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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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Settle down lads and have some respect. This thread belongs to a member of AVFC and he spends his own free time to listen to what can sometimes be described as 'drivel' on here! Pains me to read some of the threads on this forum. Other forumss even mention it!

Things arent going smoothly at all but leave it til the transfer market closes before a witch hunt begins.

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It is not the club who have done anything wrong, Barry and his agent agreed to the deadline and have now backtracked. What is the point of keeping a player who doesnt want to play for the club?

General, people have short memories, they dont remember the state the club was in 2 years ago and Barry was on his way for £5m ish. Maybe you should just say sod it and dont bother coming on here, but I reckon you are bigger and better than that.

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General, please do not take these outbursts to heart! Fans are just reacting to todays news and it's struck a chord big time. I'm as annoyed as the next fan when it comes to this whole barry saga, but the other issues that's being spouted on here and to you are really unfair. I'm almost willing to say that it comes across being really ungrateful for everything that's been done since randy and yourself, along with martin, came into this club.

Would I like to see more players? Absolutely. But not at the cost where it would cause a split between randy and yourself with the fans. And as you've stated countless times, you have no business in the transfer dealings and martin & randy are working hard hard to bring in players, so I think it's really unfair to read the flack you're receiving on here.

I'm sure a man such as yourself doesn't need any sort of encouragement from a young lad like myself, but please dont take these posts to heart.

Thankyou General.

You see General,

I simply do not agree with this post. And i know for a fact a lot of villa fans who wouldnt either.

Today's reaction is NOT because of TODAYS NEWS. It has been building for some time now. If AVFC had signed an amazing midfielder to replace Gareth Barry then you wouldnt have had the same reaction...BUT

We havent. and we look lacklustre in the transfer market.

Villa Fans are dissapointed General. I think you need to look past all the 'ass kissing' that you get in this thread. Not everyone is with you General.

People will come on here and praise you because your rich, succesful and powerful, i wont
. I look out for AVFC and the results ON the pitch.

You have to sometimes put forward what you think general and i think your honeymoon period may come to an end soon. I for one do not believe everything you say.


The highlighted bit their General, and I hope you dont mind my Marines language, is absolute bollocks. Do not take the comments from people like that to heart. They are an absolute minority, possibly even a minority of 1.

I have a question though General, after weve beaten Man Citeh on the opening day, may i buy you a pint?



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Settle down lads and have some respect. This thread belongs to a member of AVFC and he spends his own free time to listen to what can sometimes be described as 'drivel' on here! Pains me to read some of the threads on this forum. Other forumss even mention it!

Things arent going smoothly at all but leave it til the transfer market closes before a witch hunt begins.

I have respect for him as i do for any other decent human, but lets not get ridiculous here - he is paid good money to do this, never forget that.

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The next step was always going to be the hardest to make.

Randy purchased the club just over 2 years ago and the turn around in this time has been very positive. The club was in the doldrums and in a decline not seen for a long time. Randy and Martin have restored ambition to the fanbase, we have been proud to wear our shirts and to beat our chests and proclaim we are Aston Villa!

This summer was set to be the next and hardest step on our return to the promised land. The squad had been trimmed of the deadwood and we were set to invest in bringing in the quality to make an all out assault on the UEFA cup and Champions league places. All of us care deeply for this club it is in our blood. Today we are hurting because some of us perceive that our club is being ridiculed in the press and by our former captain. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out the glaring holes in our squad, we are desperately seeking a shot in the arm or a ray of light to convince us that this return to the top table is possible.

Signings are not the be all and end all, however they do matter and are part of the overall puzzle that makes up a football fans feelings. Villa fans desperately want to see there club fighting it with the big boys for trophies.If anyone comments that fans are fickle I believe this is very wrong we just care that dam much. Sometimes we do not articulate our concerns in the most constructive way, but each and everyone of us feels the same, the overwhelming desire to see us succeed.

I know you have answered this in other ways beforehand, but my direct question is how much have our summer plans been effected by Mr Barry acting in the way he has with the club? From the outside looking in it appears to have been very detrimental and has undone a lot of the good work carried out.

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Although there has been a sudden backlash tonight I would draw your attention to who those people are. Before now it has been background posters, such as myself, voicing concerns occasionally whilst spending most of the time just reading the threads and only writing when they feel a real compulsion to do so.

Tonight has seen the real VT brigade turn up in force and show some real grave concerns, not with the normal poorly worded, insulting and downright stupid posts some newbies have but with well thought out grievances.

