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What I don't get is that it was reported at some length last year that Trump has shares in the pipeline companies that he just signed executive orders to help out. It isn't even a subtle conflict of interest, it is direct and blatant, yet no one seems to be reporting on it.

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When President Donald Trump took to Twitter on Tuesday night and said he would send federal agents into Chicago if the city failed to address its growing violence, the threat seemed to emanate from nowhere.

But like so many of Trump's tweets, it appeared to be inspired by cable news.

He is watching Fox News and taking the stats as gospel. From the Fox News studio to the president's tweets in minutes. There are other correlations reported too. It just boggles my mind that he does this with no critical thought about what he is watching.

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8 hours ago, tonyh29 said:

Out of interest with Brexit we've had people saying that we are fools for walking away from our biggest market

what do you think Mexicos solution will be to their biggest market (84% of exports I thought I read somewhere but that may include Canada ? )

do you think they will pay for the wall ... or potentially turn their back on that market... it's probably a game of who blinks first but you have to remember they aren't dealing with a rational person here !!

From a previous post you've already decided that May is going to bend over and take it ... why do you think Mexico will be any different ? 


A tax on Mexican products is just going to cause Americans to pay for Trumps' Folly themselves.

I don't see America walking away from £300bn of products. Trump can encourage manufacturing back all he wants, that much isn't moving.

I suspect the folly will eventually be quietly shuffled off the agenda, or be in permanent development hell, and little will actually change.

I think it's different to Brexit. The US doesn't have a vested interest in making things difficult for Mexico, they want the products and the wall is neither here nor there. The EU has to weigh wanting British trade in city directions but also not wanting to signal to everyone else the Brits have the best of both worlds. Those are different games at play. And May I suspect will bend over and take it because for a start, the government appears to have been quite eager to take it before, and now we're going to be chomping at the bit for any deal. We'll be a desperate negotiator, who backed himself into a corner and needs favours to get out and save face.

Anywho... I've not seen the news this morning, what daft thing has he done whilst we've been sleeping?

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I'd love a view inside his mental process when he's speaking. I mean,


Here in Philadelphia, the murder rate has been steady — I mean just terribly increasing

It takes him less than a second to flip his point of view. It really would be fascinating if he wasn't such an idiot.

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8 minutes ago, StefanAVFC said:

I'd love a view inside his mental process when he's speaking. I mean,

It takes him less than a second to flip his point of view. It really would be fascinating if he wasn't such an idiot.

Could it be that he was going to say 'steadily increasing' but as he often does, stop halfway through a word and replace it with 'terribly' (see 'beautiful' for something good)?  I guess I'd have to see the video.

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28 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

I can see the U.S. heading for some form of civil war. 

That's the worry for me. If (by whatever means) he's ousted, it'll be carnage on every street in America. If he stays, we risk something more global [\hyperbole].

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I'm browsing through a bunch of people tweeting Trump who voted for him and are unhappy about what he's been doing in the last week, and I'm very much enjoying the schaudenfreude.

Obviously they're all democrat shills, because nobody could be unhappy with the god emperor, but it's still enjoyable.

I particularly enjoy the people that are distraught that he's cancelled ACA, because they won't be able to afford health insurance anymore. They've voted for someone who openly said that he'll take away their health insurance, and are surprised that he's done it. Sucks to be that **** dumb, doesn't it, better hope they're not sick in the next 4 years. :) 



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8 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

I'm browsing through a bunch of people tweeting Trump who voted for him and are unhappy about what he's been doing in the last week, and I'm very much enjoying the schaudenfreude.

Obviously they're all democrat shills, because nobody could be unhappy with the god emperor, but it's still enjoyable.

I particularly enjoy the people that are distraught that he's cancelled ACA, because they won't be able to afford health insurance anymore. They've voted for someone who openly said that he'll take away their health insurance, and are surprised that he's done it. Sucks to be that **** dumb, doesn't it, better hope they're not sick in the next 4 years. :) 



I'm reminded of a quote...

The enemy isn't men or women, but bloody stupid people.

And nobody has a right to be stupid.

I think that's a Pratchett quote, and it's one I'm reminded of more or less daily by the Trump circus 

The only thing tempering the schadenfreude is the knowledge a lot of people didn't vote got him, and they will be hammered on his anvil as bad as the fools that did. And that the position is such people that couldn't vote for him will get his shit on them to. The President's influence doesn't know borders.

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2 hours ago, mjmooney said:

I can see the U.S. heading for some form of civil war. 

I said similar on previous page.  it has the feeling of something that can unravel quite quickly at the moment.  They are not the brightest people on the world and they all have guns.



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26 minutes ago, Amsterdam_Neil_D said:

There are probably people in the US with assault rifles in their house that are actively searching for the above person to shoot.


If there's a reward tell them he's travelling right now but will arrive in Westeros shortly.

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Calexit may now be a thing



Californians who want their state to secede from the United States can now start collecting signatures to put the initiative on the 2018 ballot.

The Yes California Independence Campaign has been around for at least two years, but the election of President Trump only saw increased momentum for the so-called Calexit cause. Trump lost California by more than 4 million votes, fueling interest in a Calexit — a play on the United Kingdom's "Brexit" campaign that saw that country's voters decide to leave the European Union.

The California secretary of state’s office announced that the group could begin collecting signatures on Thursday.

The group needs 585,407 signatures from registered voters over the next 180 days to qualify for the ballot.


If the 2018 ballot initiative passes, it would force a 2019 statewide special election asking voters if they want California to become an independent country.

Supporters first proposed a ballot measure to the state attorney general’s office in November.

According to a summary prepared by the state attorney general, if the measure got onto the ballot and passed, it would repeal clauses in the California Constitution stating that the state is an "inseparable part of the United States" and that the U.S. Constitution is the "supreme law of the land," the Los Angeles Times reported.It's not clear whether a California secession would be handled by the federal government, even if the state's voters approved it.



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