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Microsoft won't be any better, mind.

As much as i love Microsoft, all their press conference will be is "Look! Kinect is even better!". Kinect is something that doesn't really interest me

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I can't believe Blizzard think that D3 was so well received that it's worth releasing on another platform a year or so later.


Surely everyone either bought it on PC based upon the Diablo name alone, or has read enough to know it's a sack of shit. I know not everyone has a gaming PC, but if there's one good thing you can say about blizzard titles it's that you can run them on pretty much anything. Not that I mind them trying, I hope it crashes and burns.

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I fear that this generation of consoles will miss the point with technological gimmicks and pointless 'social' elements.

I think the hardware will be good but think we'll initially be flooded with lots of poor games that use these features before everyone realises they like games for their simplicity and escapism and produce game formats that we are familiar with now.

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I fear that this generation of consoles will miss the point with technological gimmicks and pointless 'social' elements.

I think the hardware will be good but think we'll initially be flooded with lots of poor games that use these features before everyone realises they like games for their simplicity and escapism and produce game formats that we are familiar with now.


I remember back to when i got my 360. The dashboard is unrecognisable now what with the app's and ad's on it. I agree we'll get a lot of poor game's that try to hard to use these new gimmicky feature's but the social element's are a good thing IMO. I just fear that the PS4 will try to hard with them because it was one aspect that was underestimated with the PS3.

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I fear that this generation of consoles will miss the point with technological gimmicks and pointless 'social' elements.

I think the hardware will be good but think we'll initially be flooded with lots of poor games that use these features before everyone realises they like games for their simplicity and escapism and produce game formats that we are familiar with now.

Integration with social media and other services/products is absolutely the way the industry will go, sadly.


I'm old school, I want my playstation to play games, I couldn't give a **** if I can access Netflix on it.

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WRT streaming old games via cumulonimbus or whatever (this may be an epically stupid question), but do you i. have access to all old games or ii. do you have to buy them again in cloud form or iii. is there some odd way you can prove you have bought them already in the past? IOW how do you get and build a library of old cloud games? Or do we even know how they'll implement it. Maybe you can upload your disks to the cloud via the PS4's disk drive.


Sony has previously offered a service to allow you to download versions of physical games you owned for a fee (introduced for the Vita IIRC to head off complaints that they'd introduced a new media format for the PSP and then dumped it on that consoles replacement). However it was very half arsed and limited (i'm not even sure they implemented it outside Japan, in truth, and few games actually offered it).


So basically, you'll be buying again. Guarenteed.


Anywho, this announcement left me indifferent. I don't really care. Nothing grabbed me about it - the games were usually graphically impressive but not absolutely jaw dropping otherwise, and nothing else caught my attention. I agree the 'Look! Move! Remember the Move?! You can still buy and use one you know!' and 'Vita! LOOK! You really need one!... please buy one...' was desperate and probably aren't going to achieve anything (theres not a chance the Vita will ever be 'a thing' without a marked price drop and change in the market, for instance). Oh and that controller... it looked like a Logitech product, and not in a good way. The touch pad is daft.


So yeah... I don't think I'm buying a PS4. Oh well.


Microsoft won't be any better, mind.


The sad thing is that the Vita is actually the best portable gaming system on the market. They just aren't throwing enough games at it, which is a big shame...

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Thats arguable - I don't personally think a lot of it. Specs wise it blows everything away but thats not necessarily what makes a good portable console.


The games situation hasn't helped the Vita but it's not what's keeping it down. The market is - people don't want to buy a £200 portable. The Vita has been further harmed as it's market is a little more mature than it's rival (generally) and that narrows their market further.


The thing's doomed.


Microsoft won't be any better, mind.

As much as i love Microsoft, all their press conference will be is "Look! Kinect is even better!". Kinect is something that doesn't really interest me


Microsoft will undoubtedly lean on the new generation of the Kinect (which will still be shit) but they also will focus incredibly heavily on the multimedia capability of their console - i.e. everything it does that isn't play games, a simple continuation of what the 360 has done. They'll focus less on games than this Sony conference did. The machines themselves won't be all that different and neither will the titles they show be - Microsoft will roll out some nods to Halo/Gears/Forza and then wheel out some bloke from Activison to give you a vision of COD in the next gen (the same, but shinier).

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For the Playstation 4 and it's games to be successful, Sony have to take a note out of Microsoft's book and learn to market better. Sony's advertising is shit.