How much does it concern you that, as of tonight, you (and I mean the board/ MON) are beginning to suffer from a real vote of confidence from the true Villa fan. There are people like Cresswell on here with over 15000 posts who normally keep the rest of us in check in absolute despair (judging by his post).

Are you worried? There is one thing that will always keep this club going - the fans; do not let us down because they won't stand for it.

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This will probably be deleted, but a modicum of respect is lacking here lads.

Maybe this is the reason why other clubs don't have board members in direct contact with any fan who would like to take their angst out on someone.

General, they know not what they do.

I think Mike McKenna's post is the closest to my thinking on the subject of Barry. If you could reply to that post, I'd appreciate it.

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Just to make clear, my earlier post wasn't anything to do with kissing anybodies ass, was my way of showing support to the general. I know that i cant speak for every fan on here and i'm not trying to do so. As I said, I don't want the General to turn his back on the fans because of the continued, repeitive moaning and bashing of the way the club is conducting it's transfer business.

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lets put it another way General. When you were in charge of the marine corps would you have been satisfied to see your men being sent out to battle without the right weapons, training and armour? Would you have accepted your defence secretary saying that he is working hard to get in the correct weaponry and then sat around accepting it when this weaponry didn't come to fruition? I guess you would be furious and unhappy that you had been lied to.

Well AVFC is our army General and only a blind man would not be able to see the glaring problems . We were lied to constantly under Ellis and given spin on an almost constant basis.You have to take this into account when posting on this board. So far it seems that this situation is starting to occur again. Its always been easy to say ..yeah Randys loaded. He spent 4 mill on a pub so imagine how much he has for transfers......

However I'm questioning this now because despite us being in desparate need of additions there has been no action to remedy this. No excuses about targets not being avialable. I f a target isn't available then he wasn't a target in the first place.I hate to be crude but its now time to " SHOW ME THE MONEY" . Its time for Randy and MON to change their cautious approach and grow some balls or they are quickly going to feel a general backlash.I can already imagine a chant of " wheres the money gone " first game of the season.

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he is paid good money to do this, never forget that.

General, I remember you telling us via this thread that neither you nor Randy take a salary from AVFC. I thought this would be a good time to compliment you, again, on your unpaid work to date. Please keep it up.

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Hi General,

MON nor the board are to blame for this Barry saga. There is nothing in my eyes that you could have done. This is Barry throwing his dummy out of his pram and doing all he can to get the move he wants. I personally think good riddance. Sell him to Liverpool for £18 mill and tell him to hand in a transfer request if this has nothing to do with money. He has acted disgracefully and I truly hope the fans give him a rough time on his return.

However, the board and MON do have control over transfers. For the past number of months we have been told deals are on the table, so my question is what happened??We are in a unique position where we do not have a squad like other clubs. I know you have heard this moan a million times and I know you have replied that MON can count etc. Buit the proof is surely in the pudding. Imagine the Browns going into a season with no quarterback or no wide receivers?? We are in that position. MON is a quality manager and I love him to bits but this is becoming ridiculous and is about to turn into a disasterous transfer window. Something needs to happen and very soon. We are going to play more games next season with a smaller squad? If 5-8 players are not added before the transfer window we are in for one disappointing season.

I am a big fan of the board and MON and the work you have all put in behind the scenes has been spot on and I personally really appreciate what you have all done for the club. However we are a club, like others, that are judged on results on the pitch, and if nothing is done during this transfer window then we are no way going to maintain what we achieved last season, far from it.

Thanks for taking time to read my post.


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hi General,

I dont usually say too much on these boards, i prefer to read rather than type, but I must agree with the concerns of numerous posters on here, (now seems to be getting closer to the majority than the minority) At the start of the window, my dad would say to me "are we getting any players then, because were losing olof and barry etc etc", I'd reply with "yes we have ages to go, MON knows what he's doing we have loads of time, the money is there, were in europe, well have a much bigger squad to compete by the time pre season friendlies are over",

"hmm i'm not so sure, we need alot of players" he'd reply

I never thought I'd be typing this, but guess what....

pre season friendlies are over general, and i was foolish enough to think we needed new signings to play together first before the season starts. Instead we have replaced are keeper, and brought in a mediocre midfielder (sidwell) who should be playing with a barry type quality player, or be in rotation with a player of similar quality to himself. add to this we are still without a right back,(even I can see craig gardner, who is a centre mid will not cut it) and now have no left back. Teams like fulham,portsmouth and sunderland are outspending us, and tottenham (should be are equal) are absolutly showing massive ambition, if they want a player, he is brought,even if over the odds, because quality costs big money.

