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Paul Lambert


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Sacking Lambert now would be completely moronic. 

Those who say he should be sacked but offer no alternative choice of manager because "it's not their job" should stop calling for him to be sacked as that's not your job either.


this, this, a million times this.


You can't say 'get rid' then completely avoid the question of who'd you get to replace him. It's pretty funny though :D


Why, is there some unwritten rule that only you and a select few know about that says fans can't be disgruntled with their manager and call for him to be sacked unless they have a replacement waiting in the wings?


No, but the fact that it's so hard to think of a manager who would be happy to come in, work under the same financial restrictions as Lambert whilst improving the style of football and results surely shows how stupid the idea of sacking him now is? Surely?  


It's easy to say sack him, but what then? Do you really trust the board to find someone who will do all of the above? 


If we were 19th i'd understand. But we're 11th FFS.

Edited by PieFacE
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Sacking Lambert now would be completely moronic. 

Those who say he should be sacked but offer no alternative choice of manager because "it's not their job" should stop calling for him to be sacked as that's not your job either.


this, this, a million times this.


You can't say 'get rid' then completely avoid the question of who'd you get to replace him. It's pretty funny though :D


Why, is there some unwritten rule that only you and a select few know about that says fans can't be disgruntled with their manager and call for him to be sacked unless they have a replacement waiting in the wings?


No, but the fact that it's so hard to think of a manager who would be happy to come in, work under the same financial restrictions as Lambert whilst improving the style of football and results surely shows how stupid the idea of sacking him now is? Surely?  


It's easy to say sack him, but what then? Do you really trust the board to find someone who will do all of the above? 


If we were 19th i'd understand. But we're 11th FFS.



Said it better than I could.

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Sacking Lambert now would be completely moronic. 

Those who say he should be sacked but offer no alternative choice of manager because "it's not their job" should stop calling for him to be sacked as that's not your job either.


this, this, a million times this.


You can't say 'get rid' then completely avoid the question of who'd you get to replace him. It's pretty funny though :D


Why, is there some unwritten rule that only you and a select few know about that says fans can't be disgruntled with their manager and call for him to be sacked unless they have a replacement waiting in the wings?


No, but the fact that it's so hard to think of a manager who would be happy to come in, work under the same financial restrictions as Lambert whilst improving the style of football and results surely shows how stupid the idea of sacking him now is? Surely?  


It's easy to say sack him, but what then? Do you really trust the board to find someone who will do all of the above? 


If we were 19th i'd understand. But we're 11th FFS.


Give it a few more weeks and we will be closer to 19th than 11th.

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So we get rid of him and rebuild YET again? 



Yep.  What other choice is there?  He isn't going to magically transform his style of playing, even if he is given more money.

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If I felt like we could sack Lambert and bring in someone who would immediately make us a better side, I'd be all over letting him go.


Unfortunately I look at that side and the realistic prospects of us adding to it to improve it and I just don't see what any manager we could bring in is going to do to make it any better. The squad is shit. And there's not enough money to really do anything about it, and there won't be for the foreseeable.

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So we get rid of him and rebuild YET again? 



Yep.  What other choice is there?  He isn't going to magically transform his style of playing, even if he is given more money.



If we get even worse under the new manager, then what? 

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Sacking Lambert now would be completely moronic. 

Those who say he should be sacked but offer no alternative choice of manager because "it's not their job" should stop calling for him to be sacked as that's not your job either.


Is anyone really surprised that we're a shambles at the back without Vlaar? We were last season, we've much improved this season with him playing, but now he's injured again we look like we did at Xmas last season.

We were incredibly unlucky with Okore. Would he have been the answer for when Vlaar was injured? Not sure. But he couldn't do much worse, could he?

However, I'd probably make it top priority in January to go get another experienced centre back. Even if it's on loan. Clark and Baker look so much better when they're not playing together.  


As I said earlier, our midfield is just shite. Westwood, KEA, Sylla and Delph are all good players in their own right. But none of them are good between the lines. None of them are a physical presence who can offer the back four protection when the full backs push on. None of them have that creative spark in them to pass the ball through the eye of the needle. We really need to spend about 15m on two players who can play between the lines. I'm hoping in either January or the summer window we'll be able to fill the gaps.

What a ridiculous argument. As paying fans we can say what we like and if neccessary complain about the ability and suitability of the manager. When the fans turned totally against McLeish they didn't have to say who should replace them before he was given the boot.

