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52 minutes ago, StefanAVFC said:

We need to accept the US shouldn't exist as it is, it's too divided and too broken.

Exactly how Dugin and that line of warped Russian ideology planned it.

its worked a treat for them. How has it been allowed to happen that the choices for the commander in chief of the free world is between a 70 year old convicted felon, or an 80 year old geriatric? I mean what the hell is this


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2 hours ago, villa89 said:

How did go for him? It went the same way as it would if he tried to do it again, ending in failure. 

If I dodge a bullet I don't then want someone to pull the trigger to try again.

The country deserves everything it gets if they vote him in again. 

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3 hours ago, The Fun Factory said:

Lucky the debate is far away from November as people's attention spans are so short that the debate would have moved on.

Well that is what the democrats would be praying on. Not a chance that Biden will withdraw. US politics seems to be in some of sort of death spiral.

If Biden deteriorates in the next four and a bit months as much as he has in the first six months of the year, by November he'll need a frame and a drip to deliver his inauguration speech.


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Watching Sky News now, it appears that Biden is fine reading off those transparent cue things either side of the stage.  The issue comes is when he has to adlib and I have no faith that he will be able to look world leaders (perhaps adversaries) in the eye (heck, even via secure phone calls) and lay it down like a US President might need to.  Yep, I agree with most,  I fear for the future with either Trump or Biden in charge. 

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Just now, trekka said:

Watching Sky News now, it appears that Biden is fine reading off those transparent cue things either side of the stage.  The issue comes is when he has to adlib and I have no faith that he will be able to look world leaders (perhaps adversaries) in the eye (heck, even via secure phone calls) and lay it down like a US President might need to.  Yep, I agree with most,  I fear for the future with either Trump or Biden in charge. 

With Biden in charge it will be more of the generally stable situation we have now. People behind the scenes pulling the strings.

With Trump the sensible clever people will be fired.

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Just now, Genie said:

With Biden in charge it will be more of the generally stable situation we have now. People behind the scenes pulling the strings.

With Trump the sensible clever people will be fired.

For how long though? He will need to engage with world leaders and will need to make demands on them.  He can't just shuffle in, smile and put on his sunglasses and hope that all will be okay. 

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Sad, embarrassing and distressing to see an old senile person totally out of his depth.

Whatever your political persuasion this spectacle is awful. Even Trump looked embarrassed by the whole interview.

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"When you give him a teleprompter, he seems to do better...remember when a phone call comes in at 3AM with a world crisis, there is no teleprompter.  You have to make the call as Commander in Chief". 

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9 hours ago, Genie said:

I hate to say it but senile, mad, mental Trump looks to be the more coherent of the 2 at the moment.

The problem is less Trump than the rabid sycophant MAGAts he will have in his cabinet, etc. He saw the first time how poorly having relatively competent advisors worked out for him and this time it’s only going to be MAGA bootlicking true-believers in those positions. That’s where the damage will occur. Well, that and a right-wing SCOTUS packed with wannabe theocrats 🙄

Was out having dinner with friends here in San Francisco, thankful I missed the dumpster fire 

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8 hours ago, cyrusr said:

Its not Trump personally which will be the problem; its who is around him which will be the problem. Jon Oliver covered this the other day which would be very worth a watch if you have Sky/Now TV (don't think it has made it to YouTube yet). 


So this is a plan set up by the Heritage Foundation (conservative think tank) and basically sets out a blueprint to ensure that all of the administration are going to be conservative led for the foreseeable future and in essence turn America into an Autocracy. There are also suggestions that with the Supreme Court that 3 of the conservative leaning Judges will retire and be replaced by younger versions of themselves, holding the Supreme Court for decades.

Yes, the 1st Trump term didn't collapse America, but arguably it was not expected by many so it took time for people to abuse it. Now a 2nd term is real possibility and people are ready.  

👍👍 I posted earlier this week (I think it was this week) that the Heritage Foundation & Leonard Leo have and are still doing serious, irreparable damage. 🤬

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7 hours ago, Demitri_C said:

I would imagine vivek and scott will be two major players in trumps cabinet if he wins.  I do wonder if he will bring an outsider like tucker in.

Mike Flynn’s revenge tour is going to be frightening. He’s had 4+ years of his anger biking away and heads are gonna roll. He’s bat💩 crazy

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26 minutes ago, Genie said:

With Biden in charge it will be more of the generally stable situation we have now. People behind the scenes pulling the strings.

With Trump the sensible clever people will be fired.

That is all clearly laid out in Project 2025 or whatever they call their nefarious manifesto 

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10 hours ago, Mic09 said:

Why do you think Democrats keep pushing Biden? Is it a case of not being able to put their hand up and say 'let's call it a day and give him some rest'?

Or maybe the optics of not having the current president go for his 2nd turn?

Surely there must be some young well spoken guy who would wipe the floor with Trump. Why do democrats want to risk it? 

I think it mostly comes down to simple fear of changing horses midstream with an election just over 4 months away 

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4 hours ago, maqroll said:

A potential stumbling block in this scenario is if Kamala Harris wants the top job for herself too. You could end up with fractured party along racial lines at the convention with delegates at each other's throats and having it all beamed around the world, which would only strengthen Trump's position.

But first things first, get Biden the **** out of there, now.

Exactly. I don’t see her just politely stepping aside for Newsom. 

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4 hours ago, mjmooney said:

Obama got elected, why can't Harris? 

There is a serious level of hate for Harris, she is incredibly disliked by so many. Almost at a Hillary-level of hatred…almost. She wouldn’t stand a prayer, regardless of her actual qualifications 

Edited by Nor-Cal Villan
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