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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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I think you all still have the full support and confidence of the vast majority of Villa fans, who I believe share my embarassment and bewilderment at the comments of a lunatic fringe.

Many thanks and keep up the great work.


I have been totally embarassed by some of the comments on this thread.

We're above this sniping and, frankly, abuse that is totally uncalled for and downright disrespectful. We're ASTON VILLA and it's time to take a step back and show the true class that our great name has.

It's unfortunate that the "doom and gloom" always seems to show it's ugly rear on the internet but I do find it ironic that MO'N was cheered and chanted to throughout the game yesterday.

Many thanks General for your hard work and persistence in what can't exactly be motivating reading this thread. It's very much appreciated.

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6. margarito: Yea, Randy Lerner is "smoke and mirrors" and I tell lies....and you know more than MON about the players he needs to win. I am so happy to have you providing me insights on individuals in the Club.

I think MON knows the players he needs to breach the top 4....

....but for some reason, he doesn't sign them.

Now, MON must realise that David Villa is more likely to take him into the top 4 than Harewood, but we don't try and sign him? He must realise that Modric is more of a top 4 player than Petrov, but he doesn't try and sign hiim?

Now you say Lerner doesn't say no to MON, but is that because MON just doesn't bother asking the questions which he knows the answer will be no to?

I can't believe MON signs Knight, Harewood, Routledge and attempts to sign Kaboul as first choice signings......so why are we not getting our first choice? If they are our first choice signings, is this because MON knows he can't afford superior alternatives??

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Do sports journalists in America just completely make stuff up as the British sports press do.(I'm thinking of a lot of the 'facts' on the Barry saga) Because I'd imagine it could get quite litigious if they did.

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The mods do not censor this thread, and we don't want to do so. People are entitled to post if they are unhappy or happy about something. HOWEVER, we ask that people please actually read the responses from the club/General Krulak before posting.

What's the point in having the opportunity to talk to the club, if you ignore the answers? By all means respond to comments from the General, but don't just ignore them and repeat what's already been said many times before. Make use of the opportunity you have, don't throw it away. Thanks. Blandy

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General Krulak here:

4. peter1968: "give us a team to challange....etc" At this point, I am not sure I would agree with you. My sense is that we could be in the top 4 and Europe and their would be something that would cause moans and whinges...and threats of avoiding Villa Park like the plague.

7. Look, I know you all are frustrated. Randy and MON know exactly how you feel. At the end of the day, they will do what they feel is "right" for the Club...and they will do it because they know what they need to do...not because they sway with the wind of fan approval or disapproval. A Club cannot survive by being run by 50,000 people and their views of what should or should not be done. MON needs to do what he thinks is right. This is NOT a case of no money!!!! Obviously this VERY BASIC fact is missed by many of you!!!


Unfortunately General, with the first point, it will always be the same. Fans feel passionatly about their club, i have had my nose broken in the past to prove it!. I remmember moans and groans under Saunders...i remmember boos under Saunders. As fans and individuals, we all see things differently, and all have different ideas on how our great club should be run, and its not isolated to just us...but every club.

Its simply because we love our club. It causes rows, breaks marriages and gets us into debt, but we do it, cos its in our blood.

On your second point above.

The reason we miss what you are saying, is proberly because we dont see it on the pitch. The holes in the squad and its lack of quality in certain areas is glaringly obvious. And its a fact not in words, but laid out in front of us :winkold:

Like i said, weve heared and seen the same before under the last regime, so its doubly important that we dont again.

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Thank you for the reply - and (although I don't think it was actually directed at me in the first place) I want to state that that it is not you who I am saying is lying - or lied.

I presume (as I don't know who decided to put that statement on the clubsite) that it was Martin O'Neill that stated "Gareth Barry is staying". Now, we know he isn't - we all know who is to blame in it - and that is a certain agent - we are not daft, I, you, Randy and everyone knows what has gone on.


When the manager of the club states "He is staying" - then retracts it two days later - I am totally in despair. One of either two things have happened - and one is Barry has acted so appallingly that we now (think) we have no choice. Well he is under contract - I presume his contract doesn't state in it anywhere that he is guarenteed 1st team footie - so why not take a stand on it - other clubs have in the past.

Or, Barry never agreed to this deadline as it was stated

Either way - MON has acted absolutely unbelievably Naive in whichever way over the past three days. You may think it is harsh but that statement said "he is staying" - not "we will try everything in our power for him to stay".

Therefore, I am let down, and yes, it will take a lot to get over it. Coz, up to Wednesday, I beleived everything the club said !!!

Think of it on the other way - if I promised you something, you travelled all the way from America to pick it up - only to tell you "Sorry, when I said i had it - things have changed - I haven't got it" - wouldn't you feel a bit miffed !!!

