus
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Premier League 2012-13 review: manager of the season

Paul Lambert

There is a thin line between admirable courage of conviction and foolish adhesion to dogma and for a while it looked like Aston Villa were on the wrong side of it, with the club refusing to add any experienced players in January and Lambert continuing to place his trust in potential over experience. It turned out that he knew what he was doing, as Villa not only stayed up but did so playing an enterprising style that suggests they are a rising force rather than a sinking ship.

Michael Laudrup

The Dane took over a successful Swansea side and made them better. With astute signings and bold tactical tweaks, the Swans became a greater attacking threat while retaining their elegant solidity and, of course, lifted their first major trophy.

Rafael Benítez

The Spaniard was welcomed to Stamford Bridge about as warmly as a registered offender to a residential area but he quietly proved that the locals were wrong about him. His methods may not be crowd-pleasing but his results are: Champions League qualification achieved, Europa League won, gobs shut.

Steve Clarke

It is easy to forget that many people tipped the Scot to win nothing but the sack race in his first gig as a No1. But it transpired that West Brom had made another shrewd appointment and rather than struggle against relegation they confirmed they are a proper Premier League club, capable of bothering the heavyweights while balancing the books.

Sir Alex Ferguson

While everyone else floundered, Ferguson identified the major shortcoming in his team and addressed it with the recruitment of Robin van Persie. OK, a crack creative midfielder might have been welcome too and helped United do better in Europe, but the deepest squad in England and the Scot's ability to imbue those around him with his insatiable lust for victory ensured that United regained their Premier League crown at a canter.


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It never ceases to amaze me on this site that when a link to an article is posted concerning criticism of the club or a player linked to the club which the consensus doesn't want it is dismissed out of hand yet when something positive is printed it is normally universally accepted as gospel. :rolleyes:

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