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Honestly Rich? You think just two players would make a difference to this team, after what's gone on this season?

I would certainly look to offload Ireland, Bent, Dunne, Hutton, N'Zogbia, Bannan & The Fonz. We've got Albrighton and Gardner to come back. I'd use Bennett as cover for the wings and get a new left back in who can actually defend. We need a defensive minded midfielder, someone who senses danger and can tackle with intimidation. We need a big, strong central defender who gets stuck in. I think we also need a playmaker, someone who can find our attacker's a bit quicker and who can see the runs in from the wide positions and thread a ball through.

One thing I forgot to mention about Lambert is that he has to take a lot of credit for giving such young and inexperienced players the belief and self confidence to not cave in and accept relegation. Confidence has pretty much been high despite the results and that must surely be down to Lambert and he deserves a lot of credit for that.

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Yep just a few for me.

The big complaint this season has been that the players are inexperienced. Well a lot of that will be rectified by the time next season starts. Of the players you have said we should offload I would keep Nzogbia and the rest haven't featured much in the first team anyway, so do they need replacing? Or can we just get rid?

I mean who would you replace in the current first team if we need that many players? There aren't many I'd replace. That's why I think new central defender and wide midfielder.

The dm you want is sylla by the way. Seen enough already to prove he can be that for us

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The problem is that it was a vicious circle, confidence and belief are the driving force in any team, take man u, there defense is average but they believe that they will score more goals than other teams, PL had to deal with 2 years of negativity behind the club, low confidence, financial constraints, behind the doors squabbles  billy big boots players, bad attitudes, a squad with no method or will to work for their team mates, are you really surprised it has took this long to see things start to change for the better,

As for the money, if we stay up which I feel we will then there will no doubt be a substancial war chest as we have the extra money from the tv, more players off the books, and a sustainable wage structure.

If any thing we should be feeling optimistic and finally be able to get rid of all this negativity we have on this forum.

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People claim they understand giving a manager time, but they really dont.


Nail on the head. A few months is not giving time. I appreciate if the manager is not good enough, its just not working out or if results are truly appalling then you have to call time. But with Lambert he had to deal with a huge amount of issues, coupled with him trying to play football with a team who lack experience, quality in a number of positions and importantly, the Villa players from the previous season had a season of playing completely different football ( if i can call it that ).


If we go down, I wont shift the blame to much on Lambert. Certainly mistakes have been made hear and there which have cost us a few points but alot of the points thrown away he cant legislate for, its just our team panicking, put it down to experience put it down to the situation at the time, but I have always understood how were progressing under him and i can recognise where he wants to take us. For that reason, I am more than happy to give him time. 

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I think we are a few good experienced players in midfield and defence away from being a good side next season if we survive. 3 wins in 4 and with 4 in the last 7 (with 3 narrow losses to Liverpool, City and Arsenal) is a pretty good run we're on. Apart from the horrid run in December/January, I think PL is doing a good job of slowly turning around the absolute shit this club has been in the past 2/3 seasons. And while we all hoped it would be an instant turnaround and found it hard to swallow what has happened this season, I'm sure PL will show us in these last few games that he is the man for the job.

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Yep just a few for me.

The big complaint this season has been that the players are inexperienced. Well a lot of that will be rectified by the time next season starts. Of the players you have said we should offload I would keep Nzogbia and the rest haven't featured much in the first team anyway, so do they need replacing? Or can we just get rid?

I mean who would you replace in the current first team if we need that many players? There aren't many I'd replace. That's why I think new central defender and wide midfielder.

The dm you want is sylla by the way. Seen enough already to prove he can be that for us


I would like to see at least one new CB brought in to partner Vlaar. To be honest though, I am not sure he is as good as I thought he would be. We definitely need a new left back, someone who can defend. I don't think Sylla is defensive minded at all. Last week he was playing in behind Benteke for most of the first half. I think our most defensive minded midfielder is Delph and I am not convinced he's good enough for that role. I think that all of our midfielders would rather be further up the pitch so I would definitely buy a big, combative midfielder to sit in front of the back four. The playmaker I am referring to is someone who can do something a little different, someone who can pick a pass or spot a run. Someone who can make a little run and draw players to him to create space for others to run into. There's only one player in that midfield with an inkling of that in his game and that's N'Zogbia and he is far too inconsistent to be trusted with that role. Maybe Ireland could be that man but I think there's too much water under the bridge for him to ever feature for us again.


