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Paul Lambert


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Been brilliant recently and certainly looks like next season will be much better. TBH the people unhappy with Lambert were unhappy as they didn't believe this squad was as poor as they were showing, the last few months have shown that. The ones who seem to never have lost faith in Lambert were also the same ones saying there was nothing he could do when we were going through an awful period.It's been amazing ever since the newcastle game and he gets lots of credit for that. I'm starting to get a lot more excited about next season.

 hahaha, you kill me BJ. All the tripe you've posted all season and now the volte-face (or maybe in this case, holte-face) I lot of people have been saying this all season and saying it in the face of your constant criticism Anyway, water under the bridge - welcome back from the Dark Side 2013Form1_zps020ee074.jpg Constant improvement in average points return since January, 9th on form in 2013, 7th in current form

All the tripe I've posted? Such as?

I don't hold a negative opinion because I get some kick out of it, I base my opinion on what I see. Before it was awful so I said it was awful. Now it's been much improved so I've agreed with that.

I still don't agree with the reasons put forward to excuse some of the abysmal things this season but right now he's getting everything right. What would you like me to post?

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Been brilliant recently and certainly looks like next season will be much better. TBH the people unhappy with Lambert were unhappy as they didn't believe this squad was as poor as they were showing, the last few months have shown that. The ones who seem to never have lost faith in Lambert were also the same ones saying there was nothing he could do when we were going through an awful period.It's been amazing ever since the newcastle game and he gets lots of credit for that. I'm starting to get a lot more excited about next season.

 hahaha, you kill me BJ. All the tripe you've posted all season and now the volte-face (or maybe in this case, holte-face) I lot of people have been saying this all season and saying it in the face of your constant criticism Anyway, water under the bridge - welcome back from the Dark Side 2013Form1_zps020ee074.jpg Constant improvement in average points return since January, 9th on form in 2013, 7th in current form

All the tripe I've posted? Such as?

I don't hold a negative opinion because I get some kick out of it, I base my opinion on what I see. Before it was awful so I said it was awful. Now it's been much improved so I've agreed with that.

I still don't agree with the reasons put forward to excuse some of the abysmal things this season but right now he's getting everything right. What would you like me to post?



I can't be arsed to go back and regurgitate all the rubbish you've spouted but as an example I seem to remember you even found a way to make everything up and including the brilliant NextGen triumph a negative.


You've constantly denied any improvement, when we were clearly improving up until the Xmas debacle and have clearly and demonstrably improved leaps and bounds in 2013.


Glad you've finally seen the light

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Oh just give it a rest morpheus.

Why don't you express an opinion for a change rather than point scoring. You did on occasion write some good posts.




 Sacking Lambert would be retarded in the extreme, just like the people calling for it.

Using the word retarded to describe anyone is nothing short of ignorant. 



I thought you condemned point scoring?  :blink:


I agree with you regarding the use of that word, but I find your post a bit rich.


I did and in the context of my post using the word ignorant certainly isn't point scoring.

Edited by Morpheus
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 What lambert needs now is backing to continue the great job he has started.

This is utter and complete bollocks.


I'm wondering to myself how many sets of fans in the Premiership would congratulate a manager so vigorously by stating what a great job he has done when their team could still be relegated?


He has not done a great job at all. He has made many mistakes and the only reason why he has got away with it so far is due to his predecessor and the very fact that the majority of Villa fans have shown the one virtue that has been criticised in posts above.


Lambert has presided over one of the worst seasons i have ever experienced as a Villa supporter and speaking from my own personal point of view i have been sick with worry that he would take us down this season due to those mistakes which have been highlighted elsewhere. He has gambled with the club's future with his transfer policy and if we stay up those weaknesses which he has thrown several millions at will need the same amount or more to fix next season namely in defence and midfield.


For me one or two results and performances against Liverpool and Sunderland does not constitute or point to him being the right man for us when for most of the season we have been battling against relegation and suffering indignity in the cup competitions.


We may have turned a corner as i stated in the match thread for the Sunderland game but we have a long way to go before i am convinced that Lambert is the right manager for our football club.



What twaddle - six wins in the last nine is not one or two perfromances.


Still prefer Redknapp would you Morpheus? or Berbatov up front? or Bent instead of Benteke? or Newcastle's French foreign Legion?


Lambert has stuck to his guns, not paniced and calmly turned things around and will go from strength to strength now


Your attempts at point scoring 'VillaCas' are as embarrassing as much as they are built on sand.


The two performances were chosen as apparent turning points of our season by certain posters were they not and thats why i have highlighted them.


