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1 hour ago, villakram said:

Kanye 2020... big booties for all!

One is a ego maniac who constantly embarrasses himself in the mainstream media and has been accused of being mental. The other is Kanye West 

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Trump literally doesn't say anything when asked questions

"What did you discuss in your meeting today?"

"Just friends and urr good man, doing well.... long time. We've been friends for a long time"

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1 minute ago, StefanAVFC said:

Trump literally doesn't say anything when asked questions

"What did you discuss in your meeting today?"

"Just friends and urr good man, doing well.... long time. We've been friends for a long time"

Perfect politician. Never answer a direct question.

Kanye is probably going to be appointed as the new head of the CIA!

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On 12/13/2016 at 11:29, StefanAVFC said:

The madness confirmed


Trump’s cabinet is nothing short of an anti-intellectual roll call, a Pandora’s Box of bloviating ignoramuses just waiting to be opened on inauguration day. Now, another anti-scientific member has joined the roster for the legion of doom.

It has been officially announced that Trump’s nomination for the new Secretary of State is the current ExxonMobil chief Rex Tillerson, a multinational oil and gas corporation based out of Texas with an extremely checkered history.

“Rex Tillerson's career is the embodiment of the American dream,” Trump said, as reported by BBC News. “His tenacity, broad experience and deep understanding of geopolitics make him an excellent choice for Secretary of State.”

Tillerson has no prior government or diplomatic experience, so it’s worth looking at his business record to predict what his priorities will be as Secretary of State.

ExxonMobil was infamously found to have had lied about its prior knowledge of global warming for decades. Under Tillerson’s tenure, though, the company did ultimately acknowledge the science behind climate change.

However, ExxonMobil has failed to propose any initiatives to combat climate change, and Tillerson himself has claimed that the “world is going to have to continue using fossil fuels whether they like it or not.” Worse, although the company has invested in research groups designed to investigate climate change, it has simultaneously invested far more in climate change denial think-tanks.

Tillerson also has incredibly close ties to Russian conglomerates, including state-run Rosneft. Additionally, he’s quite a good friend to President Putin and has tacitly supported some of his geopolitical ambitions, something which is alarming to both Democrats and plenty of Republicans.

If Tillerson is confirmed by the US Senate, it is clear that he will bring a huge number of conflicts of interest to the table.

Scientifically speaking, though, this appointment is another chapter in the nightmare before Christmas. Under Tillerson, US foreign policy will no doubt be driven to a large extent by the erroneous need for fossil fuels, and he is surrounded by other cabinet members who will support his measures.

Although not seemingly one himself, it is remarkable how many climate change deniers will be in positions of power come inauguration day.

IFL Science

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Tillerson has more experience negotiating with really important geopolitical players (explicitly and otherwise) than almost any other person in the Trump cabinet. There are reasons to have a shot at his appointment but lack of political experience is not one.

Now Rick Perry overseeing the DoE is the interesting one. For the obvious reason and then also because he could make sure there are no more nuclear plants authorized in the US in the next 4-8 yrs given his love for oil/gas. 


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40 minutes ago, villakram said:

Tillerson has more experience negotiating with really important geopolitical players (explicitly and otherwise) than almost any other person in the Trump cabinet. There are reasons to have a shot at his appointment but lack of political experience is not one.

Negotiating what? International cooperation in fecking up the Polar regions even more.

Swapping an instantaneous white hot death for a slower, choking one. Pockets of the wealthy being lined yet further on the way.

Woo Hoo.

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1 hour ago, villakram said:

Tillerson has more experience negotiating with really important geopolitical players (explicitly and otherwise) than almost any other person in the Trump cabinet. There are reasons to have a shot at his appointment but lack of political experience is not one.

Now Rick Perry overseeing the DoE is the interesting one. For the obvious reason and then also because he could make sure there are no more nuclear plants authorized in the US in the next 4-8 yrs given his love for oil/gas. 


To be fair, there would have been almost no new nuclear plants regardless of who had the job. 

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51 minutes ago, Xann said:

Negotiating what? International cooperation in fecking up the Polar regions even more.

Swapping an instantaneous white hot death for a slower, choking one. Pockets of the wealthy being lined yet further on the way.

Woo Hoo.

I am in more or less complete agreement with your sentiment. I'm just sick of reading this crap ad-hominem nonsense against everything Trump does. There are real, important issues that provide overwhelming ammunition, but instead time and time again the discourse amounts to saying "him Darth Vader" :(

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34 minutes ago, HanoiVillan said:

To be fair, there would have been almost no new nuclear plants regardless of who had the job. 

