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Worst Game You've Ever Played?


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There's been some absolute crackers on the first page of this thread. I've played Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing, and it's a strong contender.

I'm really picky, so I don't come across that many stinkers. Venetica(?) on the Xbox360 was rubbish...clunky camera, bad controls...lasted about 30 mins. Shaq-Fu and Home Alone on the SNES were big big mistakes, although I did trade them for Pogs so wasn't too pissed.

Doom on the 32x. Really, what was the point? Hardware couldn't run the **** game!

I had the misfortune of being stuck at my mum's school as she was doing meetings and such after I'd been dropped off from my school. So I'm sitting there in the main hall in St Benedicts in Small Heath and I get free reign over the brand new school "interactive computer console (also plays GAMES!)". I attempted to relieve my boredom.

The system was a Phillips CD-I and the game was 'Zelda's Adventure'. I think it's safe to say that even the 4 bit goodness of The Hobbit on the BBC Micro outshone this piece of shit by a looong way.

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Italia '90 on the Master System was absolute heaven compared to this.

Had Italia 90 on the Mega Drive. All you had to do was come in at 45 degrees at the edge of the area (left or right) and boot it. England 15 - Argentina 0.

Sensible Soccer had some technique as well IIRC

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My missus has just told me to post that Hard Drivin on the Mega Drive was the worst game she's ever played.

Sometimes I get "bad film" syndrome with legendary games. I, for one, am absolutely dying to play "Limbo of the Lost", if not to see just the ending. Google it, it's the most bizarre moment in computer game history.

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I've played Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing, and it's a strong contender.

Not sure anyone can actually "play" that game :D

More like"Endured" or "coped with"

Incidentally I stumbled across a video of a guy on youtube getting up to 900 billion mph in reverse on that game... and stopping instantly when he braked of course.

I had the misfortune of being stuck at my mum's school as she was doing meetings and such after I'd been dropped off from my school. So I'm sitting there in the main hall in St Benedicts in Small Heath and I get free reign over the brand new school "interactive computer console (also plays GAMES!)". I attempted to relieve my boredom.

The system was a Phillips CD-I and the game was 'Zelda's Adventure'. I think it's safe to say that even the 4 bit goodness of The Hobbit on the BBC Micro outshone this piece of shit by a looong way.

I've never played those Zelda games, but seen plenty of gameplay on the net. They look truly truly terrible. And kind of a shame that it was the best video game series of all time (imo) that got tainted with those pieces of shite.

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May be not the worst in most mind but from my list of games it is, and a massive disapppointment. Nuke Dukem Forever

I remember sticking up for this game pre launch in the desperate attempt of clinging on to the hope it would actually turn out good.

It wasn't. It was **** shite.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I quite liked Rage. Granted, the ending is balls but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Never even got halfway through the game. The soundtrack is cringeworthy, the combat is mediocre, and the quests are boring fetch-quests that are more commonly associated with run-of-the-mill MMOs. Not to mention that, for the first half of the game at least, the story is non-existent, with the game being entirely about saving kittens and doing kitchen chores for everyone, with minimal dialogue. The only saving graces are the graphics, which were very impressive, and the consistently high frame-rate.

Horrendous game, apart from its technical aspects. Felt like a shitty MMO.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Euro Truck Simulator. End of. Anyone who can think driving a truck from say, Southampton to Glasgow is good enough and exciting enough to be a game seriously needs to stay off the disco biscuits, and take themselves outside for a stern word!

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Gran Turismo 5

It's the worst game i've ever played because it could have been the best game i've ever played, but for the sole mindedness of the developers.

This was basically a racing simulator, not a game. It just wasn't fun, at all, which was a crying shame because technically, it was probably the best game i've ever seen. There were very few competitive races, and more often than not, you'd have to deliberately stop yourself from picking a car that would walk all over the opposition. Either that, or it was just too difficult and the race would go on for half an hour. Fair enough if you're a serious racing enthusiast, but I'm not. I'm just looking for something to pick up and play for half an hour before the missus puts Eastenders on.

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Terminator 3 : Rise of the machines. One of the very worst pieces of software ever to be committed to disk. It cost me £2.50 from CEX and I still took it back.

I worked at Game when this was released. They made it a special offer around Xmas where if you bought anything in the store over twenty quid you could buy Rise of the Machines for a tenner or something like that. I feel a little guilty about kids getting that piece of shit game for a Christmas present. Incidentally, I once sold a copy of the game to a customer who had just been served by another member of staff who was actually not quite right in the head it turns out. He didn't offer her the deal so as she went to walk out I caught her and told her about it. She bought it so it counted as a sale by me. As soon as she left the store this psycho colleague of mine threatened to stab me as soon as I left the shop if I stole one of his sales again. I told him he was a psycho and that she was leaving so he missed his chance. He got overheard threatening to stab me and got called in by the manager who let him off with a warning. Six months later he was fired because he got caught giving his friends xboxs without ringing them up on the till. That guy was a right little weirdo.

Sorry, back on topic. Islington your girlfriend is spot on. I mentioned Hard Drivin' on the MegaDrive earlier in the thread. Absolute garbage.

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Had Italia 90 on the Mega Drive. All you had to do was come in at 45 degrees at the edge of the area (left or right) and boot it. England 15 - Argentina 0.

Sensible Soccer had some technique as well IIRC


Which is why Kick Off 2 was far superior!

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Euro Truck Simulator. End of. Anyone who can think driving a truck from say, Southampton to Glasgow is good enough and exciting enough to be a game seriously needs to stay off the disco biscuits, and take themselves outside for a stern word!


It's all of the joys of spending hours on the M6, with none of the petrol costs.

For just 30 euros you can spend your evenings stuck behind some clearing in the woods in a BMW, from the comfort of your own home.

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