Lambert took over a poor to mediocre squad that was going nowhere and now we have a poor to mediocre squad that is going nowhere. In my opinion he has no chance of taking us further.

All that said I no longer trust the idiots who run our club to pick the right man or give them the investment to take us forward.

They might as well close their eyes and pick one out of a hat!

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Sacking Lambert now would be completely moronic. 

Those who say he should be sacked but offer no alternative choice of manager because "it's not their job" should stop calling for him to be sacked as that's not your job either.


Is anyone really surprised that we're a shambles at the back without Vlaar? We were last season, we've much improved this season with him playing, but now he's injured again we look like we did at Xmas last season.

We were incredibly unlucky with Okore. Would he have been the answer for when Vlaar was injured? Not sure. But he couldn't do much worse, could he?

However, I'd probably make it top priority in January to go get another experienced centre back. Even if it's on loan. Clark and Baker look so much better when they're not playing together.  


As I said earlier, our midfield is just shite. Westwood, KEA, Sylla and Delph are all good players in their own right. But none of them are good between the lines. None of them are a physical presence who can offer the back four protection when the full backs push on. None of them have that creative spark in them to pass the ball through the eye of the needle. We really need to spend about 15m on two players who can play between the lines. I'm hoping in either January or the summer window we'll be able to fill the gaps.

What a ridiculous argument. As paying fans we can say what we like and if neccessary complain about the ability and suitability of the manager. When the fans turned totally against McLeish they didn't have to say who should replace them before he was given the boot.

Lambert took over a poor to mediocre squad that was going nowhere and now we have a poor to mediocre squad that is going nowhere. In my opinion he has no chance of taking us further.

All that said I no longer trust the idiots who run our club to pick the right man or give them the investment to take us forward.

They might as well close their eyes and pick one out of a hat!


Isn't that what they have been doing all along?

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If we were 19th i'd understand. But we're 11th FFS.



I think its fantastic that we are 11th but that's masking a million and one problems for me. We are dire to watch and based on performances being honest I would have to say we should be way lower. Beyond our first 11 our squad is crap overall.

Oh by the way I say that as someone who likes Lambert and doesn't want to see him sacked.

Edited by markavfc40
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I don't believe Lambert should go....yet! But im sorry, if you still think he is doing a good job answer me this? Why can he not get Benteke back to form. Why do all the players heads drop after 1 goal, still after nearly 2seasons. Where has the entertaining attacking football gone. And why does he still not know his best team.

seriously any other manager with this useless home form would certainly be on the ropes. It seems he cannot get the players working hard anymore. Benteke has had enough time to prove himself now, Lambert needs the bottle to sub him off after 30 mins if he is not performing.

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Our first 11 on form can compete. We have shown this but as soon as just a couple of players lose form/have injuries we struggle and look a complete shambles.

On top of this our off the ball movement is non-existent and we waste possession far too easily currently.

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After almost one and a half seasons in charge I would expect to see a noticeable improvement in our play as well as our results. What I have witnessed this season does not fill me full of confidence that this is happening or will happen anytime soon.

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If I felt like we could sack Lambert and bring in someone who would immediately make us a better side, I'd be all over letting him go.


Unfortunately I look at that side and the realistic prospects of us adding to it to improve it and I just don't see what any manager we could bring in is going to do to make it any better. The squad is shit. And there's not enough money to really do anything about it, and there won't be for the foreseeable.



I think those three lines above just about sum things up in terms of where we are as a club. All a bit sad really.

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If we were 19th i'd understand. But we're 11th FFS.



I think its fantastic that we are 11th but that's masking a million and one problems for me. We are dire to watch and based on performances being honest I would have to say we should be way lower. Beyond our first 11 our squad is crap overall.

Oh by the way I say that as someone who likes Lambert and doesn't want to see him sacked.


I fully agree that the standard of football is pretty dire to watch. It has been for 3 or 4 years now. 


