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On 18/10/2016 at 19:42, LondonLax said:

When the Bush administration was discovered to have erased millions of emails illegally sent by 22 administration officials through private, RNC-owned accounts, in order to thwart an investigation into the politically motivated firing of eight US attorneys, just one talk show covered it that Sunday.

When Mitt Romney wiped servers, sold government hard drives to his closest aides and spent $100,000 in taxpayer money to destroy his administration’s emails, it was barely an issue.

When Hillary Clinton asked Colin Powell how he managed to use a Blackberry while serving as Secretary of State, he replied by detailing his method of intentionally bypassing federal record-keeping laws:

I didn’t have a Blackberry. What I did do was have a personal computer that was hooked up to a private phone line (sounds ancient.) So I could communicate with a wide range of friends directly without it going through the State Department servers. I even used it to do business with some foreign leaders and some of the senior folks in the Department on their personal email accounts. I did the same thing on the road in hotels.

... There is a real danger. If it is public that you have a BlackBerry and it it [sic] government and you are using it, government or not, to do business, it may become an official record and subject to the law.

Yet the fact that Hillary Clinton emailed through a private server and didn’t use it to cover anything up is somehow the defining issue of her campaign. “My God,” people cry, “anyone else would be in jail!”

Wow. I didn't know that. It's no excuse, they all are as bad as each other. Amazing.

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2 hours ago, choffer said:

New York Times prints all the people, places and things Donald Trump has insulted on Twitter since announcing his candidacy:CFDC7813-3D78-41F7-A779-37DC10966ABD_zps

Aah those left wing liberal media people conspiring against Donald again. See, it's rigged, it's rigged I tell ya'

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Two weeks before voting day, the FBI have publicly announced that they're reopening their investigation into Clinton. 

A few months ago I'd have been delighted, but this could actually mean we end up with President Trump...I feel sick.



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How bad the Trump jokes are getting. There was a quiz and the team with the best name that was based around 'What would you call your Halloween movie?' and the winner got a tenner. Ours was Cabana Fever, and the team that won was 'The Return of President Trump'. I'm done.

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5 hours ago, Davkaus said:

Two weeks before voting day, the FBI have publicly announced that they're reopening their investigation into Clinton. 


Unless it's a different thing  they had already publicly said they were going to release these emails at this time ... fairly sure I even mentioned it in this thread ? 

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On 10/25/2016 at 13:07, villakram said:

The very same NYT that held back the Bush wiretapping story so that he could win a second term. Scum publication.

It was a scummy capitulation, Kind of like the Guardian turning over their computers to the government. The NYT isn't total garbage yet.

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8 hours ago, tonyh29 said:

Unless it's a different thing  they had already publicly said they were going to release these emails at this time ... fairly sure I even mentioned it in this thread ? 

Well yes, it is a very different thing entirely.

You're thinking of some emails released following a lawsuit, which are being kept secret until after the election (it's probably just coincidence...), whereas this is a new announcement by the director of the FBI that the investigation is being reopened due to fresh evidence being discovered.

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The Clinton investigation is not being re-opened (yet).  They are letting the investigators review e-mails on Weiner's laptop because they "may be pertinent to" the Clinton case.  Big difference.   This was a capitulation to the Republicans because they kept repeating loudly their claim that the FBI's decision not to pursue prosecution was politically motivated.  The investigators and FBI Chief haven't even seen the e-mails, and it's already been revealed they are not from Clinton's server, so the decision to make the announcement is not exactly typical protocol.  There isn't enough information to do anything but stir up wild speculation, and the Republicans have pounced to state the most potentially damaging interpretations as fact and there's no way to refute it.   This is all motivated by the fear that IF it did turn up something new and it wasn't revealed until after the election, the Repubs would string them up for rigging the election.

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9 hours ago, maqroll said:

She's a tough woman. She's been pushing Comey around, and he's acted out like a little boy. This election is over, Clinton is the pick. 

I'm not so sure the election is over. For once, this looks to me like an 'October surprise' that might actually sway things. It plays into a key negative for her, that she isn't trustworthy and is tainted by scandal. She's lost narrow leads in Arizona, Iowa and Ohio in recent days and is now behind in those states. She's also gone from a 7 point lead to a 5 point lead and the direction of travel is her sinking further. Don't forget this latest scandal isn't even showing in the polls yet. She's still the favourite, but she's far from home and hosed. 

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There seems to be a fair degree of certainty amongst the US national security types that Russia is behind the hacks of Hilary / DNC emails & is using wiki leaks as the vector to release them. 

Clapper the Director of National Intelligence has gone as far as stating that the US will respond in a time & manner of its choosing. 

Perhaps the biggest risk to Hilary is whatever dirt they may be carefully holding back for now, for release into a deeply divided  domestic environment after she becomes President Elect.  

Russia is certainly making a real fist of screwing with America & its politics so far - a function of being led by a former KGB officer.

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Clinton emails: FBI chief may have broken law, says top Democrat

The Democratic leader in the US Senate says the head of the FBI may have broken the law by revealing the bureau was investigating emails possibly linked to Hillary Clinton.

Harry Reid accused FBI director James Comey of violating an act which bars officials from influencing an election.

News of the FBI inquiry comes less than two weeks before the US election.

The bureau has meanwhile obtained a warrant to search a cache of emails belonging to a top Clinton aide.

Emails from Huma Abedin are believed to have been found on the laptop of her estranged husband, former congressman Anthony Weiner.

There are reportedly 650,000 emails to search through, making it unlikely investigators can give a verdict on them before election day.

Mr Reid also accused Mr Comey of withholding "explosive information about close ties between [Republican candidate] Donald Trump, his top advisers, and the Russian government".

"The public has a right to know about this information. I wrote to you months ago calling for this information to be released to the public," Mr Reid said.

The FBI believes the emails might be "pertinent" to its previous inquiry into Mrs Clinton's use of a private server when she was secretary of state in the Obama administration.

The case was closed in July without any charges being brought against Mrs Clinton.

Mr Weiner is subject to a separate investigation on suspicion of sending sexually explicit messages to an underage girl.

'Partisan actions'

In a letter, Mr Reid accused Mr Comey of practising double standards with the intention of helping one political party over another.

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Media captionUS election: Why are Clinton and Trump so unpopular?

He said Mr Comey may have violated the Hatch Act, which bars officials from using their position to influence an election.

"Through your partisan actions, you may have broken the law," he said.

Richard Painter, a professor at the University of Minnesota Law School and the chief White House ethics lawyer from 2005 to 2007, revealed on Sunday he had filed a complaint against the FBI with the Office of Special Counsel, which investigates Hatch Act violations.

Writing in the New York Times he said: "I never thought that the FBI could be dragged into a political circus surrounding one of its investigations. Until this week."

Race gets closer

With the election due on 8 November, opinion polls showed Mrs Clinton's lead against Mr Trump tightening even before the email controversy surfaced again.

An ABC News/Washington Post poll published on Sunday put Mrs Clinton just one percentage point ahead.

Mrs Clinton has described Mr Comey's actions as "unprecedented" and "deeply troubling".

But Mr Trump has praised the FBI's decision, accusing the Department of Justice of protecting Mrs Clinton in a "rigged system".

"The Department of Justice is trying their hardest to protect the criminal activity of Hillary Clinton," Mr Trump told a rally in Nevada.

It emerged on Sunday that the Department of Justice had urged the FBI not to inform Congress of the new inquiry so close to the election.


What a mess

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