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Dreams and Psychoanalysis


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Not sure if its Bin Dunne but thought I would put something here for people to share their funny/strange/disturbing dreams, because I sure some of you nutters have good ones.

Last night I had a strange one where I was at a big party and for some reason I was in the middle of the room sitting in a bath tub, naked obviously. In my dream it was completely normal for me and I nor anyone else seemed to care that there was someone just chilling at the party in a bath tub. Quite bizarre and awkward.

On a side note, they always said in psychology class at uni that you do not get REM sleep and all that when you have been drinking, but for some odd reason I seem to remember my dreams most when I have been drinking and that's certainly when I have the funniest ones.

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I had a really weird one the other night. I was in this odd looking theme park that was all worn down and built on muddy ground. I went to a small Subway stand there and asked for a sandwich. The guy just started going on in this foreign language and was pointing at all of the things I could have on it and just chucking it on. There was seaweed and all other odd things, inluding what looked like various sauces.

Anyway, he finishes putting a bunch of stuff on and says it will be £20 (in English this time). I said I didn't want it so he pulls a knife on me and says I have to pay (all in English now). Some random bloke pushes him and shouts out that I should run as fast as I can. Then I'm running and all of these people are staring at me. Then the dream jumps to this store at the entrance where they sell gilets. It ended there.

Now what the hell does that all mean?!

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I did a Thread a few years ago whereby I have dreams that are so real I'm not actually sure that some off them didn't actually happen

None of this dreaming of being stuck on a desert island full of naked women for me I seem to dream waking up and goin about my normal day , having conversations with people , driving somewhere and so on ... I "dreamt" about this girl I went out with to the point of meting her parents ( he was a vicar) , phone conversations , not returning her calls and the relationship fizzling out.... I sorta even know where she lives in Surrey!!

Now my memory is pretty good , I can remember events that friends have long since forgotten , but I have zero recollection of this girl so I hav to assume its nothing but a dream just like the other mundane stuff I dream

Over to any would be "Freuds" out there

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I have a friend who loves dream analysis. Every time I have a dream she translates is for me and it makes so much sense. At first I thought she was able to get it so right 'cos she knows me... So I got her to analyse some dreams from people who I work with and she was spot on with those too. It's amazing really.

Generally I have well boring dreams, like, dream of being at work :lol: ....

But when I have problems in life I get some crazy dreams... love them!

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I have been having a recurring dream for at least 20 years.

I'm on the ground witnessing a plane crash. Different locations but it always ends badly.

Probably something to do with following Aston Villa FC.

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I have been having a recurring dream for at least 20 years.

I'm on the ground witnessing a plane crash. Different locations but it always ends badly.

I get that one occasionally too. It's horrible.

The other recurring one is the perennial favourite of being back at my old school. Get that about once or twice a year.

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I have always gotten a reoccurring dream at the same time of the year, every year, since I could remember. It really freaks me out each time it happens. The jist is I am some king and there is a revolt and I am running through a castle looking for a way to escape. Always ends with me running up this crazy spiral staircase to the castle's tower.

That is a really crazy one you have Tony. Never quite heard anything like that before...

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I've mentioned this a few times on here, but I suppose this is the thread for it.

Ever since I was a kid I've had dreams, usually about fairly mundane things but occasionally about minor things related to bigger deals, that then occur and I get struck by an enormous sense of deja vu and then remember having had the dream it featured in.

The example I always remember was from when I was at secondary school. I had a dream about walking home, or really just a snatch of a minute long part of my route. I walked past a yellow car parked up, and a bloke walked towards and then past me as I went past the car. Thats all. I remembered the snippet when I woke up because it was so vivid, I was even able to tell what my feelings where as I walked past the car in the dream. I then largely forgot about it and then, lo and behold, I've walked home and gone past the yellow and had the bloke go in the other direction past me and felt the same feeling and so on, and had the feeling of deja vu strike me immediately afterwards.

I had it happen just the other day actually, watching TV whilst a conversation was going on about something. I remembered the TV programme and the conversation that had gone on at the same time.

Very weird.

