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Fortunately trump hasn't got the intelligence or the political skills to go anywhere near as far as hitler did

Hypothetical question - can you imagine what the atmosphere would be like here and in the U.S. If we had lost the war in Iraq / Afghanistan after years of being told we were winning and a Muslim signed the peace treaty on our behalf? Can you imagine the empowerment that it would give the likes of UKIP, BNP, EDL etc let alone idiots doing speeches for effect like trump

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3 hours ago, YGabbana said:

Which is why i said obviously trump is way off being as evil as hitler was, although his current thoughts on muslims are similar to that of hitlers in jews.

Sorry but as much as Trump is a pretty repulsive individual and as wrong as his views are (in my opinion) the above is so ridiculously far off the mark its crazy.

Have you read Mein Kampf? I have unfortunately and its pretty disturbing reading, it might have been years before the 'final solution' was envisaged but the warning signs were there.

Hitler was motivated by a pure hatred of the Jews and a belief he was fighting God's fight against them (where have we heard that before) while Trump however wildly misguided he might be, and racist though he almost certainly is, doesn't get remotely close to this sort of bile.

The black-haired Jewish youth lies in wait for hours on end, satanically glaring at and spying on the unsuspicious girl whom he plans to seduce, adulterating her blood and removing her from the bosom of her own people. The Jew uses every possible means to undermine the racial foundations of a subjugated people. (Book 1 Chap 11) 
-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

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The best case (and very possible) scenario involving Trump's candidacy is that his ego gets bruised when the GOP brass continue to give him the cold shoulder and he decides to throw a tantrum and run as a third party candidate, thus splitting the vote and handing the win to Clinton, who will at least nominate liberal supreme court judges if nothing else good. (She's a virtual Republican in my view...)

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dont agree with trump but he is right about no go areas in britain the non muslims and police officers have backed that up. but there are no go areas which are inhabited by mainly white folk as well. hes also right when he says the uk is burying its head in the sand regarding our muslim problem but i dont agree with his whole stance against muslims.

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54 minutes ago, blandy said:

I don't agree that he's right and I don't agree that Britain has a "muslim" problem. I read that an anonymous police officer said "yes there are no go areas in London" - I think it was in the daily hell. But that still doesn't make it true - plenty more have said the opposite, anyway.

The second thing is "the Muslim problem". Now, yes, people who self identify as Muslims, who are from Muslim backgrounds, who shout Islamic slogans, who go to mosques and so on have done and want to do some appalling things. So there's a problem with these people - the ones who do the bad things. There's also a "problem" with a kind of secondary justice system of sharia courts, of forced marriages, of FGM and so on - all these are things that affect society (mainly other muslims, by the way). So there are problems. As there are problems with other sections of society - football fans, drivers, festival goers, politicians, and other religious groups.

But what Trump is talking about is that all muslims cannot be trusted - that all muslims are the problem. That's incredibly wrong. It's wrong here, and wrong in the US.
Is it fair or right or even sane, frankly to say "we need to stop all these people of this religion from entering the country on the basis that because there's been some appalling acts done, we thing that all Muslims are a threat. Blowing people up, mowing them down in a concert hall or in the street is something that is basically inhuman. So to even suspect people of doing, or wishing to do that and on the basis that it's just because they share the same religion (as billions of people do) of a tiny fraction of zealots  - it's outside of any sane reasoning, surely?

In America, as has been pointed out in the guns thread, there are, every day, whitey people, Christians and other faiths doing mass shootings. They are statistically more of a danger to America than the ISILs - so why pick on the muslims? it's not logical....unless people are either just scared (which is understandable) or seeking to exploit fear for their own ends (Trump). He's both playing into the hands of ISIL by doing what they want, and behaving against the values of the West.

People will and do fall for what people like him do, mainly because people are worried.  But the "make a them and us" move is just playing on people's concerns and anxieties for his own ends.


i dont agree with him one bit regarding the banning of muslims and yes we have shall we say a problem with the muslim faith but as you pointed out its not our only problem. i definitely think there are no go areas if your not muslim especially at night, i read about this one force up in lancashire having to ask the local muslim leaders if they could send the police into their area which i found astonishing if true. there are plenty of no go areas for muslims and the police which are mainly white areas as well so its not all one way. i read an article in the daily mail written by an american journalist who said the reason why so many in america agree with trump is that america has always been scared of the unknown and i can relate to that but it does not mean id vote for someone like trump.

Edited by Rugeley Villa
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