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If the dems don't win NC based purely on this being the GOP's candidate for governor there's absolutely no hope for the US.

Mark Robinson's Bizarre Ramble: 'I Absolutely Want To Go Back To The America Where Women Couldn’t Vote'


On Tuesday, Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson won the GOP primary to become his party’s nominee for North Carolina governor, presumably with the help of female voters.

But just four years ago, Robinson invoked a bizarre hypothetical in which he said he’d “absolutely” like to return to the days when the 19th Amendment didn’t exist ― when women didn’t have the right to vote.

“I absolutely want to go back to the America where women couldn’t vote,” Robinson said in a newly resurfaced video of his remarks at a March 2020 event hosted by the Republican Women of Pitt County.

The North Carolina Republican’s longing for the days when women couldn’t vote ties into his history of demeaning women and mocking feminism, especially on social media. He’s claimed that feminism was created by Satan. He’s said that men who identify as feminists are “about as MANLY as a pair of lace panties” and are “weak mined, jelly backed ‘men.’” He’s routinely referred to feminists as “fem-nazis” and, in one particularly colorful post, described those who support equal rights for women as “sexist, hairy armpit having, poo-poo hat wearing pinkos.”

“The only thing worse than a woman who doesn’t know her place, is a man who doesn’t know his,” he wrote on Facebook in December 2017.

Channeling the late televangelist Pat Robertson, he has claimed that Satan himself is using “lesbianism and feminism” to destroy traditional families.

In still more Facebook posts, the GOP gubernatorial nominee strangely equated feminism with sexism and racism.

“If blacks should stand up against racism, and women should stand up against sexism....shouldn’t men stand up against feminism?” he posted on Sept. 20, 2016.

That same day, he also wrote, “I am REALLY sick of feminism and feminist. They are just as bad, if not worse, than racist.”

There’s plenty more to revisit with Robinson’s attacks on women, including calling them “whores,” “witches” and “rejected drag queens.” There’s also his record of quoting Adolf Hitler, fanning Islamophobia, saying trans people should be arrested for using bathrooms, casting doubts on the Holocaust and spreading countless dangerous conspiracy theories.

He has criticized women who breastfeed in public, too.

“Shameless attention hogs,” Robinson posted on Facebook in 2016.

It's as if the GOP wants the Handmaid's Tale to happen.

Edited by magnkarl
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12 minutes ago, magnkarl said:

The MAGA-base sure doesn't have a shred of logic, do they?

Booo immigration! The US is essentially powering through really tough economic times largely due to immigration.

Booo Ukraine! Something like 7 out of 10 arms manufacturers in the US are located in deeply red MAGA-states. US aid to Ukraine sends old equipment to Ukraine and energises the arms-industry. The US gets the new equipment, not Ukraine.

Boo swamp Washington! If anything, the milieu around Trump is the swampiest, nastiest, most corrupt mainstream political movement to hit either party in the US ever.

Boo health care! Old white folks in republican states are literally the people who suffer the most from not receiving decent health care. I just don't get it.

These are hate filled people. They're not looking to make their lives better, they want to make the lives of others worse. 


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7 hours ago, Villaphan04 said:

25th amendment, it goes to the VP until the president is able to fulfill the presidential duties. If the president dies, then the VP becomes the next president. 

I suspect that's what the democrats were hoping would happen. Biden snuffs it during his first term and Kamala Harris takes over for the remainder and runs next time around. Too bad Sleepy Joe keeps living and Kamala is an alco. 

Edited by villa89
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7 hours ago, Villaphan04 said:

one of my friends is one of these people. he voted for Biden in '20 as he disagreed with the way that Trump handled COVID and now is going to Trump as he does not like the way Biden is running/handling the nation currently (specifically on immigration). 

See, I can understand flipping from Biden to the GOP candidate (a new one) but flipping back to Trump is absolutely mental. He's not a serious person.

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3 minutes ago, StefanAVFC said:

See, I can understand flipping from Biden to the GOP candidate (a new one) but flipping back to Trump is absolutely mental. He's not a serious person.

I think it's general dissatisfaction with everything. The urge to give whoever is in power a kicking, regardless of whether you broadly agree with or like them, is pretty powerful.

