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Paul Lambert


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Lets be honest it's the same team Mcleish had + 20 million spends so if we do stay up it's hardly a massive achievement, people are just kidding themselves there.....


....however unlike under Mcleish I see a lot more progression, a blue-print and optimism. The attacking intent we've approached literally every match with has been a huge breath of fresh air. Regardless of the teams we play Lambert will always play on the front foot with attacking formations.


Niave at times yes, humiliating at times yes, but never dull...and potential for (with a few better players) for something very good.


We simply cannot/will not sit back and defend. In some of our away matches this season we've had nearly 20 shots which is amazing really, almost unparalleled for a non top 4 team.


The old skool managers like MON and Mcleish have had their day, there's even hints that possession

tikka takka football may even be slowly losing it's edge as more teams get savy and fitter (chase/hurry - don't sit back).  These German teams are based on creativity, energy and precision and it's what we should be trying to mirror.

Edited by supernova26
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Baker's made some big mistakes this season but the difference I see between him and Clark is that Baker shows signs of learning from his mistakes. Clark seems to make the same mistakes over and over again. I've actually been pretty impressed with Baker's improvement throughout the season (and a little bummed out by Clark's lack thereof). Bennett, who I have been very critical of, has also been showing big signs of improvement in the last several games.


I still think next year we could use another solid CB, LB and a good defensive midfielder. More important than players though might be a new defensive coach.

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I have been criticized by some on here for saying this before but I still believe Lambert will have done a remarkable job if he keeps us up this season. In terms of the players he bought in at the start of the season and in January I am not sure if he was dealt that hand or he would have chosen the same hand had he have had more money to spend. Perhaps a little of both. What is certain though is that he has signed some very good young players, combined them with the best of our own academy players,who all have great potential and who seem to have an excellent attitude. Under him we have also seen the rebirth of Gabby and seen Delph develop into the player we thought we had signed. Together they have been dragged through the dirt at times and had to learn the hard way. Lambert though as stuck by them through some very, very tough times and with the faith he has shown in them, combined with their own eagerness to learn and succeed and keep battling it seems we will now retain our Premier League status.

Despite the lows in a strange way I've enjoyed this season, loved seeing the young lads learn, develop and show a willingness to knuckle down and work their bollocks off for this great club and Lambert has to take credit for much of that. He has molded a team and built a real spirit amongst them that had been lacking for too long at this club. He has also made a number of mistakes. Much like the players though he is learning but I just feel he has that something about him that will see him ultimately succeed.

Beyond this season I think we have some very good times to look forward to under Lambert. The likes of Lowton, Baker, Bennett, Westwood, Weimann, Delph, Sylla and Benteke if he stays will be even stronger next season for the experience they have gained this season.With those players alongside the likes of Gabby, Vlaar and Guzan and another 3 or 4 astute signings over the summer then I fully expect us to hit the ground running next season.

I was over the moon when Lambert came last summer and I still feel the same now having him as the manager of the club I love. This club could well be about to take off again. There is a real unity being built amongst the supporters to get right behind these players and this manager and a real desire to see them succeed and long may that continue.

Great post, agree with many if your sentiments. Despite lambert's tactical fallibility, I still back him as much as day one.

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I would like to say I always had faith in Lambert getting this team ticking, well I did up to mid January.

I've always liked his philosophy in signing young players, I just thought maybe it was to much to soon.

I'm glad he seems to have got it to work, but it's been close. If it had taken another month, or we had another glut of injuries I think we would have dropped.

But now I'm starting to get cautiously optimistic about next season. 4 or 5 new faces with some deadwood leaving I really think we could push for comfortably top half.

I remember someone at the club pre season saying if we get through this season, next season will be very exciting. I can't remember who it was, but it's got me thinking...

Edited by Oaks
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'I wouldn't sell Clark. He is a bit like Paolo Maldini' :lol:


I will admit, a few months ago I wanted Lambert gone. Looking back, it was awful and embarrassing to be a Villa fan.


