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I've a feeling 'call Sigourney Weaver' would be your solution to a lot of problems, amigo...

"Damn it, I forget to get milk at the supermarket. Better call Sigourney Weaver."

"My pet flying squirrel is suffering from metabolic bone disease, time to dial Sigourney Weaver."

"Wow, that girl is cute, but I'm too nervous to approach her. I'll phone Sigourney Weaver."

Incidentally, this isn't me disagreeing with such a course of action. Au contraire. :thumb:

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I've a feeling 'call Sigourney Weaver' would be your solution to a lot of problems, amigo...

"Damn it, I forget to get milk at the supermarket. Better call Sigourney Weaver."

"My pet flying squirrel is suffering from metabolic bond disease, time to dial Sigourney Weaver."

"Wow, that girl is cute, but I'm too nervous to approach her. I'll phone Sigourney Weaver."

Incidentally, this isn't me disagreeing with such a course of action. Au contraire. :thumb:

And of course there is the, "Damn, this cock isn't sucking itself. Better call Sigourney Weaver."

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For example, read the chapter on Kelly in David Aaronovitch's book 'Voodoo Histories'. He deconstructs the murder conspiracy theory pretty devastatingly.

I imagine there are some less one-eyed commentators around, but just now, none come to mind. He's a polemicist, and good at what he does, but not a source of independent and objective judgement. In my biased opinion...


Well read it and see what you think. One thing that conspiracy theories never are is objective, so it's a score draw in that respect.

My point really was that it's not 'obvious' that Kelly was murdered, and that a strong case can be made that he simply committed suicide. His family seem satisfied that's what happened.

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His family seem satisfied that's what happened.

I think anyone that doesn't walk around with a tin foil hat on their head so that their thoughts can't be read be the government , is satisfied as well

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One thing about David Kelly's death I cant figure out is why a government employee's suicide is to be kept secret for 70 years, I mean cabinet papers relating to nuclear war plans are only kept for 30 years, unless it wasn't suicide

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  • 2 weeks later...

Radio 4 are doing something tomorrow (Thursday 27) at 8pm, looking at the different theories.

Although I've only seen the rumour of the D notice in one place, later removed, the behaviour of the press in removing reader comments about the nuclear connections of both al-Hilli and the French cyclist, M. Mollier, strongly suggest that there is government intervention in what is being reported.

There are some good nuggets on a thread on Craig Murray's website, somewhat spolit by the largely unmoderated ramblings of a drunk narcissist refugee from David Icke's site, and people who play up to him or conspire in taking it off track. That makes it hard going, but if you have patience it's possible to tune out the noise and pick up a few insights. I haven't checked it in several days - too much like hard work, which is clearly the intent of some of the posters.

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Well the Radio 4 programme didnt shed too much light.

The French Police have said it could take 10 years to solve this ? Currently 50 officers working on it but I'm sure that will be scaled back soon.

Next month we get the full ballistics report and will discover type of gun and if all 25 rounds came from a single source.

This will be a significant crossroads in the investigation.

So we still dont know but they seem to be backing off his work as a motive, family feud still possible or just a random act of violence or racial related ? The only other odd one thrown in was that the target may have been the French cyclist ?

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  • 1 month later...

Now seem to be going back to the family link with the rumour being close on £1m in Switzerland that the victims brother tried to access just days before the shooting

The brother has been set up by Agents, they kidnapped him weeks before and brainwashed him to the point he would be 'triggered' on hearing the word 'swordfish' to access the bank account of his brother where they had secretly stashed millions of pounds earned from the sale of secret Martian tech to Jupiter that al-Hilli was privy to. Its all a cover up. The truth is out there, you can see it in Cameron's Jupiterian Luciferian lizard eyes.

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The French authorities are now checking psychiatric hospitals in the region to see if a patient with a gun fetish has been released recently. I'm sorry, I'll believe alien lizards done this before some random psychiatric patient.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did we ever get the ballistics report ?

Initial findings two months ago said

It is now know that the investigators have concluded the gun involved was a Luger P08 gun, which fires highly distinctive 7.65mm calibre bullets and has a capacity of eight rounds.

Given that there were around 25 bullets fired, and the prosecutor confirmed that only one gun was used, the investigators think that the gunman may have used three magazines.

The origins of the gun will be of huge interest to investigators.

Chevaline, where the murders took place, is just 40 miles from the Swiss city of Geneva. The Luger P08 was standard issue for the Swiss army between 1900 and 1945.

Tens of thousands of weapons and ammunition were handed out to all men of military age, who were ordered to store it in their homes. The Swiss army has always been a conscript force made up of all men of fighting age.

The ammunition, which is 21 mm long, is now rare and is used with very few other weapons. The bullets for the Luger P08 are also all marked with their date of manufacture.

Philip Boyce, an internationally recognised UK firearms expert, said: “The ammunition would either have been stored in a dry place since the 1940s or would have to be specially purchased, and therefore would be easily traced. Most Lugers fire 9mm rounds.

“This sort of weapon, because of the non-standard ammunition, would be quite unusual.”

Last week, Eric Maillaud, the prosecutor for Annecy, confirmed that the weapon was a semi-automatic, firing 7.65mm ammunition. But he refused to go into detail about the type of gun, leading to claims that it was a Skorpion, a Czech-made machine pistol developed in the 1950s for use by security and special forces.

The prosecutor also refused repeatedly to discuss the specifics, but The Sunday Telegraph has learnt that the lethal shots were fired at close range - probably less than three feet away.

Later, a provisional ballistics report was reported.

A provisional ballistic and forensic report also spoke of a "frenzied" attack which was "incompatible" with the work of a professional hitman.

Although the report draws no final conclusions, its findings imply that the British-Iraqi Al-Hilli family may have been random victims, rather than the target of a planned assassination. Study of the 22 bullets found in the bodies and other forensic evidence suggests that a local cyclist, Sylvain Mollier, was the first to be attacked by what investigators are convinced was a single gunman.

This suggests that Mr Mollier may have been the original target or that, more likely, the killings were the work of a lone psychopath.

Mr Mollier, 45, was cut down by a volley of shots from a 7.65mm automatic pistol but was not immediately killed, according to the gendarmerie report leaked to the newspaper Le Parisien. He was finished off after the murderer had turned his gun on Saad al-Hilli, 50, an Iraqi-born engineer, his wife, Iqbal, 47, and her mother Suhaila al-Allaf, 74.

The killer then returned to each victim on several occasions to make sure that they were dead.

So, the modus operandi was that of a controlled, professional, well-disciplined team. No, wait, it was a lone psychopath, a frenzied attack, not careful placement of two bullets in each victim apart from Hillier. The lone psychopath drove to the scene in a green 4x4, accompanying himself on a motorbike, then fled the scene in a white Peugeot. It was a random killing, they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. No wait, there was a family dispute about an inheritance. Hang on, that was Saddam's slush fund. It will take ten years to solve.

I'm still waiting to hear a newspaper say that there was no D notice issued about this, or to explain why comments regarding the employment of the victims were removed from the comments columns of the Guardian.

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