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Florida house voted a big huge FU regarding new gun control legislation with survivors of the shooting in attendance. Lots of talk from politicians down there in recent days hitting all the right PR notes after such an event, but it's all just PR :bang:

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19 hours ago, StefanAVFC said:
**** these conspiracy theory pushing disgusting pieces of shit

Some guy I used to play football with shared a bunch of photos on facebook last evening saying how CNN has simply hired these kids to speak out for gun control. Some of his photos were insane. One blurry brunette girl was seen at multiple shootings so clearly they are all the same girl. Or how the kids were smiling in a photo meeting Anderson Cooper so clearly their grief is fake. What are they supposed to be frowning in photos when meeting a celebrity or else they are faking? He was dead certain these things meant CNN had paid all these actors to run a fake news story. 

If he had any common sense he'd realise how stupid his arguments were. Why would CNN, a massive news organization, risk their entire reputability to run some fake news stories on a school shooting? The backlash would be insane. Then CNN would have to hope all those "actors" kept their mouths shut for the rest of their lives. 

It can't just be that these kids actually did experience something traumatic and want to make sure things like this doesn't happen again.

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3 hours ago, Czechlad said:

Some guy I used to play football with shared a bunch of photos on facebook last evening saying how CNN has simply hired these kids to speak out for gun control. Some of his photos were insane. One blurry brunette girl was seen at multiple shootings so clearly they are all the same girl. Or how the kids were smiling in a photo meeting Anderson Cooper so clearly their grief is fake. What are they supposed to be frowning in photos when meeting a celebrity or else they are faking? He was dead certain these things meant CNN had paid all these actors to run a fake news story. 

If he had any common sense he'd realise how stupid his arguments were. Why would CNN, a massive news organization, risk their entire reputability to run some fake news stories on a school shooting? The backlash would be insane. Then CNN would have to hope all those "actors" kept their mouths shut for the rest of their lives. 

It can't just be that these kids actually did experience something traumatic and want to make sure things like this doesn't happen again.

This is a consequence of some of their behavior covering Trump and Trumps manipulation of the media. Hence, some people see an agenda in everything they do now. Can't say I'm all that sorry as they are a sorry excuse for a news network. 

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14 minutes ago, villakram said:

This is a consequence of some of their behavior covering Trump and Trumps manipulation of the media. Hence, some people see an agenda in everything they do now. Can't say I'm all that sorry as they are a sorry excuse for a news network. 

There's some absolutely bonkers logic in that post. Are they supposed to not cover what the President of the USA has been getting up to? In many people's eyes what Trump has been engaged in is treasonous and the cover up that's been going on along with the obstruction of justice goes way beyond Nixon. You appear to be suggesting they shouldn't be covering that, in fact they are wrong for doing so. 

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My wife actually complained about that at lunch today to me. She said she is absolutely sick of hearing about Trump 24/7 and feels like she is missing out on actual world news because of it, but she knows you can't just ignore these insane claims and actions Trump makes just because he is constantly in the news.

It's a terrible cycle. Trump's actions and not his policies keep him in the spotlight all the time, and the media shouldn't just ignore it because he does it often. 

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4 hours ago, Czechlad said:

Or how the kids were smiling in a photo meeting Anderson Cooper so clearly their grief is fake. What are they supposed to be frowning in photos when meeting a celebrity or else they are faking?

Meanwhile their shithead president goes to meet first responders, soon after the tragedy, with satellite images of the location still in the background, and poses with this shiteating grin, like it's the best day of his life.


Edited by Davkaus
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1 hour ago, bickster said:

There's some absolutely bonkers logic in that post. Are they supposed to not cover what the President of the USA has been getting up to? In many people's eyes what Trump has been engaged in is treasonous and the cover up that's been going on along with the obstruction of justice goes way beyond Nixon. You appear to be suggesting they shouldn't be covering that, in fact they are wrong for doing so. 


CNN have on a number of occasions posted black and white false material, e.g., https://www.politico.com/story/2017/12/08/cnn-trump-error-journalism-287914

"CNN was forced to correct a key error in a story about the Trump campaign and access to hacked Democratic National Committee emails on Friday, extending a run of high-profile media mistakes."

 Now was this due to an incompetent desire to get the scoop, an organizational bias against Trump or most probably a combination of the above. This is what I am pointing to. They, through their own actions have given legitimate fuel to their "enemies". That you fail to see this points to an ideological bias that you should examine. 

And could you please stop continually interpreting my posts through your biased lens.

Nowhere did I suggest that CNN shouldn't cover whatever they please. They have no credibility as a news organization, however. You are welcome to make a fool of yourself extolling the virtues of CNN if you please.