However, I am willing to take what I give out and admit I was wrong. He is starting to show he does have a plan of sorts, players he has signed are coming good and that like anything in life, things take time.


The way to look at it is who would have been able to do the job he's doing? He has been tasked with cutting costs, thus having to bring in relatively unknown lower League players and try to keep us in the Premiership.


I do think over Winter he was clueless but that may have been down to picking the wrong players in the right formation. This 4-3-3 suits the best 11 Lambert has to his disposal and when it has really mattered Lambert has got it right.


A club like this shouldn't have had 2 or 3 different managers in 2 or 3 seasons. Stability is the key to a lot of things and under Lambert, providing we stay up, the future is starting to look bright again. At least we are playing Football unlike the tripe served up last season.


A manager is often judged on his decisions. Two alone this season bode well that he knows what he's doing - 1. signing Benteke and 2. Getting Guzan back and sticking him as number 1 has been a masterstroke.


So, well done Lambert, you've got me back onside cos' I was at my wits end.

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I think there's a lot of potential for the future if we stay up.

But I still can't agree that keeping this team up is classed as a remarkable job.


This sums it up.


Lambert has done well to turn around what were truly abysmal performances over Christmas....


... but he's also responsible for that period and that is why we are where we are.


Still, I remain confident that this is the beginning of an upward trend so long as we stay up and Lambert remains in charge.

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I've been more impressed with Lambert recently and more hopeful for the future. I'm starting to go back to how I felt about him at the start of the season.

But for me a remarkable season doesn't include worst ever premiership start, most amount of goals conceded for around 27 years, losing to Bradford over 2 legs and having 3 games that had a combined score line of 15-0.

Sunderland showed what potentially this club can do under Lambert.

I'm now a little more confident that next season may well be classed as remarkable.

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Lets be honest it's the same team Mcleish had + 20 million spends so if we do stay up it's hardly a massive achievement, people are just kidding themselves there.....


....however unlike under Mcleish I see a lot more progression, a blue-print and optimism. The attacking intent we've approached literally every match with has been a huge breath of fresh air. Regardless of the teams we play Lambert will always play on the front foot with attacking formations.


Niave at times yes, humiliating at times yes, but never dull...and potential for (with a few better players) for something very good.


We simply cannot/will not sit back and defend. In some of our away matches this season we've had nearly 20 shots which is amazing really, almost unparalleled for a non top 4 team.


The old skool managers like MON and Mcleish have had their day, there's even hints that possession

tikka takka football may even be slowly losing it's edge as more teams get savy and fitter (chase/hurry - don't sit back).  These German teams are based on creativity, energy and precision and it's what we should be trying to mirror.

I disagree with your first sentence.For whatever reasons,the entire McLeish back 4 was replaced,mainly with youngsters.The two full backs had no PL experience between them,nor did Vlar.Looking back,this was a recipie for disaster & confidence was destroyed for a period of the season.When the team has confidence,they play some really entertaining football.


The rest of your post is spot on.Since the Millwall debacle,we've played 6 winnable games-Won 5 & Drew 1.I really can see a future for the nucleous of this side-Something I would never have dreamt back in December or January.


Lambert must take a large portion of the credit for this-He's had the balls to take on a job that many managers wouldn't touch with a barge pole & stick with his faith in the youngsters when it looked from the outside like the team were in freefall.


A bit of investment in the defence & midfield,keep our strike force & we could see a very good Villa side next season.

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Firstly its absolutely amazing how one result albeit a fantastic performance can change the mood so much on here. The Sunderland game was a release for all of us having to preside over what has otherwise been a dreadful season. However please just consider that our team is just as likely to lose the next game as win it although our recent results would hopefully suggest the latter.


