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sleeping dogs - out 17.08.12


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I read a pretty good review for this aswell. It doesn't seem to do anything original, but what it does do is get pretty much everything right. The story seems to imitate Hong Kong cinema to good effect (both the serious and not so serious), with combat mostly being hand to hand in a Batman Asylum/City kind of way, with flowing combos against multiple enemies, but it makes greater use of the environment then either Batman games.

The only down side seems to be the graphics - which are indicative of the fact the project started life quite some time ago as True Crime: Hong Kong, which was scrapped, then picked up and finished, and it ended up being Sleeping Dogs.

I won't be buying it, I have a silly amount of games to finish off, and ones I have hardly started on, before I go buying new releases, and this one doesnt interest me enough to buy it anyway despite that fact. I would like to hear what people think though, as a successful 'GTA clone' set away from America does intrigue.

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To be honest the only game that I have been playing lately (again because I literally played it for 2 or 3 hours, thought it was good and never played it again) is batman arkham city, I havent played fifa or CoD for months and months

I dont recon I would bother buying this one if I had to actually pay for it but I have got a **** load of vouchers for HMV and there aint much else that I want so I am gunna give it a go

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You can buy it for £26.99 on Steam right now if you fancy playing it on a P.C.

I read the Kotaku review and watched Gametrailers review as well and both seemed to be very favourable. I love open-world games and I had the original True Crime: Streets of L.A which started off promisingly enough before suddenly incorporating weird shit and it got pretty boring. This, however, looks a lot better and I haven't had a proper GTA fix in a long time so I will no doubt pick this up at some point in the next few days, probably for 360.

It has Emma Stone in it so that's nothing but a good thing.

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just had an hour or so on it

so far

it is basicly GTA with noodles, the controls are identical to it but the hand to hand combat is really good (a whole lot has been taken from batman) but it seems a bit sluggish at times.

The voice acting is good, the graphics are decent (nothing ground breaking but not uneasy on the eye at all)

cant really say a lot more at the moment because I havent played that much on it but so far it is looking like it is going to be quote a lot of fun.

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ps3, like I say I only had it on for an hour but it looks smooth enough to me at the moment.

I just done a couple of easy missions then went on a rampage smashing the **** out of everyone and anything I saw which is always fun

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Got this coming rented from Lovefilm. Only just started using Lovefilm for game rentals and it's pretty good. I buy most of the big games like Fifa and CoD, but games that i'll only play once like this one, i'll rent.

The gameplay stuff looks pretty good. I'm looking forward to it.

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Been playing this for most of the weekend, a huge amount of fun.

Whats great is the focus on hand to hand combat rather than gunplay, although admittedly i am finding it quite tough going to get to grips with the fighting.

The driving is great (even if the camera lets it down), the missions are fun and varied. I prefer this over Saints Row quite a lot actually.

It looks great as well, not the best graphics ive ever seen but its quite pretty, at night it looks brilliant in downtown hong kong.

It definitely needs a few things added to it. As mentioned, the camera needs tightening up and a few options added as the one and only viewpoint hinders driving in close quarters a bit.

Maybe a few more activities to do also. Further more id expand the car customisation quite a lot as well as its quite a big thing over there and seems a bit odd not to include it to some degree.

But as it is its still a fantastic game. Well worth a purchase.

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I've played this a fair bit recently and it is good fun, it's not perfect and it's not quite up to the standard of GTA IV was for me, but it's a lot of fun.

Plus, I've just been driving around in-game and listening to Kerrang on the radio (love the fact they have Kerrang in Hong Kong apparently) but I just heard one of my favourite Bombay Bicycle Club songs on it! That immediately bumps the game up in my estimation, that and I keep hearing the DJ on Ninja Tune radio mention The Cinematic Orchestra, but I don't think I've heard any of their songs just yet.

Either way, music aside, it's a good laugh.

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just about to stick this back on again , I'm about 40% through the main story I think.

I said in an earlier post that I thought the fighting was sluggish but I have really got to grips with it now, I think its a great game and it is holding my interest a lot more than GTA does, my only problem is that I dont think it is going to be long enough, I am having to take my time with it to save me from running through it in a matter of days

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I'm not that far into the story as of yet, but I picked up a gun in one of the side missions so that was fun. I then went going around trying to do the CCTV hacking and found a gang who had bloody assault rifles. Needless to say, they killed me. Now I have no gun and I could probably do with one because a few of the other CCTV camera missions have guys with guns and I can't really do much until I pack some heat. Maybe I need to play some more of the story missions and it'll unlock somewhere I can buy or find weapons.

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I picked up this game after cancelling another preorder and I'm delighted I did so. Hong Kong looks fantastic, the story is solid, it's pretty addictive and the combat is deeply satisfying. Like leemond, though, I have a feeling the story can be rushed through pretty quickly so I'm hanging back and spreading myself over a bunch of side activities. Also there are some teething problems with the PC version they need to sort out, mostly down to dodgy camera while driving.

I haven't found much use for guns yet. In fact of all the game mechanics, the gunplay alone feels kind of janky. I've found a couple of guns in lockboxes but finding them didn't end well for me. When I found the second one I thought it would be a great idea to massacre one of the unarmed hacking-site gangs with it - that just made everything way harder than it had to be, since the police started on me for the very first time outside of a mission or hijack. I had to run off, come back and reattempt it bare handed. TBH that suits me fine because I'm having way too much fun beating the crap out of triads with my bare hands, in ridiculously brutal ways.

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