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3 minutes ago, snowychap said:

What do you mean with regard to your comments and posts in this thread?

If you want your comments to be taken seriously by people who don't share your opinions then you need to be able to defend your claims with something more substantial than 'it's my opinion' or 'different views' or 'my mum said'.

I don't pretend to be educated on this subject but haven't I made my views clear? I'm an easy target on here which is ok with me but I represent the views of the working man and I'm sorry if I offend anyone with that statement. I don't do social media thank god but 95% of people I work with share my views. Most of my family share my views. Most people down the boozer share my views. As a whole the area I live in I'd say more were pro trump than anti trump. Bit long winded I know but what do you want to know? 

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Just now, Rugeley Villa said:

I don't pretend to be educated on this subject but haven't I made my views clear? I'm an easy target on here which is ok with me but I represent the views of the working man and I'm sorry if I offend anyone with that statement. I don't do social media thank god but 95% of people I work with share my views. Most of my family share my views. Most people down the boozer share my views. As a whole the area I live in I'd say more were pro trump than anti trump. Bit long winded I know but what do you want to know?

How you came up with the figure of 95% I guess :P


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I imagine there might be more violence and hatred at these 'left wing' protests as opposed to 'right wing' protests because power has shifted overwhelmingly towards the right. What would a far right protester have to get angry about right now? Not quite enough marginalisation going on?

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1 minute ago, tonyh29 said:

How you came up with the figure of 95% I guess :P


Brexit and trump is a big talking point. Politics seems to be the in thing for people who are not  into politics. In the various environments I find myself in its definitely pro Brexit and trump(or atleast share some of his views whether they think he's a clown or not) 

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11 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

That's pretty much presenting the same argument as I have (about people protesting without understanding why ) and you called it sneering and supremest ?  

The sneering supremacy was more about your seeming position of social media posting on the subjects being irrelevant and empty posturing, insincere, looking down your nose on those that would use that to take a position on things.

Edited by Chindie
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24 minutes ago, Rugeley Villa said:

I don't pretend to be educated on this subject but haven't I made my views clear? I'm an easy target on here which is ok with me but I represent the views of the working man and I'm sorry if I offend anyone with that statement. I don't do social media thank god but 95% of people I work with share my views. Most of my family share my views. Most people down the boozer share my views. As a whole the area I live in I'd say more were pro trump than anti trump. Bit long winded I know but what do you want to know? 

I've asked you quite a few questions on this thread and they're often unanswered (such as what extra rights do those foreign workers who apparently get paid more at your mum's work have)? I'm not the only one.

It is what you have written here, though, that really pisses me off and not that you hold a different opinion to me.

Even though I think your views are wrong, you should hold whatever views you feel represent you. But what you shouldn't expect and certainly oughtn't to demand is that, when you come in to a thread and announce that you are 'not educated on this subject' (I think you used a different phrase the other day but to the same end), your opinion is given equal, serious consideration by other people who may have taken more time to consider the subject and can and do produce things to support their argument when you either cannot or will not do the same.

It is really beyond the pale for you to join in with accusations of a lack of rational arguments and debate made against those on the other side of the 'debate' from you.

Edited by snowychap
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1 hour ago, Rugeley Villa said:

I see where your exactly coming from. Not many on this forum do or atleast not many will openly admit they do but the tide is certainly turning. Most people I know share very similar views to me and you. Things are changing and eventually it will be for the better I hope. 


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19 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

I don't do sneering and I don't do supremacy ...you may disagree of course ... you might be surprised to know that a lot of your posts come across as sneering supremacy to me also ... maybe it's a flaw of the internet and in real life the conversations would truely reflect the person 

me ,  I'm just a simple uneducated bloke who views a world in black and white and just can't understand why people think their 5 minutes of interest in something will change the world ...  I'm sure these people mean well and you can argue it's better than doing nothing but in a lot of cases they just leap from one bandwagon to another because they feel they have to ... my kids dislike Trump , they are 12 and 9 they don't even know why they are supposed to dislike him they've just sorta been told that they do ...they have an excuse ,grown men and women on a Facebook and a twitter , frankly don't .

