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Would a new super rich owner change your view of Villa?


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That point about making up the numbers... at what point do we just turn our back on it all then? At what point do we accept that there really is no point? Sure, we'd all be going down the Villa to support the team, but in actual fact, all we would be doing is turning up to watch the opposition, as Manure always sing at Villa Park.

If I had a crystal ball and saw all the way into the future of my lifetime and recognised that we didn't have a chance of winning anything ever again while I was on this planet, I wouldn't put another penny in the club. Might as well go and play Fifa or something - at least then I could live my dreams for the club. I could spend half the money I pay Villa each year watching any number of 'half arsed' clubs across the divisions in the Midlands that simply exist to 'make up the numbers.' As a Villan, a paying customer, why should I accept just making up the numbers every year? I don't subscribe to the notion of blind loyality. Some do, and fair play to them... but I don't. I don't love football quite that much. The Club wouldn't give a **** about me if I were destitute on the street (even if I were wearing a Villa shirt), so why, as a paying customer, should I accept us just making up the numbers?

I've never been so out of love with football, and I've never been so embarrassed to be a Villa fan than I am right now. Yes, I have been more angry than I am now - Swansea last season taught me that. But this is just embarrassing. If you can't beat them, join them - if an insanely rich owner is what it is going to take, then so be it... The world has gone to rat-shit anyway, jumping on the consumerist bandwagon with the rest of football/Sky etc would just seem like falling in line with everyone else.

Edited by Raver50032
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If you can't beat them join them!

I thought we had in the days of Randy & Martin. But players from the 80-82 era had said it may already be too late to break into the elite and they were proved right. Only mega money could do it now as Manchester City have proved and we do not have it.

The question now is whether the owner will provide the money to get us out of our current mess and to protect the investment he has already made in our football club. I do not see anyone wanting to buy him out and to then throw £200m + at players fees to get us into the top 4. Randy is still better than what we had before by the way it is just a pity that the money has dried up to the extent it has with the result that doing so was always likely to bring.

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all trophies are bought, unless some 2nd division club beats everyone and wins the fa cup

each division has teams with more money than others, they buy the better players and usually are the ones who get promoted or are in the top 5, thats in all the leagues. same with the cups although there is a little bit of luck sometimes in a cup run.

when liverpool were winning in the 70's and 80's it wasnt all home grown players, they bought al the best players around, man utd did it, bought up all the rivals best players, barca do it, real madrid, milan and so on.

next season the premier leagues clubs will be 70% richer thanks to the new tv deal so you could argue that it may make things slightly more equal but it will also make the gap between premier league and championship even greater as more foreign stars come to the second tier of the premier league as the wages will still be more than all but barca and madrid can offer.

unfortunately for villa, unless our policy is to buy in the top world youngsters then we may well be ****, everyone else buying in top world players and thanks to a youth only policy we limit ourselves.

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Sadly this illusion that we are going to be able to exist by perennially treading water as a club that brings through new fresh talent is just poppycock. Standing still in this World does not exist.. you are either on an upward curve or a downward one & boy are we on a downward one & have been for 3 years now... I thought maybe this was the start of an upward one but sadly it's not been enough to even halt our rapid downward momentum least of all reverse it. I tilt my cap to PL though for having a go at least & who knows it may just turn with one or two new additions & a couple back from injury... It is though i fear last chance saloon time now for this club... It will either turn or we will be relegated.

The problem with the Premier League is that the top 3 places are unachievable due to the money & protection of those with the money.... So it's basically a closed shop & the rest are playing for the last of those top 4 slots. Problem is we now see the 2nd tier of the super rich with Spurs, Arsenal, QPR, etc whose owners are all much more interested in having a go for that last 4th place than ours. In fact ours appears to just see himself as a temporary incumbent who's ambition goes no further than rebuilding & updating facilities & supporting local charities. All very good & noble of course but what about the flipping football team?... It's like he wants to put the cherry on but sadly forgot to make the cake?

I have seen this club lift the Title & European cup in my time, i now realize just how fortunate i was. So would i take a super rich owner? ... You bet i would as this is sadly, in today's corrupt & money mad World, the only way to get any success of note. It sucks for sure but there is no other way so far as i see it & yes i would like us to compete at the very top & be mixing it with the Man U's, Chelsea's & Man City's.

I was having an interesting chat with an old Holte Ender the other day.. this guy is 90 yrs old+ & even has an old wooden post top from the old original Holte end before it was modernised which he has attached to his gateway.. It even had some original graffiti carved into it.

Well i asked him what he thought about it all now as he remembered the great Aston Villa.. the Super Club which won all & sundry in his time... What he said suprised me rather...." Well it's all about money these days" he said.. "but then you must remember it always was ..even back then" he said. "We were very successful of course but even back then Villa were a cheque book team".. he said .. "so nothing has really changed if you think about it!"

One thing he did point out was the massive local support we used to enjoy.. Which ultimately has gone now from the Aston area resulting in less money for the club therefore less income & the subsequent loss in ability to pay the wages necessary to compete.

How could i argue with that?!

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Great post above It has always been about the money but then obviously success brings you more fans, bigger attendance, merchandising which leads to more money.

I hate to keep going on about it but when MON took over and was giving money to spend we really needed a manager with a clear vision for the future of the club and a real eye for talent. I have no idea who that man could have been though.

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I do think we have the right man now in PL.. He has only had one transfer window thus far & i think he will need at least 4 to get us anything like but he is on the right track in my opinion... just been crippled by injuries to the players we least needed to get injured in Gabby, Baker, Vlaar & Weimann .. two of our best attackers & two of our best defenders... no wonder we are suddenly struggling for & conceding too many goals. Also Ireland is in horrendous form as was Nzog & Albrighton has been found out now for me too... but if you look that is the creative armoury of the club decimated... Benteke is great but he simply cannot do it on his own.

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