I earn crap money general, but I invest a big percentage of that wage into aston villa football club, home and away, and all I ask is that we keep up with the rest of the league,

who'd have thought when the billionare took over we would be in this situation, however I will only judge when the transfer window is over,

You say this is not your area, but you are the closet we have to Randy.

I thank you for having this communication with the fans, and would hate you to be put off by the concerns of the supporters.

Even though there is nothing you can do, as a fan these are my concerns, just thought you'd be interested.

something BIG is needed in terms of a massive few signings General or I fear the faith placed in yourselves may well dissapear.

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I am not going to go into it into so much detail as others but, have a look at my last entry - and have a look at how much trust I put into you, Randy and MON.

Sorry to say, but the trust has been severely dented - not gone, but dented.

"How" can you say - to the world "He is staying" , then less than 48hrs say "Didn't mean it" - humiliating and small time.

I had trusted you - you let me down !!!

Sorry, but I am not going to trust anything the club says again, until you re-earn the trust.

And, it knocks on - when you have said - don't you know we need x,y,z - we will get them - then why should I believe you know ???

If Barry doesn't want to play for us - then he doesn't have to play does he - if you REALLY meant any of what you said - we would stick him in the reserves, or none at all, pay him his wage and move on without him !!!!

Nonthing more to be said - I have just totally lost all respect for MON (still trust Randy) but I don't trust MON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Tonight I am really frustrated and have to get it out of my system. This is not specifically aimed at you, I appreciate all you do and understand 100% the progress that has been made since you and Randy arrived but I also believe you toe the party line when when it comes to transfers. Maybe you know a lot more than we do but you must think as we do - WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? The Barry saga only adds to this but regardless where are the players we need in other positions? It is not this hard to sign players, it is not this hard to get existing players to re-sign on longer contracts. The way I see it now is that unless MON can to pull the trigger on 5 or 6 signing ASAP with at least 3 of these being quality players we are going backwards. You cannot lose Barry, Mellberg and Bourma (now Sidwell is also hurt) and not go backwards without major investment. My frustration is I see no sign of this. No bollocks about working hard .The time for talk is over; the time for action is now. I don't care if we pay 10 million for a player MON values at 8. Where is the ambition to go and sign a promising player from overseas. Yes it is a gamble but sitting on our ass is a bigger gamble. We do not appear to make offers for anyone that excites. In fact could you please tell me how many offers we have actually made apart from Bentley. I know you are going to be upset because you care also but but something is wrong. Please do not let us sign 4 or 5 journey men at the last minute to fill out the squad, that will be such a let down. We need players that the top 4 need, we need to get them when we can (like Ashley Young but before you say see we got him - we only did it after West Ham had agreed a price and he turned them down becuase he didn't want to go them - he would be their player now if he wanted and we would have been too late. Thank god he didn't want to go to them.

I don't blame you or Randy unless you are thinking the same as us but are saying nothing to MON - effectively watching Rome burn General. If this is so then you and Randy are accountable.

This is what I would do if I was Randy.

1) Ask MON for his 6 top targets

2) Take the Check book off MON and send him off to Spain with the message - don't worry about finances in transfrer we'll deal with it

3) Go out and sign the buggers - no messing, no haggling

4) Get a list of the players MON wants to extend contracts for

5) Go out and re-sign the buggers

6) Let MON coach us to a successful season

If we don't move soon we are so screwed. I pray I am wrong, I pray we are just getting our ducks in a row. If we have no plan, no quality in the pipleline, no replacements for the quality leaving or hurt, I am going to be one disappointed fan and so are many more who live a lot closer to Villa Park than I do. Don't tell me I am wrong - SHOW ME!

So ask yourself General, are you fiddling while MON burns down our dreams or am I going to feel stupid for questioning him when the quality signing suddenly appear. I would give anything to get down on my knees and ask for forgiveness from you, MON and anyone else.

Here's to a great season. I still beleive, despite the rant. It's lonely here in Texas!!!

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Long time reader of the forum, I used to post under the name 7taylor. Haven’t posted for a long time.

The title of this thread should be changed to “ Disrespect The General thread”, some of you would do well to remember that this is a forum for the FANS, we are lucky that someone of such distinction within our club actually lets us communicate with him like this, at the moment a lot of us don’t deserve it.


