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West Bromwich Albion


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Long's problem is inconsistency. Look at the goal he scored in our first game this season, bringing it down over his shoulder and cutting inside, simply brilliant. And then next game he'll go out and not touch the ball for 90 minutes. 


Without Brunt in midfield now, you really do wonder where their goals will come from. 4 wins all season and one of them was a bit of an anomaly at Old Trafford. They've still got some decent players, but if you can't score goals and you're in a relegation scrap you're really going to struggle. 

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Kozak has got to be one of the most underrated Villa players of recent time. Not that he's a world beater or anything, but he gets a ridiculous amount of flak for somebody who did a decent job and scored a few goals in his first few months in English football before having his season cut short by injury.


He does but then I suppose most of us are scared deep down he will be Benteke's replacement which will mean even worse hoofing football given Kozak obviously isn't as mobile as big ben, please say it ain't so.


He's alright but really no different to Zigic who if you remember in his one prem season with SHA scored a few important league and cup goals. Although it's good at least Kozak isn't bankrupting us.

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Could it be that some people just don't rate Kozak because he actually doesn't possess much ability? Scoring a few poacher-ish goals doesn't change that.


So now poaching goals isn't deemed an ability. Anyway I don't even know why Kozak is being discussed here. As for Long, I don't think he's that much of a loss for them and think he wouldn't have made much difference for them. The only games he actually turned up in are the ones we played against them.

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I didn't say it wasn't but continue to misread as you always do..


You said by scoring a few poacher-ish goals does not change the opinion that he doesn't possess much ability. So to me that means you do not class poaching goals as an ability.


You make a lot of statments about players who possess ability, whether its on the ball ability, or much ability, but continue with your blanket statement that hold next to no substance.

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'Much ability' being the key phrase. That indicates a lacking in lots of areas but not all. Regarding my statement about Delph, I did expand and clearly listed what I felt his strengths were and what I felt his weaknesses were. If you feel that your point that a player's ability can be judged on the basis of a single goal they scored and this constitutes 'substance', then good for you.

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'Much ability' being the key phrase. That indicates a lacking in lots of areas but not all. Regarding my statement about Delph, I did expand and clearly listed what I felt his strengths were and what I felt his weaknesses were. If you feel that your point that a player's ability can be judged on the basis of a single goal they scored and this constitutes 'substance', then good for you.


No I base my substance on actually going to games and seeing the ability Delph possesses on the pitch, while yours is possibly judged on stats-zone.

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Says he has done so to protect his integrity after wba proposed how to settle the situation.



Apparently they asked him to stop being a word removed. How was he supposed to meet that objective?


Not a bad result for Albion really, Anelka has been nothing but a constant pain in the arse ever since he signed, they can't be too disappointed to see the back of him.

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