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12 shot dead, 38 injured at Batman premiere in Denver, USA.


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Would I beat a burglar who stepped into my home, armed, to within an inch of his life? Yep, no sweat.

That is assuming he didn't shoot you before you delivered the beating.

Lets hope not eh. If he did, my tough luck I suppose. I'd rather be incredibly unfortunate than knowingly put another human being to death.

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Maqroll's suggestions are 100% sensible, and the only practical response. He is quite correct about the historical reasons and they ARE relevant. There is no way to "ban" private gun ownership, the only thing the US could do is to tighten up the restrictions on types of gun allowed, and qualification for buying them.

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I should add that if I KNEW I had no choice but to kill somebody to stop them from seriously harming (as in maiming) or killing myself or a loved one then of course I would. But how often is that scenario ever likely to present itself?

A burglar though? Come on....

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I don't give a **** about the man, but I'm lead to believe the 'dressed as Bane and did himself up to look like the Joker' is nonsense. The Joker doesn't have red hair and Bane doesn't wear a gas mask (though a man intending to use tear gas on a crowd might...). Just another angle for a media desperate for grim angle to add to the story imo.

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He did look very spaced out on the news last night, Was he drugged? Maybe he was intending to use his 15mins to spout some kind of message and the US authorities decided to make sure he didn't make a very bad situation worse.

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I don't give a **** about the man, but I'm lead to believe the 'dressed as Bane and did himself up to look like the Joker' is nonsense. The Joker doesn't have red hair and Bane doesn't wear a gas mask (though a man intending to use tear gas on a crowd might...). Just another angle for a media desperate for grim angle to add to the story imo.

Either way, I think it's pretty irrelevant to be honest.

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Gun Deaths (2008)

Germany - 381,

France - 255,

Canada - 165,

UK - 68,

Australia - 65

Japan - 39

USA - 30000+

There was something on Twitter yesterday (I point that out as I can't verify it's truth) that said there were 15 gun massacres in Australia in the 10 years before their 1996 gun reform, and not a single one since.

I'm not one to wade in on the gun law debate, but that's pretty compelling evidence that a look at the law would help.

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Gun Deaths (2008)

Germany - 381,

France - 255,

Canada - 165,

UK - 68,

Australia - 65

Japan - 39

USA - 30000+

A few of my American friends point out that I "wouldn't understand" because of where I live, but a lot of people over there outside the big cities live in areas where they could potentially be attacked by wild animals.

The arguement makes no sense to me. How many people would seriously die per year as a result of animal attacks if they didn't have guns? A whole lot less than people killing each other with guns I would imagine.

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Gun Deaths (2008)

Germany - 381,

France - 255,

Canada - 165,

UK - 68,

Australia - 65

Japan - 39

USA - 30000+

A few of my American friends point out that I "wouldn't understand" because of where I live, but a lot of people over there outside the big cities live in areas where they could potentially be attacked by wild animals.

The arguement makes no sense to me. How many people would seriously die per year as a result of animal attacks if they didn't have guns? A whole lot less than people killing each other with guns I would imagine.

You don't need assault rifles to shoot bears. I don't know much you really need to shoot bears to be honest...

I don't think you will ever stop this kind of 'massacre', to be honest. Gun laws are gun laws, but if someone plots and plans to the degree of this guy or Anders Breivik there isn't much you can do. Guns will always be available in society, and there are psychopathic people out there who will get their hands on them. Breivik didn't rouse much suspicion before killing 50 odd people, and that's the way he planned it.

And since Columbine, the media can't seem to get enough of these massacres. And hence, they keep happening, because these loons know that they will get notoriety.

I think it is more the 'spur of the moment' killings that will reduce with stricter gun laws. Less gang related shootings too.

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You don't need assault rifles to shoot bears. I don't know much you really need to shoot bears to be honest...

I think it is more the 'spur of the moment' killings that will reduce with stricter gun laws. Less gang related shootings too.

Yeah, think it's just an easy excuse for them to use so they don't have to say "we just love that we can own a gun"

Definitely agree on the last part.

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^^ Pompey, you're right, I've lived in the Canadian north, and it's absolutely stuffed with bears, and ninety percent of the time, bears who are left alone won't attack anyone. It's stupidity in the majority of cases which creates situations where the bear must be destroyed (campers leaving food out, idiotic idealistic freaks who want to live with the bears, bears accustomed to human contact and garbage... that's a big one and the most common situation, a bear becomes used to humans and garbage bins and gets testy when the humans try to stop his access to the trash. National Parks have changed policy with regard to dumps within park boundaries but people are often rather stupid in bear country. I've had close encounters with a number of bears and if you behave sensibly, 98% of the time you'll be fine. I've even encountered mama and babies out in the bush and lived to tell the tale. Mind you, when I did forest fire lookout in the Peace River area back 20 years ago, I came off that mountain top with a big f*ckoff 30 year old Husqvarna rifle which did give me a bit of a sense of security while walking for three hours to the roadhead

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