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Glad you're enjoying it !


I have a theory about her, and not the obvious one...

She has to be related to Horace somehow. I'm thinking Horace is her dad, a.k.a the Wizard King. I guess I'll find out in the not too distant future since I'm on my way to Nazcaa after I've levelled Marcassin up a bit.


Ah um. I can't really comment on that without spoilers, can I? Hm. And I really want to, man! It'll have to wait till you finish it, I suppose.


I think if I ever have a daughter who has green hair, I will call her Pea. That's after my other children called Cloud, Squall, Quina Quen and Yuna ofc.

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going for platinum now, done all the errands, lost in the final round of the soliseum so still got that to do, done about 60% of the alchemy, 220 familiars, also got 4 chests to find and cant seem to find them


65 hours in, trying to do the alchemy items that dont require more bloody scrolls

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65 hours in, trying to do the alchemy items that dont require more bloody scrolls


Yep, that's what you want to do. There's enough recipes that don't require Scrolls of Truth or...that other really annoying thing that I can't remember. Just make sure you have all the recipes in your list so you can check them all as you go. I got right right to the end of the post-game, where I needed like 10 more alchemy creations for the platinum, but I had some how missed talking to two people (one in Castaway Cove and one in Perdida) who give you recipes.

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Jesus, trying to get the Scrolls of Truth and Kaleidostones are a pain in the ass. I have one more Kalediostone and 4 more Scrolls to get. I saw there's a method where you use a golden glib and get Swaine to use his Light Fingers special ability but so far no golden glibs are popping up so I'm having to rely on Mugshot and drops at the end of battles. So far, it's not proving very effective.


I already have the two Kalediostones from the Smiley and Surly weapons shop quest too. Just going to grin and bear it unless you chaps have any other methods to try?

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iirc i used the large area at the bottom of glittering grotto and kept walking through the false wall and seeing what respawned, i went on little streaks of getting 2/3 and then not getting any for ages, good time to do the levelling up to achieve the 250 and the max familiar ones too as each battle reduces their fullness, i think level 3-4 took about 200 chocolate bars, 4-5 has taken me about 250 so far

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Well I got the Kalediostone I needed, just four Scrolls of Truth needed now. I've been in the cave near the end of Tombstone Trail and tring to steal from the Honky-Tonkers but it's not proved too effective just yet unfortunately.


I did The Conductor quest too, because I had to anyway but also because I read online that Swaine can steal Scrolls of Truth from the Guardian of Worlds. He didn't steal it for me, and since the battle takes a fair bit of time and items (mainly just to restock my MP, Oliver and Esther are level 99 now which makes it easier, Swaine is lv. 90 and Marcassin lv. 78) I don't think I'll be trying that method out too often. I'll still fight him to get Swaine and Marcassin and the familiars up to max level though.


So I guess I'll be hanging around on Tombstone Trail for a while, since The Master Alchemist is the only quest left at this point. I'm hoping I have a few more to come because I'm still 1 and a bit Cards short of being able to get the final upgrade. I'm pretty sure I haven't missed any quests yet, I really hope I don't get to the end and miss out on that trophy...

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i've done it!


71 hrs and 59 minutes, roughly 40 hours for the main game and then 30 for the platinum, last thing i had to do was max my familiar, weird feeling counting down the battles knowing it was creating space to feed him, i hadnt given him any cake so it only took 2 top ones to go up the 10 levels


1st game ive ever got the platinum trophy


the guardian of worlds is meant to have a really good random drop but i couldnt be bothered to do him over and over, i managed to do the mad scientist without having to do the stones and scrolls again, didnt do the 10 eye things either i went for the 10 rings a bell recipe which was a lot easier

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i've done it!

71 hrs and 59 minutes, roughly 40 hours for the main game and then 30 for the platinum, last thing i had to do was max my familiar, weird feeling counting down the battles knowing it was creating space to feed him, i hadnt given him any cake so it only took 2 top ones to go up the 10 levels

1st game ive ever got the platinum trophy

Well in V4E, congrats!

hanging around on Tombstone Trail for a while, since The Master Alchemist is the I'm hoping I have a few more to come because I'm still 1 and a bit Cards short of being able to get the final upgrade. I'm pretty sure I haven't missed any quests yet, I really hope I don't get to the end and miss out on that trophy...

Don't worry, you get extra stamps after the last errand, which tops you up and fills up the last card.

As for tips, you just need to keep grinding really. They'll come eventually.

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Finished the main game at 2am this morning.  The whole thing is absolutely astonishingly brilliant.  The only slight negative criticism is that it's a bit easy.  I've been reading up a lot in familiars, and the types you should have, and the whole sun/moon/stars rock/scissors/stone thing, but in the end just used the same few familiars with no ill effects whatsoever if they were supposedly outclassed.  I went into the final boss battle at about L55 and found it very easy indeed.  I want to keep going with it to get all the recipes etc, but not sure there's enough of a pull left.

