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3 minutes ago, TheAuthority said:

Order of succession:

  • The Vice President - Well Pence is implicated
  • Speaker of the House - Ryan has made some dubious comments relating to what he knew and when, so no.
  • President pro tempore of the Senate1 - Turtle Head McConnell - no thanks
  • Secretary of State - Rex Tillerson - Worked his whole life for the oil industry until about 100 days ago.
  • Secretary of the Treasury - Mnuchin - possibly linked to Russia and a stupid name
  • Secretary of Defense - Mad Dog Mattis - says it all really
  • Attorney General - Jeff Sessions - Good Lord NO!
  • Secretary of the Interior  - 

Basically the person who looks after all the national parks is the only viable option to be President, if Trump is impeached.

With all that being said, it means there's only one man for the job...


Ladies & Gentlemen, I give you President Swanson.

Where do I sign up?

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On 5/18/2017 at 21:20, LondonLax said:

Apparently the Germans have reported that they have been asking for this intel for months but the US intelligance agencies did not want to share it with Germany in order to protect their sources. Yet Trump shares it with Russia, a strategic rival in the Middle East. 

You must question his judgement on that surely?

I truly think he hasn't thought out the broader ramifications of his actions beyond how they directly effect his own personal interests.

Edited by maqroll
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11 hours ago, Chindie said:

Trump doesn't have an Obama shaped bullet proof vest. Obama did shitty things. Trump isn't a saint either. They have nothing to do with each other. Trump can and should be criticised.

His stupidity this week may have risked lives, divulging information to a party not intended to be privy to it.

And that's only 1 thing he's done. Every story coming out is grim, either embarrassing or terrifying - the most powerful man in the world has to have reports shortened and riddled with references to himself to keep his attention, throws out patently, clearly untrue nonsense at every minor criticism, is alleged to have demanded loyalty from someone investigating his regime (before sacking him), has question marks all over his campaign and team that vary between dodgy (asking, allegedly, to have journalists arrested) to treasonous.

I'd be ashamed if questions weren't being asked.

Excellent post. Obama was a disgrace, but he got into politics as an earnest state senator with no foibles. What Trump, his lawyers and his stupid flunkies have been doing for the past 40 years is screw people over for a profit every chance they get. His sleaziness and treachery as president of the United States was always predictable, and is clearly obvious at this point. And whatever Obama is guilty of as president, he never conspired with one of our primary geopolitical foes to subvert the basic mechanisms of our system.

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7 hours ago, DK82 said:

I'm concerned that the 'rednecks' will rise up and start shooting from more than just their mouths, if/when, Trump is impeached.

I'll be honest, I am a bit behind on it all. Those up to date, you think it likely?

I think there is a fatigue rapidly setting in among Trump supporters. I don't see any real widespread street level action in defense of Trump. The left have the advantage on that front.

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10 hours ago, TheAuthority said:

Order of succession:

  • The Vice President - Well Pence is implicated
  • Speaker of the House - Ryan has made some dubious comments relating to what he knew and when, so no.
  • President pro tempore of the Senate1 - Turtle Head McConnell - no thanks
  • Secretary of State - Rex Tillerson - Worked his whole life for the oil industry until about 100 days ago.
  • Secretary of the Treasury - Mnuchin - possibly linked to Russia and a stupid name
  • Secretary of Defense - Mad Dog Mattis - says it all really
  • Attorney General - Jeff Sessions - Good Lord NO!
  • Secretary of the Interior  - 

Basically the person who looks after all the national parks is the only viable option to be President, if Trump is impeached.

With all that being said, it means there's only one man for the job...


Ladies & Gentlemen, I give you President Swanson.

IIRC, it's Hatch after Ryan, not McConnell. He's President pro tempore.

Edited by StefanAVFC
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I just flicked by CNN and saw the host of their panel have a total meltdown because someone asked them to reveal their "anonymous" sources. This is becoming so silly, I get that Trump is stupid - but the media against him shouldn't stoop to his level. CNN should know better, now no one will take them seriously when they are this partial.

I found the link right now. Feast your eyes on this folks.. It's turning into a circus..


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1 minute ago, snowychap said:

Was it a repeat?

Must've been considering the date on the episode is quite old now. I think they were trying to make a point about how CNN protects their sources or something.

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Okay, I've now read and listened to about every source from both sides. Here's my theories as to what might have happened and why this thing has exploded.

1) Everyone's an asshole. Comey should have been fired when the democrats wanted it last year. Sarah Huckabee Sanders is an asshole, Trump is an asshole, Schumer is an asshole for not owning up to wanting Comey fired last year. 

2) No one is consistent. Comey just couldn't please anyone. He **** up and tried to rewrite the law with the whole Clinton email saga. Comey was terrible at his job and no one liked him left or right. Each side had their own gripes with Comey, but it's pretty clear that Trump chose the worst possible timing to get rid of him. It's a bit like if someone decided to fire your mother in law for something you didn't think she should have been fired for, but at the same time you would fire her for something else. You are upset that she got fired for the wrong thing, but she's still a bitch.

3) Donald Trump doesn't have the self awareness to make decisions look good. Why on earth did he wait 4 months with getting rid of Comey when he could have done it the moment he realised that Comey would investigate him? In Trump's voice "Guys, this is yuuuge, let's wait 4 months until he gets close to the treasure and then blow it all up!" Even Maxine Waters said two days ago that there is no actual evidence to support the claims made by CNN/Washington Post/NYP yet. If Trump's plan was to shut down the investigation he should have known that getting rid of Comey wouldn't do that.

4) Trump's administration is an absolute bunch of idiots. The reasoning for firing Comey was apparently established back in October when Trump was cheering on Comey for trying to investigate Hillary. Does no one in this group of people know how to talk in front of people? All the people around him are sycophants and idiots. Instead of giving him proper advice they agreed to fire Comey at the worst possible time. In the same line of thought they gave no proper explanation as to why they fired Comey, compouding the idea that something dubious is going on. Furthermore at the same time two of Trump's advisers blamed the recommendation in the letter for firing Comey, while Trump said on national TV he did it on his own accord without the letter. This level of disorganisation is like a dumpster fire on top of a rubber fire on top of a manure fire - everything is disjointed.

5) Trump is stupid and way out of his league. Donald was pissed at Comey because Comey kept going into sessions with the senate and refusing to say what Trump wanted him to say, which is essentially that they have no evidence yet. Trump probably still believes that he's not directly involved in the problems, which in fairness is a point he can use, but Flynn and Manafort (sp) are definitely involved. I don't think Trump is smart enough to realise that people identify him with his aides, he thinks that they can do whatever without it backfiring on him. I think Trump is thinking "Those people aren't Trump, so why bother Trump about the issues?". When or if they find proof we'll have a year of "what and when did Trump know?" - Trump doesn't have the capacity to realise this. 

In essence Trump only thinks about Trump, he doesn't have the intellectual facilities to take advice, give advice, measure a situation, read a room, be consistent or rule a country. After a political victory last week with Trump Care he should've spent this week talking about how he's progressing, instead he's talking about how everything is a witch hunt. Trump - get your head out of your arse.

Sorry for the long post everyone. :) 

Edited by magnkarl
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