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+1 maqroll, Cruz is a religious nut, and a down right scary option.

I tend to watch a bit of the morning business shows and it's so funny how much they hate Bernie 'cause socialism. Thing is, they don't have a clue what it is... the simple socialism == communism diatribe still works like a charm amongst the monied class.

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2 hours ago, Mantis said:

As detestable as many of his views are (and I say this as somebody on the right), he's not quite as toxic as Trump. Certainly he's got a better chance against Clinton than Trump has because Trump's unfavourables are absolutely ridiculous.

Against anyone else Cruz would be the worst candidate - Trump's one of the few where he's the lesser evil.

Clinton's favourabiliy/likability ratings are atrocious and just like Cruz, she's getting a free pass while we all concentrate on Trump.

The GOP post mortem in November will be fun if she wins, because they really should be able to beat her. Cruz will have no chance, but I wouldn't rule Trump out because he would call her out, and the people appear to be in the mood.

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3 hours ago, maqroll said:

I'd take Trump and all his idiotic bluster over Cruz every time.

My God, I just re-read this...

What has my country become? TRUMP! Jeeeesus, we are so ****.

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Consider me another one who sees no improvement in Ted Cruz. He's a maniac, even by the depraved standards of his party. Let's take foreign policy, which is the single area a president has most control over.Now I know one doesn't win over the GOP primary electorate by promising to hug brown people, but thusfar his comments have included his desire to 'carpet bomb ISIS' and 'see if we can make sand glow in the dark'. 

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Cruz truly is a whack-job and totally unfit to be president. The fact that most Republican politicians hate him as well is pretty ominous. That said, I just can't see Trump turning into a status quo president.

If this whole saga tell us anything it's that the Republicans need to change a lot. Even 8 years ago somebody like John McCain got through the primaries pretty convincingly and yet now you've got Trump and Cruz winning the vast majority of votes. It's like Republican primary voters don't care about winning elections anymore.

6 hours ago, villakram said:

Clinton's favourabiliy/likability ratings are atrocious and just like Cruz, she's getting a free pass while we all concentrate on Trump.

The GOP post mortem in November will be fun if she wins, because they really should be able to beat her. Cruz will have no chance, but I wouldn't rule Trump out because he would call her out, and the people appear to be in the mood.

I think there's definitely an argument to be made that Cruz would be worse but just on perceptions Trump's unfavourability ratings blow everyone else's out of the water. He's pretty much hated by almost every single voter group in the US except white males and even then his support isn't massive.

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We're talking about Ted Cruz, but let's try to keep positive, at least a little. Here's something to cheer you up.

Craig Mazin is a screenwriter. Probably not a very good one. He wrote The Hangover 2 & 3, and Scary Movie 3 & 4. However, Craig Mazin has another string to his bow. It turns out he was Cruz's college roommate in Princeton, and evidently developed something of a hatred for him during that time. He's subsequently devoted nearly every interview he's given, and most of his Twitter feed, to continually burning Ted Cruz in a remorseless one-man comedy vendetta. Enjoy!

'I would rather have anybody else be president of the United States. Anyone. I would rather pick somebody from the phonebook.' (http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/08/19/ted-cruz-at-princeton-creepy-sometimes-well-liked-and-exactly-the-same.html)

Thanks Craig!

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Unbelievable. Coal???!! FFS.



In the largest coal-producing state, Cruz spoke of a Democratic “attack” on fossil fuels and said President Obama had tried to put the coal industry out of business through government regulations targeting air pollution. 

“America is the Saudi Arabia of coal, and we are going to develop our industry,” Cruz said.



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Well, liberals don't like it, therefore it must be brilliant. Also, global warming is a conspiracy made up by scientists to expand the size of government and steal your taxes. 

American conservatives have by and large entered a period of 'epistemic closure', in which reality is entirely defined by self-sustaining conservative narratives. Julian Sanchez argued this a few years ago: 

'One of the more striking features of the contemporary conservative movement is the extent to which it has been moving toward epistemic closure. Reality is defined by a multimedia array of interconnected and cross promoting conservative blogs, radio programs, magazines, and of course, Fox News. Whatever conflicts with that reality can be dismissed out of hand because it comes from the liberal media, and is therefore ipso facto not to be trusted. (How do you know they’re liberal? Well, they disagree with the conservative media!)'


As a result, all sorts of beliefs that look risible to the entire western world can flourish in the American conservative ecosystem, like the belief that coal is a valuable or useful future fuel source. Coal is popular with the donor base, so support for it is encouraged within the ecosystem. There is of course no internal opposition to this support in the conservative movement, and any external opposition can be opposed as the lying of liberals. Since liberals are liars, and liberals are against it, it follows that the way of the truth must be to support it. 

To be clear, liberals sometimes have their own version of this, on certain topics, but to nowhere near the same extent. 

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2 hours ago, villa89 said:

Correct. I hope Trump wins just for laughs but Hilary will win it.

I think so yes but american politics is broken isnt it, because even if she wins she wont get anything major passed as the republicans own congress. 

I miss Sarah Palin ;)

Edited by PaulC
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