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46 minutes ago, LondonLax said:

I have seen plenty of his supporters who are very happy with his first week in charge and the way things have gone. 

There are many of these people out there, I have no interaction with them on a day to day basis but you can tap into threads of his supporters on the internet so they very much do exist. 

In fact, I suspect the vast majority of people who voted for him are happy with the way things have gone. He's doing exactly what he promised them he would.

I think that is the thing isn’t it and that ‘oh these people with these views are very much a minority’ has led us to where we are now.

There are loads of people about with these opinions. Xenophobes, that are very much about isolationism, protectionism, f Johnny Foreigner no matter how great their need let’s look after our own. That believe much of what is wrong in their lives’ will become so much better as soon as we stop helping foreigners including the belief they will be much safer if we stop letting Muslims into the country or better still get rid of those already here.

I hope the world is finally waking up to what is happening and the push back is starting. I know there was some discussion in the thread earlier about the motives behind some of those protesting against Trump now and going on rallies/marches. I don’t think they need a specific reason do they. It is just good to see people fighting against what they see as an overall wrong. That they don’t want to live in a world like this and that is heading for worse. Trump may well prove to be of some use for good in that he may well be the catalyst for the fight back.

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20 minutes ago, snowychap said:

It seems there's still confusion about how the immigration executive order affects UK citizens according to reports on the beeb.

Which is surprising considering how well thought out the initial idea was :D

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40 minutes ago, snowychap said:

It seems there's still confusion about how the immigration executive order affects UK citizens according to reports on the beeb.

FCO saying to only applies to British dual nationals if they are traveling directly to the US from one of the 7 banned countries. Otherwise it's no problem. 

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2 minutes ago, Awol said:

FCO saying to only applies to British dual nationals if they are traveling directly to the US from one of the 7 banned countries. Otherwise it's no problem. 

Yet the US embassy in London has told dual nationals not to apply for new Visas and not to turn up to visa appointments - that's according to the beeb and a specialist immigration lawyer being interviewed now.

It would appear that the FCO advice is based on Boris's call with Bannan and that the people who issue visas hold a different opinion.

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Interestingly (or not) there's an old video kicking around on YouTube of retired US General Wesley Clark. In it he states that post 9/11 he was given a list of 7 countries the US was going to knock over in a 5 year period. 

6 of the 7 named are on this visa ban, the 7th Lebanon is missing and replaced by Yemen. Point being these names weren't pulled out of a hat by Bannon or anyone else in the new administration. 

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4 minutes ago, Awol said:

6 of the 7 named are on this visa ban, the 7th Lebanon is missing and replaced by Yemen. Point being these names weren't pulled out of a hat by Bannon or anyone else in the new administration. 

Well, they were pulled out of a hat - it was just a hat labeled 'hey, hey look at someone else'. :)

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13 minutes ago, Awol said:

FCO saying to only applies to British dual nationals if they are traveling directly to the US from one of the 7 banned countries. Otherwise it's no problem. 

Further to my post above, this is from the US embassy website:


Urgent Notice: Per U.S. Presidential Executive Order signed on January 27, 2017, visa issuance to aliens from the countries of Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen has been suspended effective immediately until further notification.

If you are a national, or dual national, of one of these countries, please do not schedule a visa appointment or pay any visa fees at this time.

If you already have an appointment scheduled, please DO NOT ATTEND your appointment as we will not be able to proceed with your visa interview. Please note that certain travel for official governmental purposes, related to official business at or on behalf of designated international organizations, on behalf of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or by certain officials is not subject to this suspension.


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17 minutes ago, Awol said:

FCO saying to only applies to British dual nationals if they are traveling directly to the US from one of the 7 banned countries. Otherwise it's no problem. 

Kind of depends on your interpretation of "no problem". This whole scenario wouldn't meet my definition.

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An interesting read. Not sure it's on the money but thought provoking


Combining all of these facts, we have a fairly clear picture in play.

  1. Trump was, indeed, perfectly honest during the campaign; he intends to do everything he said, and more. This should not be reassuring to you.
  2. The regime’s main organizational goal right now is to transfer all effective power to a tight inner circle, eliminating any possible checks from either the Federal bureaucracy, Congress, or the Courts. Departments are being reorganized or purged to effect this.
  3. The inner circle is actively probing the means by which they can seize unchallenged power; yesterday’s moves should be read as the first part of that.
  4. The aims of crushing various groups — Muslims, Latinos, the black and trans communities, academics, the press — are very much primary aims of the regime, and are likely to be acted on with much greater speed than was earlier suspected. The secondary aim of personal enrichment is also very much in play, and clever people will find ways to play these two goals off each other.

Trial balloon for a coup

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24 minutes ago, ml1dch said:

Kind of depends on your interpretation of "no problem". This whole scenario wouldn't meet my definition.

Agreed, I meant specifically for UK dual nationals. 

Apparently Obama did a similar visa block for Iraqis only in 2011. I don't recall it happening so can only assume it was under reported at the time - presumably the media didn't think it was a big deal either.

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25 minutes ago, Chindie said:

An interesting read. Not sure it's on the money but thought provoking

Trial balloon for a coup

Interesting picture from that blog:


So (if that's right) there wasn't likely to be anyone at home for Boris to talk to thus he ended up with Bannan and Trump's son-in-law.

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Got to stop those 'bad dudes'...

Given he was boasting in a tweet less than an hour earlier how a ban was a big part of his campaign, surely those 'bad dudes' will have already had at least 2 months notice to rush in because of him?  

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6 minutes ago, andym said:

Given he was boasting in a tweet less than an hour earlier how a ban was a big part of his campaign, surely those 'bad dudes' will have already had at least 2 months notice to rush in because of him?  

"Yep" Geoff the bar tender broke the silence in the Saloon,  "these are 'bad dudes', and make no mistake".  "They will be riding into this town come sunrise as sure as Mr Dilkington, the cobbler opens that damn shop of his at 5 past 9 in the A M."

The Sheriff jumped down from his bar stool,  once balance was fully attained he stated to walk back and forth along the bars length.  The bottom of his revolver's scapping along the wooden floorboards,  leaving two small trail of a sawdust slug type juice in his wake that could be interpreted as a midget railway. The sheriff strode forward,  and spat out "These 'bad dudes', they been doing 'bad dude' things and as Sheriff of this god damn town it stop's now"

The piano that had stated playing stopped, dead.  "Shut the town gates"

Trump is starting to sound like a wild west sheriff,  who happens to be a midget in this case,but never mind that,  his language is ridiculous.  Who the **** does 'bad dudes' resonant with ? Be on the look out for 'bad dudes'.


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Suspect in Quebec mosque terror attack was of Moroccan origin, report shows

One of two gunmen who shouted 'Allahu akbar!' as they opened fire at a mosque in Quebec City was of Moroccan origin, a witness and local media reported Monday, revealing the first details about the attackers in the massacre that killed six people


Fox are actually horrible. This is their headline smh.

Edit: just look at how they framed that. Managed to slip in the Allahu Akbar claim which was an unconfirmed rumour  like it was fact. You know Donnie is watching this too as that's how he gets his news on the world. Wonder what he'll do next, ban Canadian Muslims?

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