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Paul Lambert


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I'm the last one that wants to change managers again and think Lambert needs time but if we lose to Baggies and get knocked out by Bradford that's about as untenable territory as one can get.

Agreed - loose both games, I don't see how he can stay.

I like his no nonsense aproach - He reminds me of Graham Taylor when he come in, made some brave and big calls - unfortunatley a lot of his big calls have backfired. I wouldn't be surprised if he goes on to be a reasonable manager after villa - But I have said for few weeks I don't see him turning this round.

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I honestly think we have a bigger chance of staying up with a new manager, be it RDM, Bert van Marwijk or someone else.

With Lambert im almost sure we will be relegated, new signings or not. A new manager might, just might give us a brief lift and a few extra points. It won't make a huge difference as our squad is poor and unbalanced, but Lambert has so far been an absolute failure in every way and doesn't deserve to stay.

I really don't get the "If we sack Lambert we'll be in big trouble". How much more trouble can we be in? It's not like we'll be even more relegated.

i think you're forgetting that at the moment, its probably a 50% chance that we'll get relegated (if you look at it objectively and not as a Villa fan).

There's probably a 50% chance that a new manager will make things better , and a 50% chance that a new manager will make things worse.

so its a gamble whichever way you go.

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The way I see it is if we lose both games, yeah we're in trouble.

But what's more likely to get us out of it?

Lambert's team, methods, signings etc finally clicking and getting somewhere...

... or a completely new manager (what sort of standard of manager we could attract I'm not sure of) basically starting again?

That's a real question, I'm not sure.

For me it's probably the former. As bad as we're doing, I still think it's down to the very poor squad (part of which has to be put on Lambert's shoulders, no shirking the blame there). It's not a case of the team underperforming (much) and a new manager coming in being able to boost them and getting them playing back to how they should be.

I'm just not sure a new manager would give us that boost. I think there is an equally high chance of it nto working at all and we'd be in the same position or worse with a different manager.

I'm honestly not sure myself.

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Look around and see there are not that many good managers, if any are out of work and looking for a job then ask why, PL was taken on for the long term to change the club from the ground upwards, although it has all turned to rats at the moment none of us can say how it will end up,

We have constantly heard about behind the scenes problems with certain players who PL has banished, he has had a big problem with injuries and confidence,

I keep hearing he is the worst manager ever, really funny how he is so highly rated by players and professionals.

How many managers have we had in the last few years, all of them apparently incompetent and shit, really,

Maybe as anybody in the know points out there are alot bigger problems than the manager, problems the manager needs time to fix, we always blame the manager, replace him and start the cycle again, we need to hold tight and give the man time to show what he can do long term, how many managers in the past could have been sacked in the first year but turned things around,

As has been said before the Chelsea match we were seeing an improvement, We now have players coming back who can actually change things for us, Now the games have stopped coming thick and fast he can work with the players,

Maybe he will fail, I am not a fortune reader but what I do know is we have to brake this cycle and become a stable club to encourage both progress with the players and also to encourage future signings to want to come to us. at the moment it may not be possible to bring in players as we are not settled and give off the wrong impression to players we want.

You have to have players come in who want to play for the club and not mercenaries looking for a pension fund.

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I just think Lambert needs to make us a tighter unit and harder to beat. Our problem right now is the pressure is all on the attackers because they know that the other end is leaking goals for fun. We need to alleviate that pressure and let them go about their business without that added responsibility.

I want to see us play with our best attacking players and our best defensive players on the pitch. I am hoping for this strating line-up when all fit enough:







I know it has 6 defensive minded players on the pitch and I hated that under McDuff's management but we are bleeding goals at the moment and they just need some help in front of them to make us a bit more solid. Besides that, Clark does like to get forward at times and can be a threat from any crosses going into the box.

That team is probably as good as we can get right now and should be playing IMO.

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i think you're forgetting that at the moment, its probably a 50% chance that we'll get relegated (if you look at it objectively and not as a Villa fan).

There's probably a 50% chance that a new manager will make things better , and a 50% chance that a new manager will make things worse.

so its a gamble whichever way you go.

Absolutely, im not stating facts or saying i can see into the future, just my opinion.

For me there is more than 50% risk we'll get relegated as i don't think Lambert combined with our squad is up for the fight. But with a new manager i feel there just might be a slim chance we'll get a lift. I don't see that lift coming with Lambert as our manager.

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Yes great idea, sack, sack and sack again.

How's that working out for you lads? FFS yes he is struggling and yes I'm sure he has made mistakes but this constant turn around in managers is one of the root causes of the shambles that is Aston Villa today.

Holding our nerve now is what is needed, yes RL MUST dig deep to help Lambert but he needs to spend whatever he is given wisely. It's not FM or some other crap computer game this is real shit but we have a manager who can if given the resources proved us with a team that can compete so to continue with the calls for him to be sacked IMO will only make a bad situation worse.

