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Would it really be that bad ?


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Tbh I think we have a very young squad full of tallent that atm is punching a bit above its own weight trying to be in the premiership, but the potential for the future I think is there,

If we could get the high earners off the bill eg, Bent, Ireland, Dunne, Given and Warnock add a few more youngsters in a couple of places (eg. a CDM, CD, ST, RM etc) along with the current youngsters, then allthough short term it would be bad for us to go down, I think long term it would be very good.

The boy's I think would have a chance to develop and gain confidence of being top dogs, for a while, and the expierence of going down and fighting there way back to the prem would make them a stronger team.

Whilst all learning eachothers game, they'd come back and be able to cope with the league better.

and as the years go on with futher additions we'd be able to get up the table.but staying in the prem by the skin of their teeth and only adding more youngsters would only hinder any development due to the confidence knock to players at the start of their careers.

but thats just me, I know a load of people are gonna knock the thought of going down, but if were gonna insist on buying for the future rather than now, this might be the best thing for them,

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The boy's I think would have a chance to develop and gain confidence of being top dogs, for a while, and the expierence of going down and fighting there way back to the prem would make them a stronger team.

Whilst all learning eachothers game, they'd come back and be able to cope with the league better.

That's assuming they would ALL stay at the club.. any PL club comes calling if your in the championship a player will immediately look to try and move to that club.

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There are no positives to relegation

None whatsoever

Agree with this 100%. Can't understand how anyone can think it would be good for us to go down - they are presumably working on the assumption that we will come straight back up - but I don't think we would. We could be down for years. WBA the only West Mids team in the Prem, getting all that extra money - they will leap ahead of us. Worst possible year to go down - so I bet we will :-(

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Tragic, that ANY Villa fan can think being relegated wouldn't be a bad thing. I have experienced it several times over the decades and its devastating.

More worryingly I believe that its not inconceivable that at some point in the not to distant future after we have been relegated the Premier League may seek to change the 3 down/3 up rule.

IMO if we go down we will stay down for some years. The most infuriating thing is that we should never have been in the situation. Whoever is to blame, they have managed to totally f*** one of the most historic clubs in the world and ultimately the real losers are the fans!

Lerner, the manager and players will all move on but we will be the ones freezing our bollox off in some far flung dump watching Aston Villa scrapping against the likes of Huddersfield or Barnsley, fast forgetting the days when we won the league, were ever present in the premership or even finished in the top 6.

If you think watching Villa amounts to a day out or a good piss up with lads you're welcome to it but for me it was always about the hope and belief that we could compete and win things at the highest level.

Edited by MikeMcKenna
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The new TV deal is worth £60million per club,per season.

The club cannot afford to NOT be in the premier league.

If you miss out on that sort of money, you will never recover, even if we only went down for 1 year, you would never catch even the smallest clubs in the PL who have the benefit of that money.

There are NO benefits to going down.

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The most infuriating thing is that we should never have been in the situation. Whoever is to blame, they have managed to totally f*** one of the most historic clubs in the world and ultimately the real losers are the fans!

If you think watching Villa amounts to a day out or a good piss up with lads you're welcome to it but for me it was always about the hope and belief that we could compete and win things at the highest level.

Mike I totally agree with the two things you have said above. This great club should never be in a position to be relegated and it should never be seen by us the supporters as acceptable or not that bad. The day the supporters start accepting failure on such a grand scale the club may as well no longer exist.

This great club is capable of so much more than we have seen of late. At the very least competing for a top half dozen finish and playing in Europe. Being top dogs in the Midlands should be just a given. If as it seems Lerner can't deliver that he needs to do one but I certainly won't be letting his incompetence lower my standards of what I expect from this great club. As supporters none us should and along with our rich and proud history it is one of the things that separates us from the vast majority of clubs.

Edited by markavfc40
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Mike I totally agree with the two things you have said above. This great club should never be in a position to be relegated and it should never be seen by us the supporters as acceptable or not that bad. The day the supporters start accepting failure on such a grand scale the club may as well no longer exist.

This great club is capable of so much more than we have seen of late. At the very least competing for a top half dozen finish and playing in Europe. Being top dogs in the Midlands should be just a given. If as it seems Lerner can't deliver that he needs to do one but I certainly won't be letting his incompetence lower my standards of what I expect from this great club. As supporters none us should and along with our rich and proud history it is one the things that separates us from the vast majority of clubs.

Sorry to break this to you both but history means **** all and banging on about it makes zero difference to our predicament.

A club with no history I dunno say York, someone comes a long pumps a load of cash in a few years later they challenging for the premier league. Do you think anyone gives a monkeys that they have zero history, nope nobody gives a shit they've just won the league.

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Sorry to break this to you both but history means **** all and banging on about it makes zero difference to our predicament.

A club with no history I dunno say York, someone comes a long pumps a load of cash in a few years later they challenging for the premier league. Do you think anyone gives a monkeys that they have zero history, nope nobody gives a shit they've just won the league.

Absolute crap! You may not give a shit but I and many others do. I can only assume that you have never experienced anything that makes you proud of our past. Pretty sad really...

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What a load of crap.

History means everything, it makes you what you are.

Chelsea and the Mancs have no history. The have money, but no history.

That's why their success is tainted by a total and utter lack of class.

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What a load of crap.

History means everything, it makes you what you are.

Chelsea and the Mancs have no history. The have money, but no history.

That's why their success is tainted by a total and utter lack of class.

I agree BUT as much as I hate Man U you cannot say they have "no history" .

In any case I don't think we have to compare ourselves to our others to be proud of our past - it is what it is.

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I meant city, Mike.

Ok my misunderstanding but I still maintain that what others did or didn't doesn't affect our history - apart from Small Heath who are shite and whose very existence brings shame to the name of our City! :-)

Edited by MikeMcKenna
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Absolute crap! You may not give a shit but I and many others do. I can only assume that you have never experienced anything that makes you proud of our past. Pretty sad really...

Thanks Mike summed it up.

Our history are the foundations on what this great club is built on. It is what makes us. You can have all the money in the world but you can't buy what we have. I'm not just on about trophies either. This club has high standards that have been brought up through generations and they are in grained in it. We as supporters have a responsibility to never allow those standards/expectations to slip and I certainly won't be.

Edited by markavfc40
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