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Margaret Thatcher


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She's been mentioned in a few threads recently. Seems to polarise opinion on here. Ted Heath and John Major are never mentioned and I'm sure Cameron will be forgotten soon enough.

I know a little re the miners and there's no such thing as society. Just wondered why she seems to transcend politics and be hated, by some, so much.

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She supported the Botha regime, Pinochet, Reagan's Central American policy, war over diplomacy in the Falklands, and her domestic agenda crippled the working and middle classes. She was also a skilled politician and ruthless, with little regard for the transparent P.R. tactics that are commonplace amongst politicians today. Her outward demeanor was cold and snobbish as well, so if you didn't agree with her philosophically, her exaggerated mannerisms probably made you despise her even more.

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I lived in a town directly affected by the evil bitch's close 'em down sell 'em off philosophy.

She was an acid vindictive liar.

Her policies were designed to dismantle community in selected places she saw as an enemy within her own state she'd been elected to represent.

She took us vs them to a whole new level, working out you could scape goat some whole region's and other regions would support it.

Surrounded herself with apologists and snivelling perverted subs.

Lot's of politicians have had to make lots of difficult decisions that have cost some people economically. She did it deliberately and with a cold little sadistic sneer on her **** ugly mug.

Used the police as a political tool, the consequences of which we are still reaping today.

I could go on, but I don't want it to look like a rant.

Happy New Year y'all!

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war over diplomacy in the Falklands,

Much to dislike Thatcher, but I am not sure diplomacy would have worked? It had been tried against that little man from Austria in the 30s, but somehow it doesn't work that well with bellicose right wing dictators

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She was a little before my time but my question has always been... if she was so hated, how come she won 3 elections and is the longest serving PM we ever had?

Edited by Xela
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She clearly divided the nation but can best be defined by if you think a bath is something you keep coal in you hate her

I could write pages on why she was good for country and regarded as one of the greatest PM's we've ever had but to he honest when it come to VT the views are so entrenched it would just be a waste of the interweb

I don't agree with her receiving a state funneral when she goes as some propose but I think those that hold street parties ought to take a good long look at themselves .. Either pay your respects or just keep quiet is my view ... I won't mourn the war criminal , crony peerage giving , tax dodging Blair when he goes , but I won't be out on the streets celebrating either

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Of course, I meant longest serving PM appointed under the reign of Elizabeth II ;-)

she ruthlessly did the maths

you don't need wholesale approval, you need more votes than the others

i.e., if you have 5 people in work, you can sack 2, give them a good kicking and tell the world they are dangerous scum. As long as, you give 2 of the others a pay rise and warn the 5th what could happen to him if he doesn't toe the line. 2 sacked, 1 scared and 2 better off = win! Simplistic, but that's what we had.

But she didn't work on 5's and 7's, she gambled that you can completely destroy Merthyr and Sheffield as long as you have the support of Cheltenham, Basingstoke, Reading, Swindon, Evesham, Chelsea, Westminster.......

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She clearly divided the nation but can best be defined by if you think a bath is something you keep coal in you hate her

I could write pages on why she was good for country and regarded as one of the greatest PM's we've ever had but to he honest when it come to VT the views are so entrenched it would just be a waste of the interweb

I don't agree with her receiving a state funneral when she goes as some propose but I think those that hold street parties ought to take a good long look at themselves .. Either pay your respects or just keep quiet is my view ... I won't mourn the war criminal , crony peerage giving , tax dodging Blair when he goes , but I won't be out on the streets celebrating either

For the record, I personally did quit well financially out of her regime and have never kept anything but chickens in my bath.

I worked in a sector of the health service that designed stuff, a nice slow moving low paid job that I felt contributed something to Britain.

But we weren't to have state organised design. No no. A far better idea than three designers earning £15k each is to sack them and get a private company in. they would employ one designer on £30k, a monkey on **** all, and cream off some profit. The state pays a bit of unemployment benefit, and everyone's happy right?

I was lucky enough to be kept on and have my wage almost trebled in three years. Lucky me. Funny thing was, it turned out it cost the NHS more than double what it used to, but it was too late to go back. The first three new private hospitals basically had to be re built within 10 years. the others went PFI, that looks like a **** great idea.

How many Tory MP's have fingers in private health service pies?

(I do not vote Labour and I think Blair might possibly have been her self serving slimey spawn son)

As I do know a good number of people that genuinely suffered directly because of her, were made unemployed and ended up on a slippery slope to a life of prescription medicated altered state, I will raise a glass when she's gone thanks.

Time to go cook some lunch and think of something nicer.

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She claimed £535,000 in expenses from the state between 2006 & 2011, which is baffling considering she spent most of that time in her house being ill and hypocritical considering the evil witch stopped me getting free milk when I was at school because it was too expensive.

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She was a little before my time but my question has always been... if she was so hated, how come she won 3 elections and is the longest serving PM we ever had?

She was bitterly hated, and in her first term she was headed for a massive defeat, on the back of deliberately created economic collapse, riots in the streets, and division in her own party, many of whom hated her almost as much as the rest of us.

The Falklands saved her, together with the Labour Party spending more time splitting apart than opposing the government.

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...how come she won 3 elections and is the longest serving PM we ever had?

The UK had fallen away badly over the previous decades.

She looked like she intended to get things done, and she did. She proved a redoubtable figure on the international stage too.

However, the fruits of her tenure were based on short term thinking. They're growing larger and becoming more bitter with every passing year.

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The UK had fallen away badly over the previous decades.

She looked like she intended to get things done, and she did. She proved a redoubtable figure on the international stage too.

However, the fruits of her tenure were based on short term thinking. They're growing larger and becoming more bitter with every passing year.

That's a pretty fair summation imo, although omitting the fact she quite literally saved the country from Unions that had been hijacked by far left Marxists with greater affinity for the Soviet Union than their own nation. She was also instrumental in bringing down the evil USSR and ending the cold war through her influence over Ronnie Regan, thereby creating the conditions for eastern Europe to liberate itself from 55 years of Communist tyranny.

Not a bad effort for a grocer's daughter.

Edited by Awol
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