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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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Just a thanks to you, Randy, MON and everyone else for getting European nights back to Villa Park. It was a great way to celebrate the second anniversary of my operation. That weekend we lost at home to Fulham. What a change a couple of years makes!

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I just want to echo the sentiments previously posted.

Thursday was the absolute best night I've had in ages. It was a strange situation, not wanting it to end because of how much I was enjoying it but also wanting it to end to get the three points!

My thanks to everyone involved at Villa Park.

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To echo the thoughts of others, my first european game and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

However we arrived half hour before kickoff and found scarves were sold out, it was announced on the loudspeaker there would be a rerun (i think it was scarves), how is it possible to get hold of one of these?

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Are the club looking to take action against the libelous story the News of the World ran regarding the Poppy Appeal today. I think at the very least they should publish an apology and I suggest they should also make a big donation to BOTH the Poppy Appeal and Acorns for their disgraceful actions. I feel extremely upset that someone should try and paint the club in such a bad light, especially being a member of the Armed Forces and a staunch supporter of the Royal British Legion. My parents are both members of the Royal British Legion and sell Poppies and organise events for veterans. As I'm sure it is a subject close to your heart, could I suggest the club could go even further in publically showing this story was totally incorrect by inviting local veterans to attend the Middlesborough game for free and give them a parade so that we can all show our support. My parents and I (we are all season tickets holders) would gladly offer any assistance we could.

Keep up the great work that everyone at the club has put in which has made such a difference to the club, its supporters and the local community. It really does mean a lot.

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General Krulak here:

1. The Poppy Appeal: I confess to being somewhat suprised by the News of the World article. Having served in the Forces for 35+ years, fought in VietNam on two tours of duty (wounded in action twice), and fought in Desert Storm, I doubt if anyone appreciates the sacrifice of our fallen warriors more than I do. Randy, whose father was a Marine Officer, has visited troops in Iraq and has supported both US and UK Forces in many "unheralded" ways equally has the deepest admiration for those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. As many will see, there will be a guard of honour at the Middlesborough game, money collected by acorns will be divided equally between acorns and the Poppy Appeal, and, as has been the case since Randy took over the Club, all members of the Forces will be able to obtain discounted tickets. We have NOT publicized any of this because we do not believe in tooting our own horns. Just please know that YOUR Club would NEVER disrespect those who ARE serving or HAVE served...and certainly not those who have laid down their lives for their Country. God Bless them and their loved ones who have been left behind. We owe them our MOST precious possession...our FREEDOM!!!

2. What a wonderful win today. The lads played their guts out. MON did a magnificent job of taking a Team that had an amazingly emotional game on Thursday and having them ready for another one today! A special thanks to the Fans who provided the away support.

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Hello General

I don't want to ask you your opinion of the John Carew incident - as I think that has been handled very well by all concerned. However, I am just curious as to what happens when a player is fined. Does that money just remain in general coffers or does it go into a special account or fund and get put to a specific purpose? I'm just curious.

Also, and this is not 100% serious, if you get a chance to talk to MON can you please ask him to try and remeber to open his water bottle with his hands instead of his teeth during a match. I am always admonishing my children for doing it because it is bad for young teeth but I am sure it is bad for the teeth of a man MON's age too, and I'd hate to see him pull one of his choppers out while trying to prize open a particularly stubborn pop-top.

I know it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks, but it sets a bad example to all the little Villans out there.

Cheers General.

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General, any news on the programmes and scarves from the Ajax game going on sale at the club shop? Will they also be available online?

Thanks for all of the great work. The Ajax game was incredible. Pass on my regards to the players who posed for pictures and signed things after the game despite being about 11:15 PM.

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General Krulak here:

1. Obviously I should not comment on the John Carew incident other than to say that I felt MON did the right thing and John responded as the Villa man he is.

2. Re. 3rd kit. I am now not sure we will have one.

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another great week for the club, ajax game was amazing great wigan win, by the reports and reactions the John Carew incident very well handled IMO by all involved (including the fans with the get your t*ts out for carew chant)

and then almost completly ruined by the absurd NOTW story

general, can we please release a statement through central news or another larger media outlet than our official website? unfortunately i can forsee alot of people nationally actually believing this garbage, and by ways of an apology (if they give one) NOTW will print a tiny article that not as many people will read

by ways of an apology i would actually accept a double page spread looking at the charitable work we as a club and Randy personally (if he would accept) do

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Can I add my concern about the bad publicity about the Poppy Day collection. The club obviously has a really good story to tell but the quote from the AVFC press office that was used in the News Of The World article didn't really explain things properly (“We are having a collection for Acorns at the Middlesbrough game and don’t want to bombard our fans with a number of collections,”).

The newspaper also had negative quotes from Matt Croucher, who is a local lad and a war hero who is just about to be awarded the George Cross for bravery in Afghanistan, and Patrick Mercer MP, who is the Conservative Party spokesman for homeland security and a very big supporter of the Armed Forces in his political work. I appreciate that the club doesn't want to be seen to be boasting about its charity work but I do wonder if it would be worth trying to set the record straight on this one, possibly even by trying to involve Patrick Mercer in the work we are doing with the Armed Forces, and to get some positive publicity for that.

This may all blow over and be forgotten but I worry that, once a rag like the News of the World gets onto a story like this, it won't let go for a while.

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General Krulak here:

1. Obviously I should not comment on the John Carew incident other than to say that I felt MON did the right thing and John responded as the Villa man he is.

I agree General, MON did do the right thing and John responded suitably well at Wigan. Hopefully our kit sponsors benefited equally well from this occurence also....?

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General Krulak here:

1. I hope that some of you had the opportunity to visit Villa Park today for the training session. A good time was had by all.

2. Your Club is looking at what we might do re. the NOTW article. We have put out a statement and has spoken to the major media outlets. I do not think that we will go on the "attack" because that is just not something we would do. I put down my feelings (and those of Randy) a few pages back in this thread. Our concern is that our Fans know what happened...we cannot "correct" the entire UK.

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2. Your Club is looking at what we might do re. the NOTW article. We have put out a statement and has spoken to the major media outlets. I do not think that we will go on the "attack" because that is just not something we would do. I put down my feelings (and those of Randy) a few pages back in this thread. Our concern is that our Fans know what happened...we cannot "correct" the entire UK.

you kinda can .. the NOTW is the biggest selling Sunday paper and thus must reach a lot of the UK , not All as you correctly say , but enough ...

I believe demanding a retraction and a donation from the NOTW should be a win win for both the club and the charities themselves

For the price of a solicitor and a phone call what have the club got to loose ?

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