Perhaps, but my thinking is that were an Obama like policy followed for another 4-8yrs and the current solar/wind boom continued, than a case for Nuclear as "clean" baseload would be available to be made. Also, Obama had nominally assigned multiple trillions to re-up the US nuclear arsenal and it is likely that domestic nuclear would have to follow a little for cover/training/fuel etc. We are also in an epoch where most of the US reactors are entering life-extension phases that require some post current generation planning. Of course I'm ignoring simple cock comparing competitions with whatever China etc. is doing..... Oooo!

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4 hours ago, villakram said:

I actually find it most amusing that Trump is giving the Pravda media the middle finger.

Who exactly are the Pravda media? The New York Times?  (US paper of note for 165 years.) The Washington Post who helped break Watergate and is a historic major part of the free press (which is enshrined in the US constitution.)

If you don't like the "Pravda media," please tell us where we should be getting our information - then maybe we could understand some of your often bizarre conclusions.

2 hours ago, villakram said:

I am in more or less complete agreement with your sentiment. I'm just sick of reading this crap ad-hominem nonsense against everything Trump does. There are real, important issues that provide overwhelming ammunition, but instead time and time again the discourse amounts to saying "him Darth Vader" :(

That simply isn't true. Everyday there are insightful, well researched articles in the main stream press about why everything about Trump points to him being a terrible president for many reasons. It's called real journalism as opposed to cranks on the internet who listen to a bit of Alex Jones and read a few blogs and think they understand how the world works.

For example, just yesterday, Newsweek, (you probably call that a Lamestream media organzition - how droll) published an in-depth article about Trumps business interests. His organization is already in conflict with US foreign policy, yet he claims (sort of) that his kids will run it and he'll have nothing to do with it. Yeah Donald, and no-one respects women more than you either.



Some of the most egregious conflicts that have emerged involve countries in Asia and its subregions, particularly the Philippines. Global policy on the Philippines has been fraught with tension since the election in May of Rodrigo Duterte as the country’s president. Duterte, who boasted to voters during the campaign that he had shot a fellow law school student for teasing him, has championed the killing of suspected criminals and street children by vigilante death squads. In 2015, he said that if he became president, up to 100,000 people suspected of links to illegal drugs could be killed. Just months after his election, Duterte said he was eager to lead a genocide of up to 3 million drug addicts. “I'd be happy to slaughter them,” he said. “At least if Germany had Hitler, the Philippines would have [me].”


Despite universal condemnation of the ongoing slaughter of Filipinos, Trump signaled his approval of Duterte’s policies during a phone call on December 2. According to Duterte—an account that has gone uncontested by Trump—the president-elect endorsed his tactics as “the right way.” Duterte added: “[Trump] was wishing me success in my campaign against the drug problem.” (He also said Trump invited him to the White House, a courtesy not yet extended to Theresa May, the prime minister of Britain, America’s most important strategic ally.)


The Trump family has an enormous financial interest in keeping Duterte happy. Trump Tower at Century City in Makati, Philippines, is on the verge of completion, with potential buyers having placed deposits on at least 94 percent of the condominiums, according to Century Properties, the Trump Organization’s business partner there. During the U.S. presidential campaign, Trump’s sons Donald Jr. and Eric traveled to Makati to shovel some dirt in a ceremony to celebrate the structural completion of the building; a photograph of the two men shoveling alongside top Century Properties executives was posted on the building’s website. (On that same website, a line of jewelry by Trump’s daughter Ivanka is offered for sale, and it is expected to be available for purchase at the $150 million property.)


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7 hours ago, villakram said:

Tillerson has more experience negotiating with really important geopolitical players (explicitly and otherwise) than almost any other person in the Trump cabinet. There are reasons to have a shot at his appointment but lack of political experience is not one.

Now Rick Perry overseeing the DoE is the interesting one. For the obvious reason and then also because he could make sure there are no more nuclear plants authorized in the US in the next 4-8 yrs given his love for oil/gas. 


Perry also sits on the board of the parent company of Texas Energy Transfers (DAPL). I fully expect another showdown at Standing Rock, and this time it could get really bloody.

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2 hours ago, maqroll said:

Perry also sits on the board of the parent company of Texas Energy Transfers (DAPL). I fully expect another showdown at Standing Rock, and this time it could get really bloody.

