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Child Benefit Changes Come in to effect today (07/01/2013)


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They should of done it on household income. The way they gone about it is messy. I have no sympathy for people who moan they not getting it anymore £50k is a lot of money. I earn between £14k-£15k a year me and my partner have 1 kid. Add on our benefits we don't get housing or council tax benefits btw, we get less than £20k but we get by fine. It's just annoys me when I hear people on the radio crying about it. Your spending ur money wrong if you miss that money and on £50k+

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I earn over 50k and have lost the benefit with three kids. I have no sympathy that you only earn 14k-15k, you should have worked harder at school/been more ambitious then you could have a better lifestyle. I do mind that I have put more money in the pot over my 25 working years and paying the higher tax rate for a lot of that and now I'm supplementing your life by you getting 4-5k benefits a year. :unsure: It's all about perspective.

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In a nutshell, the 'success' of this policy in Tory terms, at least, can be summed up by the previous two posts, I think.

Firstly, it's about creating further divisions and secondly about getting people to trash the idea of other people's receipt of benefits or social security.

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This would be the part where I would usually post an expletive laden attack at opinions such as the one at the top of this page but seeing as I want to stay a part of VT for the foreseeable future I shall refrain from doing so.

Besides, as I only earn £19,500 a year (which as we all know is a fool proof indicator of intelligence and ambition) I doubt you would be able to make sense of my sub-intelligent incoherent ramblings.

I'm amazed I managed to type this out to be honest as typing and wiping the dribble off my chin at the same time was really difficult.

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This may come as a surpise to some but - Bromsgrove you're views are pretty repellant.

Also illogical. Unless we can all get the £50k jobs by working harder, and have no jobs paying £14k, then if one person wasn't doing that job then another would be. The "advice" could work for one person at another's expense, but can't work for many or most in that position.

The bigger point is Snowy's, above. By playing that game, the government encourages us to think of being on low pay or benefits as in some way the fault of the individual, rather than the arithmetically inevitable outcome that there just aren't enough jobs, and enough better-paid jobs, for everyone.

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This would be the part where I would usually post an expletive laden attack at opinions such as the one at the top of this page but seeing as I want to stay a part of VT for the foreseeable future I shall refrain from doing so.

Besides, as I only earn £19,500 a year (which as we all know is a fool proof indicator of intelligence and ambition) I doubt you would be able to make sense of my sub-intelligent incoherent ramblings.

I'm amazed I managed to type this out to be honest as typing and wiping the dribble off my chin at the same time was really difficult.

I bet you got someone on £50k to do it for you, didn't you?

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Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I earn over 50k and have lost the benefit with three kids. I have no sympathy that you only earn 14k-15k, you should have worked harder at school/been more ambitious then you could have a better lifestyle. I do mind that I have put more money in the pot over my 25 working years and paying the higher tax rate for a lot of that and now I'm supplementing your life by you getting 4-5k benefits a year. :unsure: It's all about perspective.

not cool mate , not cool

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They should of done it on household income. The way they gone about it is messy. I have no sympathy for people who moan they not getting it anymore £50k is a lot of money. I earn between £14k-£15k a year me and my partner have 1 kid. Add on our benefits we don't get housing or council tax benefits btw, we get less than £20k but we get by fine. It's just annoys me when I hear people on the radio crying about it. Your spending ur money wrong if you miss that money and on £50k+

so, you have a job, you work and you earn a salary of £15K.

Why do you need benefits taking you up to £20K ?

It annoys me when I hear about people increasing their income by 25% through benefits.

Maybe you shouldn't have had a kid ?

see....works both ways doesn't it.

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The point to remember is that a universal benefit is now a means tested one. That 50,000 ceiling will I believe be eroded in real terms over a period of time, ie by not uprating in line with inflation, something already being imposed on welfare benefits, until it is simply paid to fewer and fewer people. Ultimately the Tories will have a long term aim of destroying it altogether.

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so, you have a job, you work and you earn a salary of £15K.

Why do you need benefits taking you up to £20K ?

It annoys me when I hear about people increasing their income by 25% through benefits.

Maybe you shouldn't have had a kid ?

see....works both ways doesn't it.

jesus ..what is the matter with some people on here

I hope these comments and Bromsgroves are just PFE , cause if they are true opinions they are quite disgusting tbh

( no major offence intended )

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so, you have a job, you work and you earn a salary of £15K.

Why do you need benefits taking you up to £20K ?

It annoys me when I hear about people increasing their income by 25% through benefits.

Maybe you shouldn't have had a kid ?

see....works both ways doesn't it.

Eh? What a ridiculous post.

Edited by Ingram85
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so, you have a job, you work and you earn a salary of £15K.

Why do you need benefits taking you up to £20K ?

It annoys me when I hear about people increasing their income by 25% through benefits.

Maybe you shouldn't have had a kid ?

see....works both ways doesn't it.

It annoys me that wages for some hard working people in this country are so disgustingly low that they have to rely on benefit top ups to achieve a living wage.

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The government are really trying to turn people against each other when it comes to social welfare and public sector pay pensions.

Exactly - as others have stated above that is part of the plan for this, removes them from "doing the dirty work"

In the past few days there have been various articles in the Indi and Grud etc about the whole demonizing of the lower paid and those who claim any benefits, good reads and very true. There is a lot of mud being thrown by certain elements in the Gvmt and some of it is sticking

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Best thing to do is to stop CB for all.

Then, for the people who need a handout, give them food and clothing vouchers.

This could be used at all major retailers for food and childrens clothes, including school clothes.

Afterall, the benefit was intended to be used for the upbringing of kids.

Surely, that approach would have universal approvall, why shouldn't it ?

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i think its quite sensible, any individual (and therefore household as well) earning over £50k does not need welfare benefits handed out by the government.

I receive Child Benefit myself, i don't need it.

its just a middle-class freebie given to me by the government as they obviously have too much money & don't know what to spend it on.

free beer money effectively.

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Best thing to do is to stop CB for all.

Then, for the people who need a handout, give them food and clothing vouchers.

This could be used at all major retailers for food and childrens clothes, including school clothes.

Afterall, the benefit was intended to be used for the upbringing of kids.

Surely, that approach would have universal approvall, why shouldn't it ?

yes, that is a great idea.

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