They buy studios and pay them a lot of money to make exclusive games. Many of these exclusives are really interesting and good games. Then they release them, market them terribly and nobody knows about them so they don't sell well.


When a Halo or Gears (or CoD with the "for Xbox360" tag) is released, every man and his dog knows about it because you see adds everywhere - posters, TV, online, etc.

Sony has to really up it's game in terms of marketing/advertising for this next generation.

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For the Playstation 4 and it's games to be successful, Sony have to take a note out of Microsoft's book and learn to market better. Sony's advertising is shit.

They buy studios and pay them a lot of money to make exclusive games. Many of these exclusives are really interesting and good games. Then they release them, market them terribly and nobody knows about them so they don't sell well.


When a Halo or Gears (or CoD with the "for Xbox360" tag) is released, every man and his dog knows about it because you see adds everywhere - posters, TV, online, etc.

Sony has to really up it's game in terms of marketing/advertising for this next generation.

I'd agree with this, I think the casual gamers are easily enough to influence that if you put the PS name everywhere, they'll come around to the idea of that being the one to buy. Playstation shouldn't have ever lost the PS3/360 battle though because of the success of the PS2.

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They always say that, but Hollywood has nothing to fear. People love movies, and there is always room for a couple of hours passive entertainment. If anything Hollywood will make more money out of the consoles than they have been because streaming will become an even bigger thing in the future than it is today. 


Anyway, because I'm such a **** nerd I will throw in a link which nobody will actually use:  A genuinely interesting take on the PS4 from a guy who clearly knows what he is on about. Skip to 1hr 13min 40 seconds. Audio lasts 30 minutes or so and there is some stuff in there which nobody else has been saying.

Since the podcast was recorded it has been speculated heavily that Sony UK is calling the shots with regards to the PS4. It certainly explains the press conference I guess, though I contest the podcasts claim that it was completely Eurocentric. If it was that Eurocentric then there is no way it would have been scheduled for just after midnight in Europe. 

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They always say that, but Hollywood has nothing to fear. People love movies, and there is always room for a couple of hours passive entertainment.


Sure people will still want to watch film, but games players are in their forties now.


There's four generations of bods playing games (which are getting better all the time) versus Hollywood, whose heydey is long passed. (Stallone, Schwarzenegger and Willis all have films out. Come on, really?).


Time will tell.

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Different mediums, that appeal to different audiences - Hollywood has nothing to fear from gaming beyond it being something else to vie for audiences attention, which is no different to how things have been for a very long time.

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Had to reappraise who is playing what over the last couple of years.


One of my best mates is married to a Croatian academic 10 years his senior.


They met playing Warcraft.


I know what you're thinking, but he's living there, growing vegetables and turning a shell into a home.


Watching the work FIFA tournament was an eye-opener too.


The girls were good. Two outstanding.


Lovely Chantelle mutilated security and most of the gaming staff - who camp on the machine on breaks.


She'd have other offers of an evening too, gorgeous and outgoing. Never would thought she'd be that into games, especially footie ones.

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Any truth that its going to be a subscription, like Xbox live?


I'd be stunned if they didn't.  I hope they keep the current model of bundled games though. 

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Since the podcast was recorded it has been speculated heavily that Sony UK is calling the shots with regards to the PS4. 


Why does that matter (if it does), and what difference does it make to PS4?

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Since the podcast was recorded it has been speculated heavily that Sony UK is calling the shots with regards to the PS4. 


Why does that matter (if it does), and what difference does it make to PS4?


Japanese game companies make... poor/awkward decisions for Western audiences in numerous little ways, but particularly when it comes to console infrastructure. The culture is so different that, when companies from Japan develop platforms, particularly now that the 'platform' is so important to gaming, they don't sit well with how the West would like to interact with consoles today. For example the Japanese... ethos... to the net is different. It's been argued that this is why the Wii (and Wii U) have slightly odd online capabilities - they're designed by Japanese people for a Japanese mindset. Sony with the PS3 has worked around that from day one, slowly evolving the PS3 into a more Western orientated console (not perfectly still) - the PS4 looks like it's been far more influenced by Sony UK than it has been Sony's Japanese HQ, which should be a good thing for Western audiences.


Sony's entire presentation for the PS4 was very 'un-Sony' and very 'un-Japanese' - Nintendo wouldn't have made that presentation, for instance, and Sony itself wouldn't have when they released the PS3. What we've seen of the console and some of it's features and capabilities are also quite un-Japanese, the heavy focus on being openly social and not insular, for example.

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