Given the demonstrated support that this cause has generated, I almost hope that they do try and shamefully ram the pipeline through as this country dearly needs to be woken from its slumber.

almost... as I know that is the blood of the weakest and those at the lower end of the financial pyramid that would be shed :(

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The White House has announced that Putin himself was directing the hacks...in true Obama style, they're dragging their **** feet on this though. The election is ratified on Monday. If there is a bombshell about to drop, (i.e. Trump collusion) it'll be tomorrow (Thursday).

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6 hours ago, TheAuthority said:

Who exactly are the Pravda media? The New York Times?  (US paper of note for 165 years.) The Washington Post who helped break Watergate and is a historic major part of the free press (which is enshrined in the US constitution.)

If you don't like the "Pravda media," please tell us where we should be getting our information - then maybe we could understand some of your often bizarre conclusions.

That simply isn't true. Everyday there are insightful, well researched articles in the main stream press about why everything about Trump points to him being a terrible president for many reasons. It's called real journalism as opposed to cranks on the internet who listen to a bit of Alex Jones and read a few blogs and think they understand how the world works.

For example, just yesterday, Newsweek, (you probably call that a Lamestream media organzition - how droll) published an in-depth article about Trumps business interests. His organization is already in conflict with US foreign policy, yet he claims (sort of) that his kids will run it and he'll have nothing to do with it. Yeah Donald, and no-one respects women more than you either.




Jeez, where to start....

Bizarre: Come on, you're better than that. Please provide some examples rather than just throwing that about.

NYT: Paper of record, cheerleader for the Iraq war, buried NSA wiretapping story to help GB 2004 election, Syrian coverage (lol), cheerleading of Hillary.

Washington Post: Who only last week published a story from an anonymous website collective smearing a large number of other legitimate websites... since essentially retracted, but after the news cycle finished of course. Oh and Hillary cheerleading.

Newsweek: See cover of magazine released right before the election, which is now a collectors item.  

Nice work linking the article above. I'm not sure what it has to do with my quote though? I was specifically referencing the lazy article about Tillerman, who while rightly noting his continued funding of climate denial, then goes a little silly by attacking him for making the quite factual observation that we'll be stuck with fossil fuels for a while yet. What bugged me though was the assertion that he was inexperienced for the role of SoS, of course he is having only been in charge of one of the most important global oil companies dealing with the commodity on which the world runs. He's obviously qualified to carry out this role, now whether he is appropriate is a different question and one which that article could have done a much better job with rather than lazily implying Trump therefore silly.

I never asserted that there was no good coverage, only that too/so much of it is down right lazy. Lazy in the same way the Clinton campaign and all her assorted folks were during the election. 

Also, can you please forgive me a wry smile at an American getting all uppity about some other nations drug policies. 

Also, also, being in conflict with the foreign policy of the USA means you are in the wrong by definition of course, burn the commies?!?

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Don't get your hopes up too much as this just sounds like the same old re-cycled CIA claims, note the continued anonymous "high level sources".  I would really encourage anyone interested in this to read the excellent Sam Biddle piece up on the Intercept right now.


"It must be stated plainly: The U.S. intelligence community must make its evidence against Russia public if they want us to believe their claims. The integrity of our presidential elections is vital to the country’s survival; blind trust in the CIA is not."


I feel really dirty doing this :ph34r: but the a former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan has decided to go on record with the Daily hate mail (feel free to take shots at me for this, I deserve it and there are plenty of holes)


"Craig Murray, former British ambassador to Uzbekistan and a close associate of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, told Dailymail.com that he flew to Washington, D.C. for a clandestine hand-off with one of the email sources in September."

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12 minutes ago, villakram said:

The U.S. intelligence community must make its evidence against Russia public if they want us to believe their claims.

That's why it's put up or shut up time. If they can't make their case before the weekend, the faint hope of stopping Trump/Pence is all but gone. I can still envision a scenario where Trump is charged with some crime, or taken off the throne somehow and Pence takes over. 

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5 hours ago, maqroll said:

That's why it's put up or shut up time. If they can't make their case before the weekend, the faint hope of stopping Trump/Pence is all but gone. I can still envision a scenario where Trump is charged with some crime, or taken off the throne somehow and Pence takes over. 

It's quite possible that they (NSA) do have some evidence but releasing it would then compromise the method of collection - after Snowden there's been enough of that already. 

Unless it's a slam dunk smoking gun that's worth the compromise of methods they probably wouldn't put it out there.

If Russia is involved then they win either way - the guy they supported becomes President or the US int' community exposes more of its secrets to the opposition. 

Putin is quite an operator. 

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