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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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General Krulak here:

1. Just back off trip...sorry to be a tad late.

2. Frustration in stands. I confess that, like any fan, I sometimes whing a bit whilst watching a game but, I know what the line-up is going to be for each game so I am never really surprised when the players are announced. More importantly, I have come to realize that no matter how much I believe I know about the game (or THINK I know), the fact is, MON knows more. Simply put, he sees the players each day...he watches them practice...he knows his game plan...and he makes the call. I trust him explicitly and believe that he knows better than I do what is needed.

3. I think most have seen that Bouma is getting along very well in his recovery and his spirits are sky high.

4. We will be looking hard at the web....and may well be looking for someone to help in that area.

5. The Club does not have a translator on staff....although we have some very talented folks who speak multiple languages. I speak English and American!!!

6. Tubby: First and foremost, you should be a football (US) analyst. You hit the nail on the head. A very bad game...simple as that. The secondary was like a sieve...could not cover anyone. Offense was not hitting on all cylinders either. Bottom Line: Game was a disappointment. BUT, in sports, these things happen. If you go crazy over one game, it can result in a straight-jacket for the season.

7. Travel Package: I think everyone would agree that the price is high. Believe it or not, that was the best we could get....and even that was a stretch. You and I could do better on our own!!!!!!

8. BlackcountryVilla. Your info is wrong. We were not given the option of 1000 tickets...simple as that. Whoever told you that was wrong. We received a little over 300 tickets and out of those tickets we needed to take care of players family/relatives, small staff going over, travel package folks, etc. 230 is the result. We were NOT offered 1000 tickets.

9. wiggyrichard: Welcome to this thread. We recognize the issues with catering...particularly in stands with minimal concourse space. We have been looking at multiple ways to handle this issue to include more kiosks and help. At the end of the day, the only solution that will prove successful will be renovation. As I mentioned earlier, Bouma is making good recovery.

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General Krulak here:

7. Travel Package: I think everyone would agree that the price is high. Believe it or not, that was the best we could get....and even that was a stretch. You and I could do better on our own!!!!!!

8. BlackcountryVilla. Your info is wrong. We were not given the option of 1000 tickets...simple as that. Whoever told you that was wrong. We received a little over 300 tickets and out of those tickets we needed to take care of players family/relatives, small staff going over, travel package folks, etc. 230 is the result. We were NOT offered 1000 tickets.

Hi General,

Thanks for the above information.

If the club could only get 300 tickets what is the reasoning we take some of these tickets out of the allocation for “travel packages"? Surely it would be fairer to say people could book tickets if they meet a loyalty criteria and not because they wish to pay nearly £800? I don’t expect it to have a huge impact in this round but in later rounds I expect this to cause a big issue if the policy is continued

Also would the club consider using another travel provider in later rounds? It appears all that is on offer so far is travelling on a VIP tour which alienates many fans and I feel this will cause a lot of resentment if people on these tours are guaranteed tickets whilst the ordinary man in the street has to book independently if they wish to travel


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5. The Club does not have a translator on staff....although we have some very talented folks who speak multiple languages. I speak English and American!!!

General, Al-umin-ium or Alum-inum? I have this fight with my wife every day.

If Randy needs an web expert let him know he can drop by my office on 5th Ave anytime, Villa consultations are free.

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Quick US football question, General. Which team, in your opinion, do you think will win the Superbowl this year? I know week 1 has only just passed us by, but most people have a team in mind who they think will take it. Out of interest, i'm leaning towards the Chargers even though they had a surprise opening weekend defeat, and like any other sport, they can keep their key players healthy.

Browns for play-offs!

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General Krulak here:

1. The reason we had some tickets allocated to the travel package is that there are fans who are interested in going on a travel package event and we needed tickets. We didn't use many, but we needed to put some aside.

2. When we get deeper into the competition, I would imagine that we would have more time to set packages up.

3. If I were a betting man, I would look to the Patriots, Colts or Cowboys to win the superbowl. I like the Chargers but I just don't think they can do it. Some tough injuries to their squad.

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You can't rule out the 3 teams you said General, but I think there'll be a question mark over the Pats now that Brady is out for the season, although i'm sure Matt Cassel or whoever they bring in, will be adequate replacements.

I wasn't aware that Merriman of the Chargers had decided on surgery, that puts a question mark over my own choice now! lol.

Thanks for your time, General.

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General. Hope you are well. Quick question. I have been surfing Youtube and noticed this serious of videos:





Have you seen these videos? Is this a campaign the club are running?

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General Krulak here:

1. The reason we had some tickets allocated to the travel package is that there are fans who are interested in going on a travel package event and we needed tickets. We didn't use many, but we needed to put some aside.

Thanks for the swift response General.

Do you know if this is a policy we are likely to continue into further rounds and even to the final if we got there? And do we allocate the number as a percentage of tickets available or after expressed interest in travel packages?

I wonder as this information is useful in assessing the chances of getting a ticket to a vital European Away game. Clearly if we allocate some tickets to people who wish to book on travel packages it means someone who has never been to a Villa game before can effectovely outbid an average supporter if travel package fans get priority. If it is allocated as a percentage of the away support then we can generally work out how many tickets we will lose.