We've struggled all season and 3 wins in 4 against struggling teams shouldn't paper over the cracks that are clear for all to see. The strikeforce is one to be reckoned with but the rest of the outfield needs working on, in my opinion. Whether Lerner will give Lambert the funds to do that is another question.

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Maybe Ireland could be that man but I think there's too much water under the bridge for him to ever feature for us again.


Who's this Ireland you speak of

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People claim they understand giving a manager time, but they really dont.

Giving a manager time doesn't guarantee success. Managers need to show that giving them time will lead to good things.

Lambert has shown that already for me.

Lets be under no illusions the guy inherited an absolute shambles. A team that had been on a rapid downward spiral for two seasons. That had spent around 90% of the previous two seasons in or just outside the relegation zone. A squad of players that contained a number of older players that seemed to have peaked 2 years previously and were now going through the motions happy to pick up there 30k - 50k a week wages for minimal effort, and a sprinkling of promising young players who lacked experience and didn't have the right role models with in the club to work alongside them and help them kick on. You can add into that mix the fact that he came into a club whose supporters had become increasingly disillusioned with attendances having rapidly declined. It was a total mess.

To remedy the above he had a 17 mill net spend over the summer and whilst spending it he had to reduce the wage bill. It was never going to be enough to turn things around as he simply couldn't sign the numbers required whilst at the same time adding the proven quality we lacked. As time has gone on it has shown for that 17 mill net spend he made some excellent signings. Westwood and Benteke are real gems, Lowton and Vlaar look very good, Bennett has improved of late and looks to have potential and Bowery given the peanuts he cost, his age and the level he had played at has held his own when called upon. The only disappointment has been KEA but as I have stated previously when you are shopping in the bargain basement you are far more likely to sign the odd dud. Lets also not forget it was Lambert who went out and resigned Guzan who has been a revelation this season.

Given the number of new players with in the club and their lack of experience alongside the young players he inherited it was always going to take time to mold them. To come up with a system that suited them. There is no doubting that he tried a number of systems that simply didn't work and for me he persisted with the 5 at the back for too long. However I am happy to forgive him that as he seems to have learned from it which is all you can ask.

Overall for me Lambert has done well. Given the shambles he inherited, the money he had to spend in the summer and the lack of backing he received in January. I have been confident since I came out of Villa Park after we had lost to Newcastle that we would stay up. I saw a spirit and determination with in the players in that second half that convinced me we had enough about us to get us out of trouble. Lambert has instilled that spirit amongst these players. They have took far more kicks in the teeth and been under far more pressure than any young player should have to endure but they have dusted themselves down and come out fighting. It has made me a very proud Aston Villa fan watching them develop and see them give their all for us despite the numerous knocks along the way.

As Lambert said yesterday we will be far stronger for the tough experiences gained this season and I dare say given he is a young and relatively inexperienced manger he included himself in that. With decent backing we have a very good future to look forward to under Lambert. He has laid some very good foundations this season both in terms of ability and the mentality he has instilled with in the squad and with the addition of 3 or 4 players over the summer, and I have no doubt Lambert will sign the right players, then we will really kick on next season.

When the going got tough this season, and it has been really tough with battles still to be won, manager, players and fans have all come together. I'm personally excited by our future under Lambert and I think a lot of supporters are as there is a real unity about the club being built again and I'd advise any doubters to come join us.

Great post Mark.

I agree with everything there, especially around the 5 defender disaster - I think he has taken a hammering about that, but it's done now (and I don't think he'll try it again!).

We're not out of the woods yet, but we have given ourselves a great chance to not only stay up, but also finish mid-table.