Even if we do end up relegated I think he should be given the chance to return us the the Premier League afterall he has done this sucessfully with Norwich although I hope it doesn't come to this.

Edited by SeanO
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I've got a feeling PL is on his way! If that happens I think we are doomed. RDM is a long long way from being the right man for the job

RL and PF are unwilling to 'fess up and have been hiding behind PL - the targets that came in during the summer were the bottom picks on a long list that PL gave the club - the same is now happening with the January targets. Expect Dale Stephens to arrive on the 31st (actually don't because PL won't be here then and then RL and PF can save a little bit more money)

PL has taken a load of shit in the media and on various forums but the real culprits are RL and PF. If a guy like PL, who agreed to work on a tight budget, can't make this work who the **** do you they think can

I said on here a few weeks ago - be careful what you wish for

Yes great idea, sack, sack and sack again.

How's that working out for you lads? FFS yes he is struggling and yes I'm sure he has made mistakes but this constant turn around in managers is one of the root causes of the shambles that is Aston Villa today.

Holding our nerve now is what is needed, yes RL MUST dig deep to help Lambert but he needs to spend whatever he is given wisely. It's not FM or some other crap computer game this is real shit but we have a manager who can if given the resources proved us with a team that can compete so to continue with the calls for him to be sacked IMO will only make a bad situation worse.

Even if we do end up relegated I think he should be given the chance to return us the the Premier League afterall he has done this sucessfully with Norwich although I hope it doesn't come to this.

Spot on Sean - sadly RL is doing his bit to ensure we are well and truly ****

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I don't think the sacking of managers is the reason we're in trouble. It's hiring the wrong manager again and again that is the trouble, and im afriad Lambert might be the wrong manager for us atm.

Continuity is no good if it's continually bad.

As for Lambert tightening up our defence it's just not the area where he is at his best, at least not if you look at his record up to now.

The biggest blame lies with Lerner, no doubt about it, but Lambert hasn't delivered

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The weather may save lambert ironically. But let's say the games do go ahead. WBA Bradford Millwall Newcastle. I think the Millwall game is irrelevant but WBA and Bradford are both big games. If lambert can win those 2 I think we have a chance of turning this nightmare around. If we get a hammering at WBA (very feasible) and go out v Bradford i would say his tenure will be touch and go.

My own view is the lethargy shown by our board means they would sit quietly and watch him relegate us ie. same as they've done all season so far

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The weather may save lambert ironically. But let's say the games do go ahead. WBA Bradford Millwall Newcastle. I think the Millwall game is irrelevant but WBA and Bradford are both big games. If lambert can win those 2 I think we have a chance of turning this nightmare around. If we get a hammering at WBA (very feasible) and go out v Bradford i would say his tenure will be touch and go.

My own view is the lethargy shown by our board means they would sit quietly and watch him relegate us ie. same as they've done all season so far

I heard right from the outset the Faulkner was against his appointment - I just wonder if he has been stitched up. Whatever happens we need a football person on the board.

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I heard right from the outset the Faulkner was against his appointment - I just wonder if he has been stitched up. Whatever happens we need a football person on the board.

Well that isn't great when you got the CEO and Owner in disagreement , who did PF want then ?

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Still think if PL is sacked then we are just gong round in circles again. By the sounds of it PL has been working with the "goal posts" being constantly moved as hairy hands says.. Randy Learner and Paul Faulkner are the real issue here, got the fans onboard by getting Lambert in then pretty much fooked off and have hung him out to dry. Thats how I see it and until RL an PF are gone we shall forever be less and less the great club of our past and sliding ever closer to lower league obscurity.

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Still think if PL is sacked then we are just gong round in circles again. By the sounds of it PL has been working with the "goal posts" being constantly moved as hairy hands says.. Randy Learner and Paul Faulkner are the real issue here, got the fans onboard by getting Lambert in then pretty much fooked off and have hung him out to dry. Thats how I see it and until RL an PF are gone we shall forever be less and less the great club of our past and sliding ever closer to lower league obscurity.

That is spot on

The fact PL hasn't told them to **** off is massive credit to him. He could easily walk and point to the lack of backing and he would be in another job within days. If, IF Lambert stays and gets us out of this mess he deserves the thanks of every Villa supporter because IMO he is our only hope

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But if that's the case why hasn't Lambert walked by now

He's on a hiding to nothing by staying here if the board are not going to back him

From what I hear people close to him are surprised he hasn't walked - all credit to him, it shows the character of the man

I know that he has a fairly good relationship with RL, maybe there is something around the financial situation that RL has shared and that PL understands and buys into

If Lambert were to go we are **** - RDM? don't make me laugh

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