Berbatov has been much lauded for his performances this season at Fulham has he not and yes i would have him in our team in a millisecond.


I have never said that i prefer 'Newcastle's French Legion' to our team. Back your claim up by quoting a post of mine where i have said that.


If you are implying that i prefer Bent to Benteke, where have i said that? I did state prior to the Sunderland game like several other posters that Benteke had looked jaded and it might be time to rest him with Bent in his place. I have also stated that due to the allocation of funding it might have been better to spend the 7m on a quality DM as we already had Bent but i cannot remember preferring one to the other.


You mention Redknapp so lets talk about him.


No he hasn't done as well at QPR as expected but there are reasons for that. He inherited a split dressing room with players like Bosingwa who couldn't give a shit about the club and he has had far less time than Lambert to sort it out. He has tried to forge a team in a very short period of time with his own signings but the juxtaposition of his purchases with those players who couldn't care less wasn't ever going to work within the limited time he had, yet Remny, Townsend and even Samba are still going to be sought after in the close season. He also then lost his target man when Zamora rightly got himself sent off and he was as important to QPR as Benteke is to us. Redknapp then had to replace Zamora with Jay Bothroyd.


If you are going to continue to try and point score then quote what i've said rather than making something up to suit whatever you're ranting on about and i find it ironic that you continue to do this even when your own predictions have been found wanting on occasion.   

Edited by Morpheus
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Been brilliant recently and certainly looks like next season will be much better. TBH the people unhappy with Lambert were unhappy as they didn't believe this squad was as poor as they were showing, the last few months have shown that. The ones who seem to never have lost faith in Lambert were also the same ones saying there was nothing he could do when we were going through an awful period.It's been amazing ever since the newcastle game and he gets lots of credit for that. I'm starting to get a lot more excited about next season.

 hahaha, you kill me BJ. All the tripe you've posted all season and now the volte-face (or maybe in this case, holte-face) I lot of people have been saying this all season and saying it in the face of your constant criticism Anyway, water under the bridge - welcome back from the Dark Side 2013Form1_zps020ee074.jpg Constant improvement in average points return since January, 9th on form in 2013, 7th in current form

All the tripe I've posted? Such as?

I don't hold a negative opinion because I get some kick out of it, I base my opinion on what I see. Before it was awful so I said it was awful. Now it's been much improved so I've agreed with that.

I still don't agree with the reasons put forward to excuse some of the abysmal things this season but right now he's getting everything right. What would you like me to post?


I can't be arsed to go back and regurgitate all the rubbish you've spouted but as an example I seem to remember you even found a way to make everything up and including the brilliant NextGen triumph a negative.


You've constantly denied any improvement, when we were clearly improving up until the Xmas debacle and have clearly and demonstrably improved leaps and bounds in 2013.


Glad you've finally seen the light

My comments on the nextgen series were shared by our academy director. Bet you didn't have a problem with what he said.

I've given credit for improvement where I saw it. You tried to claim we'd improved while we had our worst ever premiership start and conceded more and scored less than the previous season. While you were shouting down anyone who disagreed we then went and lost 3 games 15-0 and lost to Bradford. Now we've improved I haven't denied it one bit. What I said before the Sunderland game was that while our football and potential had improved there still wasn't big improvements in main areas. Before Sunderland, when I said this, we averaged the same amount of points per game, scored more but conceded more and won more but lost more.

And recently I've given plenty of credit for our improvement to Lambert.

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With regards GD-Ours is better at present but for those below us to catch us up,ours could go backwards whereas others will have to improve.


An example is whilst we are 2 goals better than Wigan at present,2 draws for Wigan,a defeat for us against Chelsea and a 1 -0 win for Wigan on the last day of the season will see them finish above us on GD

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Yep unless Wigan melt down in their next 2 games it looks like we will go into the last game with a chance of going down.

We might beat Chelsea and that will take care of it but....... 


I just hope that we have some teams below us like Sunderland, Norwich and Newcastle. That way they all have to get a result and that will be hard when you see Norwich at Man City, Sunderland at Spurs and Newcastle home to Arsenal.


Yesterday's joy has been replaced by nerves again as I type this..... It would be great if Stoke and Swansea at least get a draw this week.


I think 40 will see us through. All the pressure is on Wigan right now. I think they are done. Hopefully we can play the last game against Wigan with our bench rather than our starters. Would be good to see Given & Bent get 90 minutes in the league.

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Yep unless Wigan melt down in their next 2 games it looks like we will go into the last game with a chance of going down.

We might beat Chelsea and that will take care of it but....... 