I'm no supporter of Trump , I'm rather indifferent to the whole America thing if I'm honest , but you'd think Trump was the first American president with a half arsed foreign policy if you read the internet ... bash Trump by all means he's the current incombant  but let's not pretend it all started with him

give it 6 months I doubt I'll see a Trump post on my Facebook wall and everyone will be on a new bandwagon anyway 

I know my posting is like that sometimes. I try to post as levelly and constructively as I can - the 'debate' on Islam the other night I made an effort to post politely in the face of something quite ignorant (and was met with one line of 'blatant lies' in response). Where I have disdain for someone's views I'm less polite, if they're repeat offenders or show wilful ignorance or can't return the courtesy I'm happy to sneer.

The world isn't black and white.

Perhaps these people want to show some disdain for Trump, sincerely, but they've never been aware of politics? They can read up on other failings of US policy but that shouldn't prevent them showing that disdain.

I don't doubt theres bandwagoning and there will be a receding of this as Trump becomes the norm (and hopefully his madness is kerbed...), but it's wrong I think to deride everyone because they use social media to show it or so on. I think criticising people for going against the incumbent even in light of a history of poor choices is exceptionally harsh. At the end of the day Trump may not have started some of these things, but he isn't improving them either.

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36 minutes ago, Rugeley Villa said:

I don't pretend to be educated on this subject but haven't I made my views clear? I'm an easy target on here which is ok with me but I represent the views of the working man and I'm sorry if I offend anyone with that statement. I don't do social media thank god but 95% of people I work with share my views. Most of my family share my views. Most people down the boozer share my views. As a whole the area I live in I'd say more were pro trump than anti trump. Bit long winded I know but what do you want to know? 

To use the hackneyed example...

You could take this post back 70 years, and to Munich.

Over the years lots of people have en masse decided things are right. And sometimes they agree on things that lead to very, very bad things.

There might be more Jewish people, amongst many others, in the world if millions of little in Europe in the 30s had thought a little more and not just listened to their friends and family and colleagues.

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56 minutes ago, Rugeley Villa said:

Without looking too far into it is say you get a lot more violence at left wing protests. 

Generally speaking this is true. It's down to the fact that left wing protests are a] much much much larger in scale, and b] far more frequent. 

You get more murders in cities than the countryside for basically the same reason. Where there are more people, the chances increase that some of them are up to no good. 

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26 minutes ago, snowychap said:

I've asked you quite a few questions on this thread and they're often unanswered (such as what extra rights do those foreign workers who apparently get paid more at your mum's work have)? I'm not the only one.

It is what you have written here, though, that really pisses me off and not that you hold a different opinion to me.

Even though I think your views are wrong, you should hold whatever views you feel represent you. But what you shouldn't expect and certainly oughtn't to demand is that, when you come in to a thread and announce that you are 'not educated on this subject' (I think you used a different phrase the other day but to the same end), your opinion is given equal, serious consideration by other people who may have taken more time to consider the subject and can and do produce things to support their argument when you either cannot or will not do the same.

It is really beyond the pale for you to join in with accusations of a lack of rational arguments and debate made against those on the other side of the 'debate' from you.

This is spot on.

The frustration with some views is that they're expressed from a position of (self-proclaimed) ignorance, then when questions are asked, we move onto the same (self-proclaimed) ignorant position.

How can we have  a dialogue when one side doesn't answer even the most simple of questions and when encountering any resistance starts shouting 'well everyone I know thinks like me'.

FWIW, pretty much my entire close family and my closest friends, bar one, hold very similar opinions to me. But I wouldn't be as one-eyed to think that now makes my/their opinion the only one.

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On 1/31/2017 at 10:52, Rugeley Villa said:

The rabid Christians :) yes there are some pretty sick ones but we have nowhere the same level of destruction that Islam causes. You cannot compare the two. post links in a bit if I can.


On 1/31/2017 at 10:56, StefanAVFC said:

I'm awaiting these studies with baited breath.

I'm also still waiting for this.


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1 minute ago, tonyh29 said:

Pedant but Aladdin (Disney ) is from Agrabah which isn't currently in the list so Aladdin would be allowed into the U.S

Didn't know you were an expert on Disney Tony ;-) 

Are you sure Aladdin was actually born in Agrabah? His story seems to suggest he's an economic migrant as it opens with him pickpocketing in a market.

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2 minutes ago, TheAuthority said:

Didn't know you were an expert on Disney Tony ;-) 

Are you sure Aladdin was actually born in Agrabah? His story seems to suggest he's an economic migrant as it opens with him pickpocketing in a market.

I'd read a news story about a poll where 30% of republicans said they would bomb it ( Agrabah) so it sorta stuck in my mind . tbf i think it was intended as a light hearted poll but you can never be sure with America these days :)


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