Its premature to suggest that Lambert is 'remarkable' based on what must be one result because we have spent most of the season in the bottom half of the table and dropped into the bottom three even with one of the best keepers and young strikers in the Premiership. Yes Lambert did sign Benteke and he did retain Guzan but lets not get too far ahead of ourselves especially when we are by no means out of trouble yet. 

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Lets be honest it's the same team Mcleish had + 20 million spends so if we do stay up it's hardly a massive achievement, people are just kidding themselves there.....


You are kidding yourself mate if you think that's true. In fact it's a load of tosh.









Have they all featured this yr?

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I think there's a lot of potential for the future if we stay up.

But I still can't agree that keeping this team up is classed as a remarkable job.

Keeping us up isn't a remarkable job, it's the absolute bare minimum demand on Lambert.

Releagtion is a failure any way you look at it. Taking an underperforming almost relegated PL-team and adding £20 million worth of players and hopefully finishing 16-17th is ok(ish) if you like Lambert is building for the future and lowering wages it's a slightly better achievemt, but in no way is it remarkable, impressive, extraordinary or even great.

It's ok

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In my opinion the best way to look at a manager is how he left the club, look at where McLeish left us, a squad of absolute trouble makers on big money, Hutton at right back, being crippled by wages. What were people expecting Lambert to come in and wave a magic wand and we'd automatically go from 16th to 10th? I said at the start of the season that 17th was my minimum requirement and I'd have snapped your hand off for it. We've a better, cheaper, younger, hungrier squad and we're moving up rather than down, granted it's been far from perfect but he's done well. 

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You mention rewriting history and point out that we nearly got relegated last year. But from what I remember that was all put on Mcleish and his poor performance. I don't remember many arguing on here that the squad was one that should have been in that position. Also in terms of rewriting history I don't remember this same attitude at the end of the summer transfer window. Robbie Savage claimed we would be in a relegation battle in the media and I don't remember many agreeing with him. I and others said they expected a relegation battle for the year and again I don't remember many agreeing with us and I really don't remember anyone in the summer saying it would be remarkable to stay in the league.

I think he had a tough job and I think he had to work under difficult restrictions but I also think he's made mistakes that have led to some of our issues and for the reasons I pointed out earlier i just can't see this as a remarkable achievement.

I think it's great that future plans are put in place and that he is trying to build something but we're still not safe yet and I don't agree that gambling with the long term future of the club was the only way to go about this new project.

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That's all fair comment John and I'm also not trying to claim that everything this season went the way we thought it would. We absolutely were (or are...) closer to relegation than most non-girlie haired people thought we would be. But it doesn't change the fact that this season was always going to be a season of transition. As much as most of us thought we'd be midtable, we can agree that no-one thought we'd be winning anything, so therefore as long as we stayed up and put something in place then it would be a good platform for subsequent seasons. That's what looks like happening. The ride wasn't always enjoyable but even though we sailed so close to the wind, we're going to be all the better for it from now on.

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McLeish had a shit team but he was also a shit manager taking us further into the mire, playing the worst football I have ever seen, buying players like Hutton, and he had a bad cv where he had relegated the noses twice. Night and day to what has happened this season where Lambert has refreshed the squad and tried to instill a better philosophy, and to Lambert, who has the exact opposite cv, filled with success at turning a club in a mess around. 


Yes, it has clearly taken time to get the team performing but, I hazard a guess, the task of turning Aston Villa around from the godawful state we have been in is not something that happens easily, and without the odd setback. And yes, I count the christmas period as a setback, and losing to Bradford, they are all setbacks but what matters most is the long term health of the club and building a real solid base now. We could get that with Lambert—we were NEVER going to get that with Mcleish.

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That too mambo. McLeish absolutely made a bad squad worse. I didn't even particularly have a problem with his starting 11, given what was at his disposal. He often picked quite attacking line-ups, but just sent them out with very defensive instructions. But the point you're also making; which I agree with; is that as bad as McLeish was, the squad he had was bad too and required an immediate overhaul.

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