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Nintendo Wii U


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What I wanted to say,  and quote,  was a response to @darrenm universally accepted that the Wii U is best line. 

I think there is a very, very good case for the Wii U having the best console exclusives. I'd agree with that much. 

Edited by hogso
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Everyone always says that Nintendo is doomed, they won't make another console after this coming generation, it was said after the N64, and it was said after the Gamecube (two 'failed generations') yet the Big N dominated the generation with the Wii.

Nintendo, which is solely a games company has a current market cap of $21 billion. Sony who are games company, an electronics manufacturer, a music label, a movie studio, and a whole host of other things has a market cap of $32 billion. Ninty aren't going to stop making consoles any time soon.

The Wii U's poor sales are generally accepted to have started with the confusing name. Many people thought (and still do) that the WiiU was simply an addon controller for the original Wii. By using a different architecture to the PS4/XONE, having a unique controller, and completely messing up the launch Nintendo saw third parties drop like flies, a lesson you would hope they have learnt from.

Nintendo are currently undergoing a complete restructuring to align both their handheld and home developments studios to streamline the development process on both platforms, this should see a much quicker turnaround of games and help the droughts which have plagued the Wii U.

No other console launch whips people into a frenzy quite like a Nintendo console launch, in the run up to the investors meeting gaming forums were on fire with rumours and leaks, pretty much every single one has been proven incorrect with NDA's on the new console being tighter than a nuns never regions. The speculation on the NX probably does still lean towards a home console/handheld fusion, but at the moment nobody knows for sure and most people are just disappointed that no info was forthcoming and are now doom-mongering.

I personally think we'll see a decent-ish resurgence with the Nintendo NX if they do give it enough power and nail the gimmick. Miyamoto has always said that they design a console with the games in mind, so whilst he is still a leading designer i can't see that changing. They now have Kimishima as company president who has had much more exposure to Western gaming culture than Iwata (Rest his soul) due to him being NoA president for 4 years back in 2002 so he is surely going to be eager to get third parties back on board.

An NX launch of Zelda (Confirmed), New Mario, Remastered Splatoon, Remastered Smash, and a couple of big 3rd party titles should see dark clouds away for a decent while.



Edited by Chewie
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Wii u has the best games? I'll use game rankings so it's not my own opinion it's a fair one

The wii u has 6 games over 90%, one of them is the wind waker HD, one of them is a 3rd party exclusive, one of them is a multiplat, 3 of them are proper Nintendo exclusives, none of them are new IPs

Xbone has 4... That includes GTA, the witcher and MGSV

Ps4 has 10 including those 3 above, Diablo, last of us, bloodborne, journey and flower

Rayman legends is the only game on all 3 to score over 90%

If you look at the top 10 selling games in the U.S. Last year, so the likes of CoD, battlefront, fallout etc not a single one of them is on wii u, madden and FIFA aren't on wii u...

Nintendo probably do produce the best games but their console can't survive on them releasing a game every 6 months, like I said before nothing has changed since the GameCube, that had more AAA exclusives than the ps2 or Xbox but they were so infrequent that it ruined the console

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16 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

Nintendo probably do produce the best games but their console can't survive on them releasing a game every 6 months, like I said before nothing has changed since the GameCube, that had more AAA exclusives than the ps2 or Xbox but they were so infrequent that it ruined the console

The gamecube was released in Japan on September 2001. Including 2001 before it was released and the following 4 years up to the end of 2006 (5 years total), Nintendo published a total of 57 games for the GCN, GBA, and NDS.

For 2015 alone, Nintendo published 30 games for the WiiU and N3DS. So a lot has changed in that time.

That's not to say that Nintendo don't need 3rd parties to push a console into the levels of 'successful' though.

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2 hours ago, hogso said:

It's not that different, he said if you judge a console by it's games, so the exclusives available hold a lot of weight in that case. 

They hold weight of course, but saying a console has better games is much different than saying a console has better exclusives. 

Judging on exclusives alone means that if you have 10 amazing games that are available on both PS4 and XBox One but not Wii U then they don't count in the debate because they're not exclusives.