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Some of the comments on this thread have sicken'd me to the stomach. How many times does the General have to keep repeating himself.

"MON needs to do what he thinks is right"

General I don't envy you one bit, It's just as well you have a military background.

Keep up the good work.

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Please don't think that we are all like those you have had cause to reply to in your last two posts.

Whilst the Barry saga is disappointing and it does appear to most that Villa were a little unwise to put so much trust in Barry/Black, many fans seem to have forgotten how resolute Villa have been over Barry's value to the club. Can I trust that this will continue and that Barry/Black/Liverpool FC will not be successful in making Barry's position untenable in order to drive down the price?

If I remember correctly, during the previous two summer transfer windows, there were many fans who predicted doom and gloom in the forthcoming season, only to keep quiet about their comments when we improved by five places in successive seasons. Along with nearly all fans, I am currently concerned about the forthcoming season with the squad we currently have. However, I am fully aware that this transfer window is still wide open and still hope we could do well within it.

This was always going to be the toughest stage so far in our 5 year plan, catch 22 almost. I would imagine that, whilst not giving up yet on his plan A targets, MON is now busy working on his plan B targets. Whoever falls in to each target group, I don't mind (MON knows more than me about a players ability to add to our team). It would be great if we could get 3 of each group before 31/8!

I'm sure that you have faced far tougher opposition than several fans on internet forums. I do hope that your frustration does not get you down.

A message to everyone, try harder to keep the faith!

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General Krulak here:

Much of the credit goes to the man (MON) that many fans are pilloring. We ALL know we need more players!!

Hello General.

Please, on behalf of those who are happy with the Club, don't fall into the trap of thinking that a few internet users represent "many fans".

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General Krulak here:

5. Luke: You are amazing!!! "Big names I promised"???? Where the hell did you find a statement by me promising "big names." NEVER!!! It is folks like you...who absolutely put falsehoods on this thread...that drive me up a tree. Do me a favor: Go over the past 501 pages and find me a single place where I promised "big names." Get your shite together before you post again.


not YOU personally but it was in the papers, radio's, official site etc. It was something I and every villa fan was thinking 'ay up, we are going to be winning the CL in a few years time' like. Sorry, should have re-phrased it better but oh well. Is it the wages MON won't pay? On BRMB radio last year one of the directors (don't know if it was you) said villa fans should be looking forward to this summer as you aim to bring in WORLD CLASS PLAYERS. Marlon Harewood? Zat Knight? Joke.

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As a fan of 35 years i am truly ashamed by some of the comments aimed at yourself , Randy and martin.

People are letting frustration and hurt over the Barry saga get the better of them .

The work done in the last two years to get the team back into europe and the vast improvement in infrastructure has been awsome.

Please sir keep the faith and keep up the wonderfull work you are all doing .

Just a last point on the plans for villa park , will the be announced some time soon ?

I asked the question some pages ago but it may have got lost in some of the slanderous drivell that has been spouted.

Many thanks sir.

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I am getting very anxious at the slow pace of incoming players, but i dont think it is my place to criticise until the end of the transfer window. As long as we have the players we need by then, i will be very happy. However, we do certainly need a right back and left back before the season starts, but MON is aware of this im sure.

I know my opinion doesn't really make up for some of the posts on this thread, but i just wanted to thank you for coming out and explaining (or trying to) to people, who don't seem to listen, when a lesser man would have hidden in the shadows.

Cheers Gen,

Olof's Acorn

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As a fan of 35 years i am truly ashamed by some of the comments aimed at yourself , Randy and martin.

People are letting frustration and hurt over the Barry saga get the better of them .

The work done in the last two years to get the team back into europe and the vast improvement in infrastructure has been awsome.

Please sir keep the faith and keep up the wonderfull work you are all doing .

Just a last point on the plans for villa park , will the be announced some time soon ?

I asked the question some pages ago but it may have got lost in some of the slanderous drivell that has been spouted.

Many thanks sir.

General, this is my first post in this thread.

Obviously I'd like to thank you and the rest of the board for what you have achieved with the club we all love since 2006.

I'd also like to second the sentiments of the above post. It appears some people's frustrations left over from the previous regime are inappropriately making their way into this thread.

I'd like you to know that there are still masses of Villa fans, like myself, that have total faith in the new structure of the club and that we trust you all to do what is right for the progress of the team and the profile of the club.

I'm a life log Villa fan and I feel an amount of pride for my club these days that I have not felt for years.