Hopefully once Dunne, Ireland, Given etc are off the wage bill, we can bring in a few more experienced players this summer to integrate with some of the talented youngsters we already have!

Feeling very, very positive today.

Up the f***ing Villa!! Paul Lambert's Claret and Blue army!!

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It has made me a very proud Aston Villa fan watching them develop and see them give their all for us despite the numerous knocks along the way.


I think that's probably the biggest reason why I feel better about this season even though we're still worse off points-wise right now than we were at the same stage last season.


(Let's not forget we're still far from safe though)

Edited by legov
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We are getting a fair few plaudits for sticking with our manager. I like Lambert, I like his philosophy about how he wants his team to pay football. 


IF we stay up and Benteke stays I think we will surprise a few next season. If Lambert is given £20-30 million, which one would hope he is, then I think we can really kick on.


Resigning Guzan and signing Benteke, Lowton and Westwood shows that he can pick a player. I have been Bennett's worst critic but he seems to be settling down a bit and I hope I can eat my words about him! Vlaar isn't a world beater, but neither is he a duffer. KEA however hasn't shown anything to suggest he will come good here.


Considering he spent £17 million net and brought those players in shows that on the whole he is pretty astute in the transfer market. I would take this over our transfer policy in recent years. Having said that, I hope we bring in a little more experience to support our younger players next season.


Its all about survival, but if we do survive then I think we will kick on. 

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In the summer Lambert must do something about Vlaar, Clark and Baker. They are all accidents waiting to happen, I wouldnt mind Robert Huth from Stoke after they get relegated

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In the summer Lambert must do something about Vlaar, Clark and Baker. They are all accidents waiting to happen, I wouldnt mind Robert Huth from Stoke after they get relegated


The same Huth who was absolutely woeful yesterday? The same Huth who Stoke fans think is past it? ok

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In the summer Lambert must do something about Vlaar, Clark and Baker. They are all accidents waiting to happen, I wouldnt mind Robert Huth from Stoke after they get relegated


The same Huth who was absolutely woeful yesterday? The same Huth who Stoke fans think is past it? ok

Huth isnt past it.

Stoke are past it as a club. Hoofball only works for so long as wimbledon found out. Stoke are the most dire team in the league followed closely by sunderland.

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In the summer Lambert must do something about Vlaar, Clark and Baker. They are all accidents waiting to happen, I wouldnt mind Robert Huth from Stoke after they get relegated


A MON signing. In lambo we trust - he'll find the missing piece's for that defence, and wont be a player looking for a final pay day.

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I cant quite understand how someone would question our defense then want Huth.


Apart from being big and a commanding presence in the air, he is a poor poor defender and would only continue to our defensive woes. His performances over the last 2 seasons have been declining and I feel his form was down to the way Stoke played, it suited his style. 


In a team which is trying to begin to play football Huth would be shocking, particuarly now that he isnt even on form and as others have suggested is past it.


I think Vlaar hasnt been the sensational defender we all wanted, that being said the defense does look more organised with him in it. If we bring in a CB next season id be very happy, but please god not Huth. I dont think Lambert would sign a player like that anyway, forgetting my doubts about his ability, just the fact he is getting to the twilight of his career and Lambert wants hungry, motivated players.

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Agreed, I think it's very unlikely we will sign someone from another Prem club.  I'm sure Lambert will have several different ideas as to who he could bring in from Europe depending on the money he is given.  It's a bit more refreshing than our transfer policy of the past where we didn't seem to know about anyone beyond the Premier League or UEFA Cup sides.  So long as we complete the job and stay up I'm really looking forward to seeing what Lambert does.  He and Randy may have corrected the wage issue in one season whilst staying in the Premier League which would be some achievement, and we can start to grow again.

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I think Lambo will continue to go thrift shopping. PL players are over priced since we all see them and it'll be easier to slide a relative newcomer to the league next year since this team will be a bit more experienced

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In the summer Lambert must do something about Vlaar, Clark and Baker. They are all accidents waiting to happen, I wouldnt mind Robert Huth from Stoke after they get relegated


I would rather take upson.. Is he still alive? lol

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