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btw - don't read the comments line below the telegraph article. phenomenally ugly stuff there, a couple of black posters told to get back to picking cotton for saying Trump was a disaster. That's the calibre of his supporters. 

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1 hour ago, sharkyvilla said:

It was embarrassing, he can't even finish a sentence, he will start saying something and then interrupt himself to go off on a tangent halfway through and hardly makes any sense whatsoever.  Desperate really, surely they can't vote him in?

Do not misunderestimate the electorate, very little of his support is reliant on calm facts and a balanced view of the world. Having had months of bad press, I struggle to see what he could do that could truly dent his own support. Slime balls say 'touch the screen, send money and you will be saved'. It's shocking and it's funny. But guess what? People touch the screen and send money. 

Just try and remember some of the reasons given by people for why they were voting Brexit. I know somebody that voted out as a protest over an asian family taking over the running of a local post office. There are literally millions of these people out there, just waiting to **** everything up.


reasons for voting Trump:

He isn't Clinton

He's different

He has his own TV show

He isn't Clinton

Sticks it to the man

Always voted republican, always will

He isn't Clinton

I am a walling contractor

I sell antigravitational hair products

He isn't Clinton

The sort of people I don't like, don't like him

Guns! **** yeah!

His wife made a very good speech I found very compelling

Obama invented racism the day after he formed ISIS

Spastics really do make for poor journalists

A flat chested women really can't be a 10

Orange is the new black

You really wouldn't accept M&M's if one in a hundred tried to kill you

I've always wanted to watch Rome burn



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9 hours ago, maqroll said:

As much as I despise Clinton, she mopped the floor with him, with a lot of help from him. The guy is a train wreck, and if anyone changed minds tonight, it wasn't him.

Total farce either way, of course. 

don't get me wrong, she totally won the debate. But now adding Stein and Johnson to the debates is the only move that will keep the debates relevant. I also think the biggest loser of the debate was the American public. 

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2 hours ago, chrisp65 said:

Do not misunderestimate the electorate, very little of his support is reliant on calm facts and a balanced view of the world...

Just try and remember some of the reasons given by people for why they were voting Brexit.

In both cases, a lot of the support seems to come from a fairly sizeable part of the population whose real income basically hasn't risen since the 1970s.

It's a pretty big problem that very large numbers of people feel left behind, marginalised, forgotten.

Some of that disillusionment and anger gets played out in some very unpleasant ways, especially where sections of the media and far right groups try to link those economic woes with immigration.

It's easier to blame a visible and different group than it is to discuss the financialisation of the economy at the expense of production, and the flow of wealth to those who hold assets instead of those who have only labour to sell.

Unless we tackle that underlying problem, then clowns like Trump and Ukip will have fertile recruiting ground.

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The thing that pisses me off is how Trump can survive despite being more incompetent than basically every recent presidential nominee put together. Just to give a couple of examples: Rick Perry was sunk in the 2012 Republican primary for saying "oops". Mitt Romney took a hammering for his dumb 47% comment. But Trump? He's had literally hundreds of moments worse than those in just a few months and doesn't seem any worse for wear. It's almost as if the sheer number of lies and absurd comments are cancelling each other out.

I honestly feel like he could be recorded on tape calling Obama the n-word or something and still not suffer that much in the polls.

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@Mantis I'd be careful writing him off after this performance. Yes, it's bonkers when compared to any standard expectations for debate between potential leaders of the American empire, but it is entirely consistent with what/how he has done in his previous debates this cycle... and it appears that people are not overly put off by it. Remember, dubya "won" his debates according to the polls even though he was a useless dundering buffoon, but he came across as genuine and likable and something something... 

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In fairness, he's up against a woman that would probably be in prison if she wasn't running to be president, that 'won' her party's nomination in a way that leaves a sour taste in the mouths of many who should be voting for her. A woman that's been recorded collapsing and needing to be carried by aides at least twice. 

Both of these candidates should be losers. Trump is made to look much better than he would just because his opponent is pretty shit too.

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15 minutes ago, villakram said:

@Mantis I'd be careful writing him off after this performance. Yes, it's bonkers when compared to any standard expectations for debate between potential leaders of the American empire, but it is entirely consistent with what/how he has done in his previous debates this cycle... and it appears that people are not overly put off by it. Remember, dubya "won" his debates according to the polls even though he was a useless dundering buffoon, but he came across as genuine and likable and something something... 

I'm not writing him off. On the contrary I'm pointing out that he's saying things that should sink his campaign but aren't due to what I can only think of is some sort of collective psychosis that's infected a large number of the American public.

The thing about Bush is that despite the gaffes he did come across as quite folksy. Trump is something totally different. He comes across a supreme narcissist and one of the most unlikable people in the public eye.

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40 minutes ago, Mantis said:

I'm not writing him off. On the contrary I'm pointing out that he's saying things that should sink his campaign but aren't due to what I can only think of is some sort of collective psychosis that's infected a large number of the American public.

The thing about Bush is that despite the gaffes he did come across as quite folksy. Trump is something totally different. He comes across a supreme narcissist and one of the most unlikable people in the public eye.

I didn't mean to single you out in particular... as I think many of us are confused/amused by this, myself very much so included.

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2 hours ago, HanoiVillan said:


They had about a hundred million people watching last night, I reckon they'll be alright. 

I mean in terms of having a 'different' tone to the debate. If it is just Trump and Hillary, it will get stale real quickly. Sure, there will always be a large audience for a presidential race, as it is the race for "the leader of the free world" but all three debates will end up as almost carbon copies.

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8 hours ago, villa4europe said:

When he loses this will all be an elaborate hoax done to demonstrate how broken the US political system is and how someone with a lot of money and brash populist politics and a knowledge of social media rather than actual politics and a knowledge of diplomacy can almost become president

He's Andy Kaufman.

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2 hours ago, Villaphan04 said:

I mean in terms of having a 'different' tone to the debate. If it is just Trump and Hillary, it will get stale real quickly. Sure, there will always be a large audience for a presidential race, as it is the race for "the leader of the free world" but all three debates will end up as almost carbon copies.

Well, I guess that's a fair judgement if you feel that way. However Johnson & Stein are a million miles away from the 15% needed to get on the debates, so intriguing as the prospect would be - and I do think it would be interesting to see - sadly it won't happen. 

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