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Hi General - i read your passionate response to the wave of 'transfer' / Barry related posts - both of which you have staetd are not part of your remit. I can only speak for myself, but what the board and management have done for Aston Villa FC has been remarkable. The Barry situation is a blot on the summer, but from what bI can see Barry, his agent and Liverpool are the problem and Randy and MON have kept to their word throughout.

i just wanted to register my thanks for what the new Aston Villa management team have done - and you for putting up with all of this day in day out

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General Krulak here:

....and I apologize for being a tad passionate myself. I am a fan JUST like you all.

1. To answer the question...MON absolutely knows what the answer will be if he asks Randy for money...the answer will be yes!! The issue of money has NEVER been a stumbling block. NEVER.

2. The issue of the press release re. Barry. Either some fans are naive or they are pulling my leg. Does anyone really believe that an honourable man/Club would release such a comment without honestly, sincerely and accurately believe that what he was saying was the gospel???? And if, a day or two later, that same man or Club had to retract that statement it was because he/Club had done something wrong?? Can you not read between the lines?? It is not that hard or complicated. AVFC has been straight up this entire evolution and instead of feeling badly about how we have acted, the fans should be extremely proud.

3. I honestly don't know how to assuage the concerns and frustrations of some fans...I really don't. I fully recognize that actions speak louder than words but, unfortunately, I am not in the transfer business. (Truth be told, we are lucky I am not!!! Who knows better than MON what we need and where we need to go to get them? Certainly NOT me!!) I am where I was at the very beginning...trusting our Manager to do what he feels is right.

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Hi General,

First post in this thread (long time reader though) it is clear from your responses that you talk with both passion and conviction.

Whilst being frustrated at the "apparent" lack of progress on the transfer front, I am able to remain grounded in knowing that every effort is been made to aquire the relevent players that MON thinks will improve our club. I believe in you and I also believe in Mr Lerner and MON. Im prepared to sit tight and wait until 31st August before commenting on what may or may not be a good/bad transfer window and even then what is that based on? guess the answer to that lies within the table come next May.

I think we as Villa fans should realise just how FORTUNATE we are to have a member of the board of AVFC interact with us at such a level and frequency and to lose it would be hugely disappointing. It is my belief that we at ALL times should remember, how it used to be and exactly just how far we have come in a short space of time. Let's remain focused on the bigger picture.

If it's an consolation General, the current levels of moaning, frustration, anger, whatever you want to call it, is based around expectation, hope and belief, something we as villa fans had forgotten and probably being starved of for a long long while. Were probably all just a little impatient, now we have shaken of our apathy.........

Thankyou for your continuing input and insight, it is very much appreciated and respected.


Semper Fidelis

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1) I know you have said many times that money is no object, MON has what he wants etc etc, but i think most fans find that hard to believe, surely there is some kind of restriction? If MON went to Randy today and said "i want to buy Arshavin, he will cost £21 million and 90k a week", you're telling me Randy would have no problem backing that along with another 4 or 5 players? I think this is why people keep questioning the money issue, surely MON must know what ball park he is playing in? You make it sound like there is unlimited funds if MON wants it, is this true or is there a set budget?

2) Do you pass on comments from this thread to MON?

Thanks General, and despite some rants from me included, im very happy with everything you have done for the club, we are just all a little worried about the coming season as expectations have been raised by what you have done for the club so far. Enjoy your day (or try at least!)

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General, seems you are having a slightly rough time on the site. Im fully behind you and the board and i love the work you have done!!

Now for a more silly question! If Randy could pick a squad number, what would it be? Does he have a favourite number? I ask because im debating having Lerner on the back off my shirt!!


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As I life long Villa fan I am prouder now to wear the shirt than ever, and not just because of MON's great work with the team but also how the club is being run in broader terms. It is amazing that overseas investors can be so in tune with the local community and care so much about it. The Acorns sponsorship being a prime example.

I hope you can turn a blind eye to some of the hot headed and crass comments directed your way over recent days. Your responses have been very reserved and considered (quite a reversal of National Stereotypes :winkold: ) . I can tell it is starting to get to you and I hope the other fans will sense this and amend their attitudes.

Now to my question:

With Barry showing such lack of respect for the club, the chairman and the manager and instead listening to his self serving agent can we take some steps to deal with this differently from now on. What I mean by this is, that MON seems to have to be spending a lot of time thinking and dealing with this situation only to have his time wasted by the player and his agent. Can MON be taken out of the whole Barry saga, not because he has handled it badly, he has done everything right, but so he can spend he time doing positive things with the team and looking for new signings etc. Can someone else be left to deal with Liverpool or to find another Champions League club to sell him to? He does not deserve MON or Randy's time anymore.

Also can his agent be banned from the club once this sorry state of affairs if over with and and as I have said in a previous post can any players we have that are represented by him be forced into changing their agents as this man has no moral substance.

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