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The rise of Fascism is the now traditional response to economic misery in modern Europe. The Greeks are being sacrificed on the alter of the single currency, creating the conditions for their society to implode. They are not blameless for their current condition but Greece using the Euro currency is the definition of square peg into round hole. Brussels are kicking the can of Greek default further down the road again return for another round of massive cuts that are compounding the problem because they can't devalue their currency to compensate and regain competitiveness. The Northern European plan is for Southern Europe to bear the weight of economic rebalancing within the EZ - a 10-20 year process at least. Eventually the Greeks and the Spaniards will revolt against this and it will all come tumbling down. Until then the cause of the problem will be ignored and/or misdiagnosed by the ideologues in Brussels.

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Greek MPs vote for cuts worth €13.5bn as riots rage in Athens

By supporting this "we are voting against our people", admitted Mr Stylianidis [the Interior Minster]. After the voting of the measures, "the ultimate responsibility will be handed to Europe – if its leaders don't implement the principle of European solidarity without audacity and delay, they won't only derail Greece but threaten the security of Europe," he said..

At least they are not trying to deny it any more.

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Greece is screwed either way.

Whether they devalue internally themselves by making cuts and lowering wages or they have devaluation forced apon them by taking on a new currency doesn't matter. The pain will be massive in either instance.

The government borrowed massive amounts of money to fund the running of the country rather than running it on a sustainable path and now the reconing is due.

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Greek MPs vote for cuts worth €13.5bn as riots rage in Athens

At least they are not trying to deny it any more.

The Greek people don't want to have the government make these cuts. Of course they don't, what population does? But the Greek people also don't want to drop out of the Euro and default.

Which ever path the government takes they will be going against the will of the people.

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Simply delaying the inevitable unfortunately. Resistance is futile, they will default and the delay right now is more to allow the rest of the continent to brace themselves rather than actually solve anything. That can can't be kicked down the road much longer, no matter how much they might hope that they'll kick it into the long grass and lose it.

As for the rioting, well, the way things are going there won't be much to burn soon, beyond the poor.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Eurozone finance ministers will give a tentative go-ahead for the disbursement of €44bn in emergency loans to Greece on Tuesday, but the money will only be paid on December 5 if the country meets all remaining conditions.
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Golden Dawn linked to firebombs

Would-be assailant claims party provided him with work, ordered mosque attack

A 22-year-old man who was arrested in Volos, central Greece, earlier this month carrying a load of Molotov cocktails has allegedly told police that he was intending to firebomb a makeshift mosque following instructions from members of neofascist Golden Dawn, who had provided him with paid work.

Kathimerini understands that the suspect, known by the initials ZM, told police that he carried out tasks for the party in return for occasional work. “He did some farming work that was assigned to him by Golden Dawn,” the suspect’s lawyer, Dimitris Gouvas, told Kathimerini. “This helped him secure a few days’ wages, which he needed to look after his family. He is married and has a 14-month-old child.”

When contacted by Kathimerini, the local branch of the party denied any connection to the suspect.

The 22-year-old told police that two other men arrested when his car was stopped did not know he was carrying the petrol bombs. However, a search of the suspects’ homes revealed various Golden Dawn literature, two knives and balaclavas.

Kathimerini understands that the three men had been under observation by the police when they were arrested but it was only later that the 22-year-old revealed they were intending to attack a makeshift mosque in Volos.

In a related development, an internal investigation has been launched into claims that a 22-year-old police cadet threatened students at the Democritus University of Thrace, telling Muslims they should leave the building as he was a Golden Dawn member.

So because of the asset-stripping of Greece by bankers, the state is not allowed to create socially useful employment for people, and some turn to paid terrorism for nazi thugs.

No doubt he's not the only one.

Plenty more of this before the EU and the bankers have finished.


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Without trying to be overly alarmist, isn't this basically what happened in Germany in the 1930's? Obviously Greece arent in any kind of position to start anything serious, but why does being skint always seem to result in a massive lurch to the right? Does having a minority to blame your problems on, whether it's their fault or not (and usually it isnt) really help that much?

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why does being skint always seem to result in a massive lurch to the right? Does having a minority to blame your problems on, whether it's their fault or not (and usually it isnt) really help that much?

Economic collapse leads to poverty, fear and social breakdown so (some or even many) people look for stability, safety and order. The worse the situation, the more extreme the solution they are prepared to endorse. With the Golden Dawn mob that seems to be manifested as extreme nationalism rather than hatred for any particular minority. If GD won an election the army would step in and take over imo, on the basis that even a military dictatorship is preferable to a rebirth of European fascism.

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bloke on 5 live tonight said in his opinion 2 things will happen

If Greece stays in the Euro then UK is likely to leave the EU as it can't afford to stay in

If Greece leaves the Euro then UK is likely to stay in the EU

either way he expects one of them to depart sometime soon

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