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11 hours ago, theboyangel said:

Sadly I foresee another Trump win. I hope I'm wrong as he shouldn't be allowed anywhere near an election process but that's America for you. 

Another win? He won once in 2016 and that seems more about anti-Hillary vibe, the unknown (politically) Trump and people sick of the establishment.  Since then Trump and the GOP has been in the main on a constant losing battle in 2018, 2020 and 2022. 

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I just can’t see how Trump can win, he lost both popular votes. He can’t have gained enough new votes, especially in a period where the US is reasonably stable.

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1 minute ago, Genie said:

I just can’t see how Trump can win, he lost both popular votes. He can’t have gained enough new votes, especially in a period where the US is reasonably stable.

He won’t! Despite all the scare tactics from the media, I think Biden wins about the same as last time.  Trump overall isn’t gaining new voters enough to win.

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1 minute ago, Panto_Villan said:

The last election was incredibly close, remember. It won’t take Trump gaining many voters in the swing states (or just Biden losing them) for it to go the other way.

Was it?

Biden got 306 electoral votes to Trumps 232.

Biden 81m total votes to Trump 72m

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Just now, Genie said:

Was it?

Biden got 306 electoral votes to Trumps 232.

Biden 81m total votes to Trump 72m

Yeah. Total vote count is irrelevant.The margins were knife thin in several important swing states - I think Nevada, Arizona, Georgia maybe? I forget the exact maths but if any two had swung the other way then Trump would have been President, and that wasn’t far off.

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3 minutes ago, Genie said:

Was it?

Biden got 306 electoral votes to Trumps 232.

Biden 81m total votes to Trump 72m

In fairness, and I appreciate that it isn't that simple due to electoral colleges, a difference of 9m people represents just 2.7% of the US population.

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22 minutes ago, HKP90 said:

In fairness, and I appreciate that it isn't that simple due to electoral colleges, a difference of 9m people represents just 2.7% of the US population.

Yeah but the total population doesn’t vote, it’s 6% of the voting block of 150m, that’s significant.

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Just now, nick76 said:

Yeah but the total population doesn’t vote, it’s 6% of the voting block of 150m, that’s significant.

Dunno. 6% swing doesn't sound that improbable.

Anyway Trump will win because he will use the words immigration and foreigners 400 times a day between now and the election.

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32 minutes ago, Panto_Villan said:

The last election was incredibly close, remember. It won’t take Trump gaining many voters in the swing states (or just Biden losing them) for it to go the other way.

Yeah but it’s also assuming the only outcome is Biden losing votes to Trump when we are hearing daily of Republicans who voted for Trump in 2020 who won’t consider voting for him this time because of everything that has come out.  Trump is also alienating non-MAGA republicans constantly, even just yesterday re Haley supporters and sponsors.  In the swing states in the post primary results how many republicans who voted for Haley said they would never vote for Trump, it was material amounts.  Trump isn’t growing his base.

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2 minutes ago, HKP90 said:

Dunno. 6% swing doesn't sound that improbable.

Anyway Trump will win because he will use the words immigration and foreigners 400 times a day between now and the election.

Yeah and Biden’s 700m ad campaign will shoot all that down because Trump said no to the bipartisan Senate deal.  RNC isn’t anywhere near as cashed up this time and are in a bit of a flux re who’s running the, and where the money is going.  Trump will have to rely more on the PAC’s but he’s also using their money to pay legal bills.  Money matters in this fight and there seems to be only one winner on that and it isn’t Trump.

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I don’t think many voters will switch from Trump to Biden but I think there will be a much lower turnout in this election. 

It would only take a handful of Biden supporters in a few key states to stay home and Trump could feasibly win those states back, giving him the presidency.

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21 minutes ago, Captain_Townsend said:

Three years ago I watched Donald Trump incite an insurrection.  I saw his crazy followers storm Congress and desecrate the floor of the Senate. 

How the actual **** is he on the Ballot this time let alone possible winner?

It's insane isn't it.

Only in a proper unstable country would this happen elsewhere in the world.

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56 minutes ago, Captain_Townsend said:

Three years ago I watched Donald Trump incite an insurrection.  I saw his crazy followers storm Congress and desecrate the floor of the Senate. 

How the actual **** is he on the Ballot this time let alone possible winner?


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