I just hope that we have some teams below us like Sunderland, Norwich and Newcastle. That way they all have to get a result and that will be hard when you see Norwich at Man City, Sunderland at Spurs and Newcastle home to Arsenal.


Yesterday's joy has been replaced by nerves again as I type this..... It would be great if Stoke and Swansea at least get a draw this week.


I think 40 will see us through. All the pressure is on Wigan right now. I think they are done. Hopefully we can play the last game against Wigan with our bench rather than our starters. Would be good to see Given & Bent get 90 minutes in the league.



I can't see how they are done i have to be honest.. Swansea are highly likely to throw that game as a "thank you" present to Martinez for putting them on the way to where they are today. They have nothing to play for whatsoever & i simply cannot see them trying to send him down. Guaranteed home win for me. I don't think they will give two hoots about the cup final as they will know they have little chance of actually beating City anyways & will take survival over winning the cup all day long.. they're already in Europe are they not? as City have already qualified via top 4.

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Just for kicks, lets imagine we bring in someone solid in the back and a good midfielder next season, which place are we looking at?

Without any additions we should be looking at top 10 imo. We've had a shocking season riddled with problems and we're still only 3 points off 9th. The big step s getting from 8-10th up any higher, that'll be where we need the really smart signings - and I can't see that happening any time soon

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Just for kicks, lets imagine we bring in someone solid in the back and a good midfielder next season, which place are we looking at?


I still think we could do a lot better than Delph. Bennett looks more of an attacking winger than a defending fullback. Vlaar seems a good leader but gets caught out badly too often for my liking. The rest are fine.

Edited by Kiwivillan
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Quite interesting looking back at a lot of the old posts from around December/January time and reading the amount of regulars on here shouting from the rooftops for the manager to be sacked and claiming all his signings were duds.


While beating relegation – you would have to think reaching 40 points should just about be enough to stay up – isn’t something to be celebrated under normal circumstances it possibly should be on this occasion considering everything Lambert has had to deal with.


He inherited a squad packed with a lot of overpaid players who weren’t interested. He also didn’t have the level of funds to spend in the summer many believed. And he had to try and buy younger players to try and make better and eventually take the club forward.


Benteke......possibly signing of the season. Westwood has been terrific and so has Lowton. All three could be sold for huge profits. Vlaar steadied the ship when he returned from injury and he has got more out of Gabby than any of the previous managers. I’d say that wasn’t and isn’t bad going.


Not every signing has worked out but that is always the case – but the ones he has needed to have and I’d already say the club is in a far, far healthier position than before Lambert took over in terms of the quality and value of the squad.


Nice to see you changing your opinion big John especially. Also, and I know this probably won’t go down so well, but fair play to the owner for not reacting like others owners and sacking for the sake of sacking out of sheer panic. He didn’t spent in the summer but his gamble looks to have worked out and if he offers improved wages to those who deserve it and money to bring in some better and a few more experienced players then you can’t ask for much more than that.


Hopefully the club can get across the finishing line and then start year two of the long-term plan to get this club becoming stronger and stronger. I just hope we don’t see the manager getting it in the neck again for not securing Champions League football next season :P :P :P UTV.



Yes football is one of those sports when fans tend to be reactive rather than looking at the bigger picture.

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Yes I would admit that I seriously thought about Lambert not being up to the job after that omishambles of the winter period. However it looks like thankfully its working itself out, but we are not safe yet. Lambert  put a massive gamble on the future of the club over the signings he made, but it might be okay now. If we stay up, expectation will be higher next year. We need to defend and keep our players. If that happens I would expect a mid table spot. I would not be happy if we have another relegation struggle again- providing we are still in the prem.

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The bigger picture at the moment is that we still aren't safe.

The bigger picture is that we will be safe and he is building something good.

Indeed. What Morpheus is talking about is the small picture surely?



Sounds about as small picture as "we will be safe". Neither staying up or going down is guaranteed yet.


We are building something good - that is the big picture. However, it is much easier to build around quality and you can only attract that while in the top tier of football.

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I'm chuffed to bits with what Paul Lambert has done for Villa this season, okay we had a difficult patch which quite rightly alarmed many fans but (providing we do stay up) he has got the youngest squad in the Premier League playing decent football and for that needs he should be congratulated.


We don't need whole sale player changes this summer as we have done for too long, he can add a few more player in the positions that we have been particularly weak in and this team will not struggle again. I'm not expecting to win this money league, it probably wont happen again in my life time but I do expect a Villa team to really give each and every club we play a game. Under PL I think that's what is starting to happen.

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