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The post-game bosses are harder, though if you found the last one easy then these probably won't pose you too much trouble.

What team did you have? I was around Lv. 90 with Oliver and Esther and Lv. 60ish with Marcassin when I did the final storyline boss and whereas I had no real trouble, it still took a bit of time and healing.


In other news, I got the Scrolls of Truth and thus finished The Master Alchemist quest. All I've got left to do is to get the trophies for maximising a familiars heart... things, catch 250 familiars and alchemise all that stuff.

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i agree to an extent that its a bit on the easy side, after getting my dinoceros i think i died twice, the 1st time i tried the final boss and just had the wrong set up and once in the final round of the soliseum


it was the 250 familiars that drove me to the platinum, by the time id achieved that trophy i was 95% there

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For most of the end game my 5 year old insisted I use the "Unleash" spells whenever I was on it, so didn't put that much effort into familiars.  Just made sure I had dozens of Espressos and nuked all the mob packs.  My main tank was a skeleton with a Radiant Blade.  Physically immune and regaining HP from hits.

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i used earsplitter, on bosses haymaker could do 1k damage, to be honest though i thought it was them not doing much that made it easy, the hardest bosses was the jellyfish when all the little ones spawn, the final one with the orbs, porco rosso because he knocked you over and stopped what you were doing and the soliseum when they constantly spam rock sling and slash, didnt think enough of the bosses do status attacks or generally enough attacks


if they focus on one of the other 2 then you are completely free to do what you want

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One thing that definitely made it easier for me was that I was grinding a lot of areas, not for xp, but to try and catch familiars. The catch rates are so low, I'm going round catching two of every familiar I haven't already got now to try and get the trophy for it and I even have the bonus catch rate thing you get from exchanging the stamp cards and the rates are still insanely low.

I know these things aren't meant to be easy, but there's difficulty which requires skill, and difficulty which requires luck. The latter I am not a fan of in games, at all. It seems like a cop-out to me. I had an issue with a developer at the games company I worked for as a tester one time because one particular part of the game relied heavily on luck. That wasn't the issue so much, it was more the fact that his programming was way off and made no sense, but that's another story. He was a massive prick, still is I suspect.

Anyway, my point is, because of the low catch rates, which are insanely annoying, it incidentally made me grind for xp, meaning I over-levelled a lot, meaning bosses were pretty easy. I think I died once in the entire game and that was because I was careless.


They should have given Esther am ability you can use in battle which increases the capture rate. Maybe have it as her special move, the one you can use when a golden glib appears on the battlefield? I dunno, something would have been nice. The pokemon system is always good, maybe they could have done something like that, like to be able to use serenade whenever but have it's effectiveness increase when their health is low maybe?

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I'm on my last trophy, Mad Scientist, but I really don't know if I'm going to have the patience to do this one.


I'm flying about all over the place to get sprockets one minute, iron diamonds the next and Christ-knows what else I have in store for me. I'm not really much of a completionist but something is compelling me to do this one, and it is the last one.

Any tips on obtaining rare items or getting rare drops?Or is it really a case of, see what recipe you want to do, find where the items are, grind until you get them?

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see what recipe you want to do, find where the items are, grind until you get them?


This is what it came down to or me. There is a nice guide on GameFAQs which lists where everything is, but more importantly, which of the harder recipes you can avoid having to grind the items for, and still get the trophy by getting to 120 with some easier ones. For me, I was quite surprised how easy it was in the end. I was dreading it, but after getting the scrolls and kaleidoscopes for the final errand, it wasn't actually that bad. The worst part was waiting for respawns of the items that you forage on the world map. Everything else was pretty easy, once you know where to steal it from, which is ofc much more reliable than drops.

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I did quite a bit last night and I'm back on it now. I've made 112 items so far, so I might as well stick it out and finish off the easiest of the last eight. I'm hoping to try and avoid any of the Goddess or War God items since they require Kaleidostones and Scrolls of Truth.


I've made a list of the final eight and should be able to do it without having to grind for those two bastard items. It seems like I'm going after a lot of Tachestones, Blow Pipes and Bubble Pipes.


EDIT - Finally got the platinum trophy! It didn't take me as long as I thought it might. The Bubble Pipes I just farmed from Ara Memoriae's Fuddy-Daddy and kept using Gateway to respawn him easily, then Demoliceros and Beam-Mans were pretty common in the Ivory Tower and pretty much got a 100% steal from them.


Well, no need to play this game anymore, which is kind of sad.

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