As for normal dreams I tend to have a lot that I believe anyone who believed there was something in dream analysis would say said I suffered from anxiety, lack of trust and confidence, and worried a lot. Which would be fairly accurate I guess.

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I've mentioned this a few times on here, but I suppose this is the thread for it.

Ever since I was a kid I've had dreams, usually about fairly mundane things but occasionally about minor things related to bigger deals, that then occur and I get struck by an enormous sense of deja vu and then remember having had the dream it featured in.

The example I always remember was from when I was at secondary school. I had a dream about walking home, or really just a snatch of a minute long part of my route. I walked past a yellow car parked up, and a bloke walked towards and then past me as I went past the car. Thats all. I remembered the snippet when I woke up because it was so vivid, I was even able to tell what my feelings where as I walked past the car in the dream. I then largely forgot about it and then, lo and behold, I've walked home and gone past the yellow and had the bloke go in the other direction past me and felt the same feeling and so on, and had the feeling of deja vu strike me immediately afterwards.

I've had that experience too - I described it the last time we had this thread, but I'll do it again.

It was when I was at school - 6th form, I think.

I dreamed that I got up, dressed, had breakfast, went to get my bus, and the wrong number bus turned up - a 13 instead of a 24. There was some confusion in the queue, and the driver gave some credible explanation.

Then I woke up - I was struck that it was a very mundane dream, but highly vivid. And I told my mum about it. Then I went off to school - and it all happened, exactly as in my dream. I was freaked. Got to school and told my mates, but they didn't seem very interested. When I got home I asked my mum if she remembered me describing the dream, and she did. I told her the freaky bit, but she didn't seem all that impressed, either.

Never happened again, but it stuck in my mind to this day. Very odd.

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i have a weird one that's difficult to explain in words. the best way i can verbalise it is that everything is grey, a really bland grey. and there's nothing there other than the grey background and some grey spheres. the spheres are different sizes, but usually what happens is im pushing one of them (i say i am, but there's nobody there, im not physically in the dream or anything, but something invisible that seems to be me is doing the pushing), and it's going really, really, really slow. im talking milimeters per hour slow. and that's the extent of the dream. it's both frustrating and soothing, and i have it every few years

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ok not quite the same, but similar. When I was a kid, we had a foreign touring holiday. We went to De Eftling in the Neterlands, it's a theme park. Never been abroad before, never heard of the place, I kneww my way around, I knew what would be around the next corner, I knew how to operate the games, rides and gizmos.

Freaked everyone out.

There's a perfectly reasonable scientific explanation of it to be had somewhere, but it was bloody bizarre.

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I had a really weird one the other night. I was in this odd looking theme park that was all worn down and built on muddy ground. I went to a small Subway stand there and asked for a sandwich. The guy just started going on in this foreign language and was pointing at all of the things I could have on it and just chucking it on. There was seaweed and all other odd things, inluding what looked like various sauces.

Anyway, he finishes putting a bunch of stuff on and says it will be £20 (in English this time). I said I didn't want it so he pulls a knife on me and says I have to pay (all in English now). Some random bloke pushes him and shouts out that I should run as fast as I can. Then I'm running and all of these people are staring at me. Then the dream jumps to this store at the entrance where they sell gilets. It ended there.

Now what the hell does that all mean?!

I think the ending shows that although at one point you felt in danger, it was actually armless.

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I had a really weird one the other night. I was in this odd looking theme park that was all worn down and built on muddy ground. I went to a small Subway stand there and asked for a sandwich. The guy just started going on in this foreign language and was pointing at all of the things I could have on it and just chucking it on. There was seaweed and all other odd things, inluding what looked like various sauces.

Anyway, he finishes putting a bunch of stuff on and says it will be £20 (in English this time). I said I didn't want it so he pulls a knife on me and says I have to pay (all in English now). Some random bloke pushes him and shouts out that I should run as fast as I can. Then I'm running and all of these people are staring at me. Then the dream jumps to this store at the entrance where they sell gilets. It ended there.

Now what the hell does that all mean?!

Very phallic. Clearly penis related.

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