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I like the LG one. 42 inch one is 449 quid from Currys

Me too. My brother went through about 5 sets when he was hunting. The LG he finally settled on had the least amount of backlight bleed. Samsungs where really bad in this regard.

From amazon on the LG

"Being an LED lit TV I was expecting to see light bleed on dark scenes, after watching a blu ray and hunting for light bleed I couldn't notice any that I thought would affect the picture."

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Excellent, it looks like my choice is made. It's the LG, 449 or 499 is the decision to make now. Both available in Currys. So can pick it up on the weekend. 47 inch may seem a bit too big imo.

Thanks everyone for your help.

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Me too. My brother went through about 5 sets when he was hunting. The LG he finally settled on had the least amount of backlight bleed. Samsungs where really bad in this regard.

This was my experience, I ended up with a Goldstar too.

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At the price originally mooted, and for the sizes required, there's nothing better than a Panasonic plasma. Added to how much Conor seems to like SAMOLED (with good reason), a plasma would be the best to show that kind of display.

Conor, to relate it to mobile devices - plasma is the same kind of effect as SAMOLED, real blacks, amazing contrast, beautiful rich colours. LCD and LED backlit LCD are just like LCD on phone screens. The difference between them is also the same, once you're used to a plasma, LCDs look dull and washed out. If you're watching movies, there's no real alternative.

1080 would be nice, but getting 720 due to the budget is absolutely fine. You won't be web browsing on one, it just doesn't work. Colours, contrast and motion are much bigger considerations.

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On pure picture quality terms you'll never realistically beat a plasma, however there are draw backs. They're heavy, power hungry, have a limited lifespan, suffer more burn in (even with the advancements there), and they can suffer from phosphor trailing.

Theres no perfect solution. If your only concern is the absolute highest picture quality, a good plasma is your only choice, but you buy into the issues the above (and even the best plasma will suffer for them, sooner or later). They're quite old tech now, really, and as their popularity has waned they've become quite good value.

LCD is the best compromise for me. A good LCD set, properly set up, is going to give you a good enough picture for most people, will have less issues for that than a plasma will bring with it, and will probably have speakers that will do for the time being for most people. Motion issues come with LCD tech but many people simply won't notice. Some sets have systems to try and assist with motion issues, many people will tell you either do little or make things worse (they used to make things like weirdly... cheap I guess. Very odd experience. I dunno if this has improved).

If you're concerned about getting a slightly better picture (slightly), and a thinner frame, go LED and budget for an audio solution down the line. I personally have a Samsung LED set and recently paired it with a nice Panny soundbar - couldn't be happier.

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Sorry mate, have to disagree on a couple of points. They may be heavy but that makes no difference when they're hung on the wall.

Power hungry yeah, apparently, I haven't noticed any difference in the electric bills.

Limited lifespan may have been a problem 15 years ago. I've had mine about 5 years now, it's on about 8-10 hours a day, and the colours honestly look no different to when I bought it.

I've not experienced any burn in also, I've had it where the Wii or PS3 has been paused by the kids since about 8am until 6pm with the same image showing, I'll turn the TV channel and then it would take about 10 seconds for 'burnt' lines to disappear.

To me, the difference in picture quality with a good source is massive between plasma and LCD, I've never seen an LCD that's anywhere near my plasma, and that's surely the most important feature.


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Interesting discussion as I am in the market for a tv as well. Not sure whether to get a 3d tv and future proof myself or just go for an LCD/LED tv and get something cheaper. Ideally, I want to get 40" or above and with good build quality. That LG tv looks quite good for the price. I imagine 3D will be double the price? for a decent set?

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Surely if you're getting a high end TV, the difference in picture quality between LCD and Plasma will be minimal?

I've got what was a top of the range LCD and I'm yet to see a picture on another TV (LCD or Plasma) that is significantly (or at all) better than the picture on mine.

(Judging on HD programming or blu ray. Newer TVs seem to show bog standard TV in better quality than mine does)

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Surely if you're getting a high end TV, the difference in picture quality between LCD and Plasma will be minimal?

I've got what was a top of the range LCD and I'm yet to see a picture on another TV (LCD or Plasma) that is significantly (or at all) better than the picture on mine.

(Judging on HD programming or blu ray. Newer TVs seem to show bog standard TV in better quality than mine does)

If you're buying a high-end phone, surely the difference between LCD and SAMOLED will be minimal?

Some prefer one, some prefer the other. I much prefer the deeper colours and blacks of a SAMOLED vs the slightly dull by comparison LCDs.

As I said, YMMV, but honestly I've seen quite a few supposedly very good LCDs, and with HD sources I've yet to see anything to compete with my plasma.

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Plasma is undoubtedly better quality, then tend to have better colours and motion (not quite so much these days on that one) and pretty much unparalleled black levels (which in turn helps all the other colours pop).

However, the difference might not matter, as said your mileage may vary. We've got a fairly run of the mill LG LCD from a couple of years ago in the living room, it has a pretty great picture for 90% of HD sources. It falls down on very dark pictures, particularly ones with gradients, entirely because of LCD's backlight technology. I watch loads of movies so that tends to get noticed all the time but even though I notice it I'm not that bothered, because a plasma wouldn't be as good a deal for us.

I think for most people, a decent LCD set will leave them pretty pleased.

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Interesting discussion as I am in the market for a tv as well. Not sure whether to get a 3d tv and future proof myself or just go for an LCD/LED tv and get something cheaper. Ideally, I want to get 40" or above and with good build quality. That LG tv looks quite good for the price. I imagine 3D will be double the price? for a decent set?

3D doesn't necessarily add loads to the price these days. At the higher end, it can add a decent wedge to the price, but below that the difference can be less.

As for whether 3d is worth it... I would argue no but you may get more out of it. You'll need some kind of 3d source (3d bluray player, PS3 should run 3d discs these days IIRC) and then you've got to bear in mind that extra expense of 3d discs...

On the plus side, as a general rule of thumb, a 3d set will probably make for a good 2d set, as you need a good standard of panel to manage 3d to any degree, and...er... if you've got it, if ever you do want to use it... it's er... there?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I shelled out for one of these, an LG 47LM670T yesterday at Richer Sound. Just waiting for it to be delivered now. I found it £100 cheaper online too, so they'll be getting a visit to refund the difference!


WhatHiFi gave it a good write up, and the price I've paid is a helluva lot less than when it was reviewed - http://www.whathifi.com/review/lg-47lm670t

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