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8 hours ago, maqroll said:

That's why it's put up or shut up time. If they can't make their case before the weekend, the faint hope of stopping Trump/Pence is all but gone. I can still envision a scenario where Trump is charged with some crime, or taken off the throne somehow and Pence takes over. 

This is what I've been predicting for a while, and I'm sticking to it. Either he gets taken down by his enemies, or by his own party. Either way, Pence will wind up in charge. 

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15 hours ago, maqroll said:

Perry also sits on the board of the parent company of Texas Energy Transfers (DAPL). I fully expect another showdown at Standing Rock, and this time it could get really bloody.



Pipeline spills 176,000 gallons of crude into creek about 150 miles from Dakota Access protest camp




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Obama interview on NPR stated that Russia is behind the hacking of DNC and Podesta emails. He went on to say that  the US will respond at a time and place of its choosing, some actions may be obvious and well publicized, some may not. 

If he wants to retaliate then they'll need to move very quickly indeed. Syria or Ukraine or something else entirely? 

Interestingly Craig Murray the former U.K. ambassador to Uzbekistan and now associate of Wikileaks, claims the emails were handed to him by a Democratic Party insider in Washington. Allegedly the whistle blower was disgusted at the corruption of the Clinton Foundation and the stitch up of the nomination against Bernie Sanders.

One of those stories is false, and I don't recall that Wikileaks have been caught lying about anything they've done in the past. 



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I doubt Wikileaks would want it known that they were being used as a pawn by the Russians so they might have cause in this instance to bend the truth. 

Of course they could both believe they are telling the truth without actually doing so. As always there is three sides to every story.

My feeling is that Joe public will probably never find out what actually happened and we'll stumble along in this strange new world. 

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On 12/14/2016 at 21:50, villakram said:


Jeez, where to start....

Bizarre: Come on, you're better than that. Please provide some examples rather than just throwing that about.

NYT: Paper of record, cheerleader for the Iraq war, buried NSA wiretapping story to help GB 2004 election, Syrian coverage (lol), cheerleading of Hillary.

Washington Post: Who only last week published a story from an anonymous website collective smearing a large number of other legitimate websites... since essentially retracted, but after the news cycle finished of course. Oh and Hillary cheerleading.

Newsweek: See cover of magazine released right before the election, which is now a collectors item.  

Nice work linking the article above. I'm not sure what it has to do with my quote though? I was specifically referencing the lazy article about Tillerman, who while rightly noting his continued funding of climate denial, then goes a little silly by attacking him for making the quite factual observation that we'll be stuck with fossil fuels for a while yet. What bugged me though was the assertion that he was inexperienced for the role of SoS, of course he is having only been in charge of one of the most important global oil companies dealing with the commodity on which the world runs. He's obviously qualified to carry out this role, now whether he is appropriate is a different question and one which that article could have done a much better job with rather than lazily implying Trump therefore silly.

I never asserted that there was no good coverage, only that too/so much of it is down right lazy. Lazy in the same way the Clinton campaign and all her assorted folks were during the election. 

Also, can you please forgive me a wry smile at an American getting all uppity about some other nations drug policies. 

Also, also, being in conflict with the foreign policy of the USA means you are in the wrong by definition of course, burn the commies?!?

I think you'll like this. It seems to be what you're basically saying above.


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I'm not quite sure what the X axis is meant to represent, I find it vaguely amusing that anything centre/left leaning is right over towards the 'tyranny' side.

Top right is what I'm going to refer to as the batshit mental corner.

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A plot with the current Y axis, which is unbiased and a new X-axis, say in terms of related wealth of the entity or some such would be illuminating. The real question should always be what agenda is this XYZ pushing.

A lot of straight forward "capitalist" old media vs new media going on too.

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3 hours ago, Chindie said:




Run by a man who believes that there is a secret underground base beneath Galveston, Texas, that houses augmented attack baboons bred by the military.

A man who also espoused swine flu as an engineered disease specifically designed to target Latino people, and that the cure was actually a more potent version of the virus designed to kill everyone for the 'Luciferian cause'.

On that chart more freedom and more independent appears to be a long way of saying 'more of a word removed'.

Wasn't he also spouting about the Pizza shop in D.C. where Hilary & Obama kept the child sex slaves in the basement? You know as part of the Democrat's satanic worship parties. The Independent/Freedom news outlets reports prompted a guy to drive from North Carolina with an AR-15 rifle to 'set the kids free.'

The Pizza Shop in question turned out to have no basement.


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Probably. I try to avoid Alex Jones these days. Hes an infuriating blowhard that, completely bafflingly, has a considerable following of people who see him as speaking the truth.

He's basically David Icke via Texas.

He also had his hands in 'Loose Change', the despicable piece of shit that spawned a billion 9/11 conspiracies and included such gems as the desperate phonecalls of people fully aware they are about to die calling their loved ones to say goodbye were fake.

**** Alex Jones.

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"unpresidented act"

Seriously. I don't know what annoys me more..

That he's an idiot. 

That he's that stupid, and he probably had an incredibly expensive education.

Or that he can't at least switch the spell check on, on whichever device he tweets from. 

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21 hours ago, Chindie said:

Run by a man who believes that there is a secret underground base beneath Galveston, Texas, that houses augmented attack baboons bred by the military.

I hope that is true! 

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