Witcher 3, for example, is one of my favourites on PS4. Or our beloved Rocket League. But they're not exclusives, so if you only look at exclusives then they don't count. Yet it absolutely does count if you're judging a console by it's games, because I can't play it on Wii U.


If you isolate the debate to exclusives only then there's an argument to be made for Wii U. But if you're talking about all games then, in my opinion, there isn't. And even if you (I'm talking you in general, not you specifically, Hogs) think Wii U still wins, it certainly isn't universally accepted.

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I haven't bought a Zelda game since Wind Waker in 2003, and I'm fine with that. Nintendo are a shadow of what they were in the 90's and it'll be a great day for all gamers when they finally ditch the shite gimmick consoles and focus purely on making games.

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Skyward Sword is the one main series Zelda I've not played either. Heard too much of it being a long winded tedious slog to bother at the time it came out. I'd probably play a remaster today though. Which might happen. The Twilight Princess remaster didn't take that much effort seemingly.

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On ‎27‎/‎04‎/‎2016 at 11:58, Chindie said:

This is the death throes of this company.

As we know it anyway. Nintendo have been going the way of Sega for sometime now. Relying on in-house franchises to support otherwise souless, gimmicky, consoles and catering to an ever decreasing subset of (mainly japanese) gamers. Couple this with their bizarre refusal to acknowledge the internet exists and you have a conservative, outdated company, out of touch with the real world. They still clutch on to old ideals, old outdated ideas and have very little innovative thinking. A bit like every large Japanese company come to think of it. They didn't plan for the inevitable death of the cash cow that was the hand held console and if they hand't struck it lucky with the motion controls of the oringinal Wii (which entertained people for about 2 months before it was never used again) they would have already gone under.

I think you could write a decent case study that correlates the decline of major Japanese brands, & the associated decline in their economy, with the extremely conservative cultural values and economic policies of successive governments. I'd venture a guess the the conclusions would be

1. Immigration is no bad thing. 

2. A low birth rate amongst your indigenious population needs to be addressed as priority 1 by any government. 

3. An obsession with economic productivity is, in the end, disasterous for an economy and a country. 

A government should focus on maximising productivity but ensure workers hours (Including commute) are limited to ~35 hours per week. This allows them to be productive in work but also to engage in other activities, spreading money around the domestic economy and most importantly engage in social activities such as meeting spouses, procreating and raising the next generation.

EDIT: Holy **** that was some post, I think I just solved world hunger? Don't thank me, thank nintendo. Mario for the Nobel prize 2017.       

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On 4/27/2016 at 20:52, darrenm said:

Nah I think you won that by a long shot.

Anyway, I stand by what I said. Consoles are about the games, and the Wii U has far better games than any other console. True I haven't played much of the other consoles games but most seem to be available for PC, therefore the Wii U is the only way to play Mario 3d world, mk8, smash bros etc.

This comment sums up my feelings: "the Wii U has been the best console on the market, by far, for ages. Let's face it, the PS4 and Xbox One have been something of an anti-climax to date. Other than the nice graphics, there really are no great games. Even if there were, the Wii U has a huge swarm of first class exclusives which are absolute masterpieces.

It is a very sad reflection on gamers that this brilliant console hasn't sold well; whether it's through ignorance, or a misguided sense of what a "mature" or "hardcore" game is. Most are more interested in an endless series of violent shooters and social media buttons. You really do have to worry where the industry is heading if the best games don't sell consoles. The Wii U is going to be remembered as a troublesome failure when it's really something quite special. It's a disgrace."

I'll be honest, as a gamer from the very start, through colecovision, Atari, master system, megadrive, Motorola 6800, SNES, etc. etc. I'm disappointed that most people seem to have abandoned truly innovative games and systems in leiu of whiz bang wow it's HD

I agree with you darren. I have a wii u and  a ps and I havent played my ps in probably a year. But i play my wii u. The games are great fun. Nintendo is more based on playing with friends something that PS and xbox isnt really aimed for. The only frustrating thing for me is the lack of games out on the wii u. This has been a ongoing issue with them for many year now. It is frustrating. 

Nintendo relies heavily on its Mario games and Zelda. Without these I think they would struggle greatly

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