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Last time I watched it Tom Baker was the Dr

Might have to check it out now though based on your comment :-)

Edit: couldn't wait that long so just googled her... Holy crap she's fit and with a hint of jailbait in some pics

edit 2 : jailbait in the good sense not in the errrmm jailbait sense

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The assistant used to be in Emmerdale.

My mom never did quite cotton on to why the period the new Who assistant was on the soap coincided with my being able to stand watching a second of it.

She's also in the Captain America movie for about 2 seconds.

Edited by Chindie
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Watched it with the kids even though Sci fi really really isn't my thing.

Anyway, watched Dr Who, thought it was just fine, lots n lots of jokes to keep it rolling. Particularly enjoyed the Sherlock stuff (you have a goldfish called Colin).

Lesbian Lizard woman was good to keep the dads interested, but it is, at the end of the day a perfectly watchable kids programme.

My nipper is meeting the new assistant in the Spring, but, as my nipper is a nipper I have to go along as escort / chaperone!

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Bet you're just devastated about that ;)

It was one of those delicate conversations with the missus where you have to make it look like you're not bothered either way, but make sure its yourself on child minding duties.

I think I clinched it when I mentioned the really tricky car parking at the venue.

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Watched it, didn't fall asleep (I usually do), wished I had.

Even by modern standards it was shite

That Doctor is actually worse than Sylvester McCoy, I never thought that posible

I beg to differ.

My Doctor preferences:

(1) Tom Baker (by a country mile)

(2) Patrick Troughton

(3) William Hartnell

(4) David Tennent

(5) Christopher Ecclestone

(6) Matt Smith

(7) Paul McGann

(8) John Pertwee

(9) Peter Davison

(10) Colin Baker

(11) Sylvester McCoy

Peter Cushing is non-canon, but he'd probably be just above Pertwee.

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I beg to differ.

My Doctor preferences:

(1) Tom Baker (by a country mile)

(2) Patrick Troughton

(3) William Hartnell

(4) David Tennent

(5) Christopher Ecclestone

(6) Matt Smith

(7) Paul McGann

(8) John Pertwee

(9) Peter Davison

(10) Colin Baker

(11) Sylvester McCoy

Peter Cushing is non-canon, but he'd probably be just above Pertwee.

I have only watched the newer series' starting from eccelstone so couldn't comment on others my order woul be..

1) eccelstone

2) smith

3) tennant

Know that may be controversial but I just felt tennant overacted at times (plus he has an annoying face that I wouldn't mind to punch)..

As for assistants (permanent only)

1) billie piper

2) Karen Gillian

3) Catherine Tate

4) Freema A

Even though new one could top them all

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I agree with Tennant overacting at times. Think russel t davies' writing may not have helped at times. That said I really thought he'd be a tough act to follow but within the first change to smith i was convinced. Eccleston however was better than both. I hope they go older with the next dr itd be a shame to reduce it to pure cbbc kiddiness - its occasionally skirted the line

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1) eccelstone

2) smith

3) tennant

I'd agree with this.

Tennant was dreadful at times, seemed to only have two expressions, and couldn't really do the whole troubled doctor thing properly.

Eccelstone on the other hand had the doctor nailed, shame he only did the 1 season.

Smith definitely fits in the middle, he's suffering though because he's "not tennant" and for some reason loads of people like tennant simply because he's a pretty boy, despite the fact he was pretty damn crap.

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