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Trump's solution to school shootings: arm teachers with guns

The US president proposes to arm school teachers in an attempt to prevent mass shootings, a move certain to prove fiercely divisive

President Donald Trump hosts a listening session with high school students, teachers and parents in the State Dining Room of the White House on Wednesday. Photograph: Carolyn Kaster/AP

Donald Trump has said he will consider a proposal to arm school teachers in an attempt to prevent mass shootings, a move certain to prove fiercely divisive.

The US president, holding a listening session at the White House with survivors of last week’s Florida school shooting and others affected by gun violence, claimed that allowing airline pilots to carry and conceal guns had demonstrated the measure could be a success.

“It only works when you have people very adept at using firearms, of which you have many,” Trump said during an emotionally searing session that, extraordinarily, was broadcast live on national television. “It would be teachers and coaches.”

Referring to Aaron Feis, a football coach who used his body as a shield to protect a student during the massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school in Parkland, the president continued: “If the coach had a firearm in his locker when he ran at this guy – that coach was very brave, saved a lot of lives, I suspect.

“But if he had a firearm, he wouldn’t have had to run, he would have shot him, and that would have been the end of it. This would only obviously be for people who are very adept at handling a gun. It’s called concealed carry, where a teacher would have a concealed gun on them. They’d go for special training and they would be there and you would no longer have a gun free zone.”

Trump added: “Gun free zone to a maniac – because they’re all cowards – a gun free zone is, ‘let’s go in and let’s attack, because bullets aren’t coming back at us’... It’s certainly a point that we’ll discuss.

“An attack has lasted, on average, about three minutes. It takes five to eight minutes for responders, for the police to come in, so the attack is over. If you had a teacher who was adept at firearms, they could very well end the attack very quickly, and the good thing about a suggestion like that ... you’ll have a lot of people like that. You can’t have a hundred security guards in Stoneman Douglas.”

Knowledge of this would act as a deterrent to would-be attacked, Trump claimed. “You know, a lot of people don’t understand that airline pilots now, a lot of them carry guns, and I have to say that things have changed a lot. People aren’t attacking the way they would routinely attack and maybe you would have the same situation in schools.”

The president asked for a show of hands in the room over the proposal: some agreed with it, others disagreed. “We can understand both sides and certainly it’s controversial,” he acknowledged.

Nicole Hockley, whose six-year-old son Dylan died at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, in 2012, spoke out against the idea of arming teachers. “It’s not personally something that I support. Rather than arming them with a firearm, I would rather arm them with the knowledge of how to prevent these acts from happening in the first place,” she told Trump.

Safety assessments programmes, finding out why a child is on that pathway and intervening is crucial, she added. “There are some fabulous solutions being talked about today which still go to imminent danger. Let’s talk about prevention. There is so much that we can do to help people before it reaches that point, and I urge you please stay focused on that as well. It is the gun, it’s the person behind the gun and it’s about helping people before they ever reach that point.”

Earlier during the session in the state dining room, where some speakers were tearful but composed as they recalled their experiences, Hockley also issued a challenge to the president. ‘This is not difficult,” she told him. “These deaths are preventable. And I implore you: consider your own children. You don’t want to be me. No parent does.”

In May 2016, during the presidential election, Trump tweeted: “Crooked Hillary said that I want guns brought into the school classroom. Wrong!”

The proposal, which also followed Trump’s assertion that he would be “very strong” on background checks for gun buyers, came as he sat in the middle of a semi-circle listening intently as six survivors of last week’s shooting and bereaved parents from Parkland, Columbine and Sandy Hook took turns to address him.

Sam Zeif, 18, a Parkland student whose text messages with his brother during last week’s shooting went viral, fought back tears as he told Trump: “No brothers or sisters, family members or anyone ever have to share those texts again. And that’s why I’m here. I lost a best friend. I’m here to use my voice because I know he can’t and I know he’s with me cheering me on.

“And to feel like this, it doesn’t even feel like a week. Time has stood still. To feel like this ever. I can’t feel comfortable in my country knowing that people have, will ever feel like this.”

Zeif added: “I want to feel safe in my school.I’ve started actually enjoying school and now I don’t know how I’m ever going to set foot in that place ... Me and my friends, we get scared when a car drives by, anywhere ... I don’t understand how I can go into a store and buy a weapon of war. How is it that easy to buy this type of weapon? Let’s never let this happen again please, please.”


Another South Park episode/Twilight Zone moment from the man with the plan.

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Heard an interesting suggestion on the Bill Burr podcast for how to manage the issue and it got me thinking further. Don’t take away people’s precious guns, don’t infringe on their 2nd Amendment.

Regulate the ammunition. Register shots fired. People can keep and carry guns, but can only own a finite, moderate number of bullets. You get a clip. If bullets are used, they can get more but all shots have to be accounted for. You’re “protected” if god forbid you have to use them - and you can go and get more bullets the same day when you do.

Your turn, NRA.

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