Some clarification would be really appreciated, especially given people often look to book up soon after the draw is made only to find we have less tickets than they may have first thought


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General Krulak here:

1. shorey4england: Yes, I have seen them. In the immortal words of Yoda, "Tuned, you must stay."

2. As we move thru the rounds my sense is that 1) we will look hard at ticket allocation...in order to get the screaming fans into the stadiums to fire up the troops and 2) see to arranging packages that are a wee bit more "friendly" to people like you and me who may not be able to afford the current prices. YES, I said me and you!

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Something I posted almost twelve months ago.

The_Dogz_Danglies - Sep 28, 2007 - 01:34 AM

Post subject:


Hi General,

Being dragged, bored to tears, round the supermarket the other day I couldn't help thinking what a great untapped market this is for shifting a hell of a lot of Villa shirts. Everyone has to visit them at least once or twice a week, they're open for more hours than any other retail establishment and are a sitting duck market for "I want, Iwant" kids and bored dads. You could make it a section with other merchandise. Great for the brand awareness.

(And I'll even settle for a measley 10% cut for the idea)

Seeing that a very discerning individual at Villa Park has made this idea a reality too whom should I forward my details to in order to start receiving the monthly cheque?

P.S. Seriousley though, was the suggestion of any influence (what so ever)?

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General. Hope you are well. Quick question. I have been surfing Youtube and noticed this serious of videos:





Have you seen these videos? Is this a campaign the club are running?

I noticed that an interview with Ian Taylor (I think) on the OS had a short clip of his goal against Ath. Madrid (?) and had the score across the top in claret and blue. SO I assume the OS will be uploaded highlights of our most famous games played over the year. I hope anyway.......

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Dear General Krulak,

On the 7th Anniversary of the terrible events of 9/11 may I pass on my condolences, thoughts and prayers and those of our fellow Villans to the US and its’ people and all those who lost family and loved ones on that terrible day. Kind regards.


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6. Tubby: First and foremost, you should be a football (US) analyst. You hit the nail on the head. A very bad game...simple as that. The secondary was like a sieve...could not cover anyone. Offense was not hitting on all cylinders either. Bottom Line: Game was a disappointment. BUT, in sports, these things happen. If you go crazy over one game, it can result in a straight-jacket for the season.


Offer me a job.... I'm sure there could be a need for the Browns to have a UK correspondent somewhere, perhaps writing for the Villa News & Record? ;)

The main thing I like about Gridiron (for confusions sake) is the depth of the play. It is too misconceived over here and people just comment on the stoppages ruining the game. But considering everything involved with winning a game, the stoppages are just part of it. Nothing better than a 50+ yard pass for a TD I'm sure you will agree. It has to be appreciated and you soon forget that play stopped for commercials!

Shame the Browns have started badly, but there were signs there that they could do better, a lot better in fact.

Good luck against Pittsburgh this weekend.


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General Krulak here:

1. Tubby: You are spot on. The depth of the field of play is probably the most interesting part of American Football. Whereas some might get frustrated by long kicks on to the head of Big John in British Football, the long pass in American Football gets the fans going. At the end of the day though, my heart remains with "the beautiful game."

2. Thank you for the comments re. 9/11. It was a very bad day. I remember I was in the US...had brought the CEO of Abbey National over to complete a business deal we were doing between that Bank and the one I ran in Chester. We were in the final throes of crossing the t's and dotting the i's when the first plane hit. A very tough day. My biggest memory was the picture of the people jumping from the towers rather than burning to death.

3. Fan Mail is basically sorted like any other business...pigeon holes for the players, managers, etc. Randy's goes directly to his office. I am not sure who gets the most...and it probably varies. When Gabby scores a hat trick, you can bet his box gets filled up quickly.

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Hi General,

I've been looking around the OS and can't find anything so I thought why not ask one of the men at the top!

I work for a primary school very close to Villa Park (won't name here as it's public!) and would really like to arrange a visit to VP (non-matchday) in relation to Victorian era, of which Aston Villa fit nicely(1874)! Obviously it's a socially deprived area so the 'trip' can't cost too much but some payment is normally taken for school trips - fortunately the most expensive part, the travel, would not be required here! It'd be for approximately 45 Year 5 children (9/10 year olds).

Who would I speak to at Aston Villa to arranging something/ anything? I'm not sure what could be arranged but would be open to suggestions. I know Villa have an Education department but not 100% sure on their remit. The focus would be on tradition of Villa rather than the current era (although wouldn't harm them to inspire more Villa fans!!)

Any info you could give me would be appreciated - please PM me if it can't be public.

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General Krulak here:

1. Tubby: You are spot on. The depth of the field of play is probably the most interesting part of American Football. Whereas some might get frustrated by long kicks on to the head of Big John in British Football, the long pass in American Football gets the fans going. At the end of the day though, my heart remains with "the beautiful game."

I'm presuming you mean our national sport General and not yours...? I wouldn't have it any other way either.

I look forward to some more discussion re: The Browns as the season progresses, it's just so hard to watch them over here though as the bigger teams get the greatest air time on Sky - quite familiar I'm sure you would agree! Maybe I should factor in a trip over to Cleveland sometime soon, how easy is it to get a a game ticket on general sale?

Thank you for entertaining my analysis and interest, won't take this too far before it strays to off topic.


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