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I mean even the most diehard Biden fan must realise that it's time to let Joe have some time off. There are plenty of younger people in the party who would've torn Trump's arguments to shreds. Someone with some more impetuous who could be served well by Biden's great team.

The Democrats need to change this or else Trump will have a landslide.

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31 minutes ago, magnkarl said:

I mean even the most diehard Biden fan must realise that it's time to let Joe have some time off. There are plenty of younger people in the party who would've torn Trump's arguments to shreds. Someone with some more impetuous who could be served well by Biden's great team.

The Democrats need to change this or else Trump will have a landslide.

Why do you think Democrats keep pushing Biden? Is it a case of not being able to put their hand up and say 'let's call it a day and give him some rest'?

Or maybe the optics of not having the current president go for his 2nd turn?

Surely there must be some young well spoken guy who would wipe the floor with Trump. Why do democrats want to risk it? 

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37 minutes ago, magnkarl said:

I mean even the most diehard Biden fan must realise that it's time to let Joe have some time off.

They should have known that the second Biden was elected president. He was only ever going to be a one term president. They should have picked a better (non-alcoholic*) vice president and positioned them straight away as their next candidate. Four years to put them front and centre and show how presidential they are. 

Much like you can't be surprised that a terrible manager like Southgate is failing you can't be surprised that a senile old man like sleepy Joe isn't capable of performing in a debate. What moron in his team thought these debates were a good idea? It was political suicide. 

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17 minutes ago, magnkarl said:

I mean even the most diehard Biden fan must realise that it's time to let Joe have some time off. There are plenty of younger people in the party who would've torn Trump's arguments to shreds. Someone with some more impetuous who could be served well by Biden's great team.

The Democrats need to change this or else Trump will have a landslide.

The fact the election is "close" with Biden in this state is a miracle, and says more about the divisive nature of Trump. For all the Republican edits / cuts - Biden really has seriously deteriorated, a lot more than Trump.

If the democrats wheel out and semi coherent candidate (Michelle Obama, Newsom) then they'd quite comfortably win the election. 

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2 minutes ago, pas5898 said:

The fact the election is "close" with Biden in this state is a miracle, and says more about the divisive nature of Trump. For all the Republican edits / cuts - Biden really has seriously deteriorated, a lot more than Trump.

If the democrats wheel out and semi coherent candidate (Michelle Obama, Newsom) then they'd quite comfortably win the election. 

Michelle Obama is not a politician, been mentioned more than once on here. 🤨

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I mean, I think if the GOP did the same and introduced someone moderate and less nuts, they'd also walk it. This election as it stands is a race to the bottom.

Edited by magnkarl
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1 hour ago, Genie said:

My gosh, what a mess. America has been due a collapse for a long time and we might be getting it for Christmas.

Trump was president before and America didn't collapse. He might be worse this time but America will still come out of it okay. There's a limited amount of damage a US president can do, the French president has far more power for example. 

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1 minute ago, villa89 said:

Trump was president before and America didn't collapse. He might be worse this time but America will still come out of it okay. There's a limited amount of damage a US president can do, the French president has far more power for example. 

I saw you used Steve Bannon term 'sleepy Joe'. I see you must have no concerns about 6 January 2021. You must also have no concerns about this Putin lover becoming USA President while Putin's army is on the rampage in Eastern Europe?

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14 minutes ago, Mr_Dogg said:

Michelle Obama is not a politician, been mentioned more than once on here. 🤨

Biden is barely alive and still president of the United States, and has a shot at winning the next election.

Any popular democratic fully functioning human being should win the election against Trump. 

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2 minutes ago, pas5898 said:

Biden is barely alive and still president of the United States, and has a shot at winning the next election.

Any popular democratic fully functioning human being should win the election against Trump. 

Yes, but Michelle Obama doesn't want to be that person. 

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33 minutes ago, Mic09 said:

Or maybe the optics of not having the current president go for his 2nd turn?

6 months ago a late change would have looked worse than having someone old and past it run. Team Trump would have dined out on that easily.

Now it looks like the guy clearly too old is the worse of the 2 scenarios and he’s doing team Trump’s work for them.

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10 minutes ago, magnkarl said:

Trump, if he wins, will be older than Joe Biden is now in his third year.

Can't imagine either surviving another term tbh.

I hate to say it but senile, mad, mental Trump looks to be the more coherent of the 2 at the moment.

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18 minutes ago, magnkarl said:

Trump, if he wins, will be older than Joe Biden is now in his third year.

Can't imagine either surviving another term tbh.

You have 80 year old and 80 year olds. 

Trump (for now, who knows what happens in 2-3-4 years) looks like he is still fairly switched on. 

Mad, bonkers, inappropriate, wrong for the job, but fairly switched on. 

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14 minutes ago, Jareth said:

It would actually be more straightforward for the dems to assassinate Trump at this point - if they don't then Biden loses. 

They'd still lose to whoever replaced Trump, and probably by a much larger margin.

Obviously the silver lining would be that whoever replaced Trump would probably not be able to bend the rules in the same way as Trump seems able to.

Edited by Panto_Villan
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