It's a tough situation though, you may disagree with me on this Mark, but  I genuinely do not believe we have the players who are capable of playing an "attractive" brand of football. I think Lambert could spend all the time in the world on the training field trying to get them to play that way, and we'd go into most games having a lot of possession but doing nothing with it and probably lose. Eventually, we may start turning that possession into something, but that wont happen over night. So what do you do as Lambert? Do you go through the pain of trying to play nice football whilst getting beat in the hope that you'll get better at it? Or do you try and play a way that will get results albeit not very entertaining? In that sense I think Lambert is just trying to get the points on board. Which is understandable. It may be that if we get a mid-table finish then Randy will release funds to buy the players who will improve our style of football? Who knows. But  I'd rather play the way we are and be 11th than play the way we were under Houllier and have yet another relegation battle. 

Edited by PieFacE
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I don't believe Lambert should go....yet! But im sorry, if you still think he is doing a good job answer me this? Why can he not get Benteke back to form. Why do all the players heads drop after 1 goal, still after nearly 2seasons. Where has the entertaining attacking football gone. And why does he still not know his best team.

seriously any other manager with this useless home form would certainly be on the ropes. It seems he cannot get the players working hard anymore. Benteke has had enough time to prove himself now, Lambert needs the bottle to sub him off after 30 mins if he is not performing.


What? We've come back from goals down multiple times this season. That isn't a fair stick to beat him with. Also, use Benteke as a negative against Lambert, but then some people don't give him credit for Delph. It can't be both ways.

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If we were 19th i'd understand. But we're 11th FFS.



I think its fantastic that we are 11th but that's masking a million and one problems for me. We are dire to watch and based on performances being honest I would have to say we should be way lower. Beyond our first 11 our squad is crap overall.

Oh by the way I say that as someone who likes Lambert and doesn't want to see him sacked.


I fully agree that the standard of football is pretty dire to watch. It has been for 3 or 4 years now. 


It's a tough situation though, you may disagree with me on this Mark, but  I genuinely do not believe we have the players who are capable of playing an "attractive" brand of football. I think Lambert could spend all the time in the world on the training field trying to get them to play that way, and we'd go into most games having a lot of possession but doing nothing with it and probably lose. Eventually, we may start turning that possession into something, but that wont happen over night. So what do you do as Lambert? Do you go through the pain of trying to play nice football whilst getting beat in the hope that you'll get better at it? Or do you try and play a way that will get results albeit not very entertaining? In that sense I think Lambert is just trying to get the points on board. Which is understandable. It may be that if we get a mid-table finish then Randy will release funds to buy the players who will improve our style of football? Who knows. But  I'd rather play the way we are and be 11th than play the way we were under Houllier and have yet another relegation battle. 


You would rather finish 11th than 9th?


How weird is that!

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Our first 11 on form can compete. We have shown this but as soon as just a couple of players lose form/have injuries we struggle and look a complete shambles.

On top of this our off the ball movement is non-existent and we waste possession far too easily currently.


I agree with this, our biggest issue is definitely the lack of movement off the ball. This is what kills our possession, I don't believe it's that none of our players can pass, it's that none of them move into enough room to accept the passes.  

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I don't even know what to think anymore. Supporting Villa is like being in constant limbo. I just want investment and all this to be over. Unless and until there is a huge investment in playing staff it's going to be like this EVERY year

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If we were 19th i'd understand. But we're 11th FFS.



I think its fantastic that we are 11th but that's masking a million and one problems for me. We are dire to watch and based on performances being honest I would have to say we should be way lower. Beyond our first 11 our squad is crap overall.

Oh by the way I say that as someone who likes Lambert and doesn't want to see him sacked.


I fully agree that the standard of football is pretty dire to watch. It has been for 3 or 4 years now. 


It's a tough situation though, you may disagree with me on this Mark, but  I genuinely do not believe we have the players who are capable of playing an "attractive" brand of football. I think Lambert could spend all the time in the world on the training field trying to get them to play that way, and we'd go into most games having a lot of possession but doing nothing with it and probably lose. Eventually, we may start turning that possession into something, but that wont happen over night. So what do you do as Lambert? Do you go through the pain of trying to play nice football whilst getting beat in the hope that you'll get better at it? Or do you try and play a way that will get results albeit not very entertaining? In that sense I think Lambert is just trying to get the points on board. Which is understandable. It may be that if we get a mid-table finish then Randy will release funds to buy the players who will improve our style of football? Who knows. But  I'd rather play the way we are and be 11th than play the way we were under Houllier and have yet another relegation battle. 


You would rather finish 11th than 9th?


How weird is that!


Eh? Obviously talking about the standard of football, not league position. 

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