Me and my Dad have been season ticket holders for 15 years in the Upper Holte, I now travel down from London for the games, as I now work for Sky TV.

However last season we didn’t get an invite to the holte pub before a game, will this be rectified this term? Would love to see what it is like in there on a big match day!

Keep up the good work, I’d love us to be bringing in more players as much as the next fan, but I understand what MON is trying to do, I remember the days of us bringing in“filler” players such as Djemba-Djemba and Carlton Cole, the fans weren’t happy then either. I understand the need for quality over quantity, I’d much rather see a young player sitting on the bench rather than someone who is just with us for the money.


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Despite the clubs comments in the week maybe not being the best thing to do, im not going to call the club weak and disgrace. Theres not much you can do when your ex captain, a player who claimed to love the club goes back on an agreement made with both the manager and owner. I have every faith in the club to get the right amount from Liverpool for that poor excuse of a man.

However, like others i am going to express my concern about players coming in. I like MON, i think he is a great manager and i know what he has done for the club. The fact is though that this summer we had a great opportunity to really push on and we needed to spend big on quality players. All we are hearing though is "things are in motion", "i want to add to the squad"- we heard this in January and nothing happened.

I dont buy the excuse that other clubs are finding it difficult- Tottenham are the obvious example. However what is really annoying is that poorer clubs, both in terms of quality and finance dont seem to be having a problem. Bolton, Newcastle, Pompey even Fulham have or will break the 10 mil barrier for one player. They dont seem to have a problem.

Now i believe that the money is there, so MON spending it is the problem. Yet again it seems he is scared to pay over the odds for players and at the moment this is holding us back. I know you say Randy will not micromanage MON, but at the end of the day Randy is the owner and the person ultimately responsible for the clubs fortunes. If MON is not pulling his weight, which he isnt at the moment, then Randy should be having a word with him.

You are a fan General and you can see that we need players now, and quality ones at that. At the moment we are standing still, and not building on our great last season. I know you are close to Randy, so can you please pass on mine and other concerns over the squad situation. I would also like to pass on my thanks for the great work done over the last two years- I hope we do not let it go to waste.

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Trying to remain calm here - but, I've just read 5 pages of threads, with an odd smattering of - "don't worry about what they say"

Well "do worry gen" - coz, although you may not like it, and , yes, some may be a tad over the top - but they are the truth !!

I am very very hurt that you (the club) - lied to the fans - and it was lies

You said "he is staying" - you then said "he is not" - so the first statement is a lie !! - the second may really mean "he is going, we dont want him to, but he is" - but even so, you should not say "he is staying" if you didn't mean it.

Now, for me, this is the crux in it all. Since Wed. Liverpool fans and press have said "this is just MON playing silly buggers in public , saying one thing even though he doesn't mean it to make Liverpool look bad" - well,and sorry if this hurts...

Seems to me they were telling the truth werent they - which begs the question - how much of the other stuff have they told the truth on, that we have been lead to believe was their rubbish.

This is why you (the board) have been severely damaged in this.

And it also adds weight to the arguament that MON hasn't a clue when it comes to transfer dealings.

I said two weeks ago and you shot me down - why should i trust MOn to get a right back in 25 days when he hasn't been able to in 750 !!!

Well it is now 14 and I'm still waiting...

Angry, discgusted and very very very hurt (and it's the hurt that kills the most !!!!)

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Do you still maintain that we dont need the Gareth Barry Money for restrengthening?

How do see us breaking into the top four without any fullbacks, and squad thats filled out with young inexperienced kids?

How is it Spurs and Pompey struggle to buy Quality players?

When are we going to see this investment in " world class " players we were told about, by a certain Mr Fitzgerald?

Do you think we look rather silly regarding a certain statement made by the club about a certain Judas staying put?

Do you think Martin is becoming a little cheesed off with things? ( Hung out to dry springs to mind)

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2 simple questions - are you, Mr Lerner and the rest of the board still enjoying Villa as much as when you took over the club, and what has been you greatest memory since you came to the club.


Dubbs :)

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Do you still maintain that we dont need the Gareth Barry Money for restrengthening?

How do see us breaking into the top four without any fullbacks, and squad thats filled out with young inexperienced kids?

How is it Spurs and Pompey struggle to buy Quality players?

When are we going to see this investment in " world class " players we were told about, by a certain Mr Fitzgerald?

Do you think we look rather silly regarding a certain statement made by the club about a certain Judas staying put?

Do you think Martin is becoming a little cheesed off with things? ( Hung out to dry springs to mind)


I have to echo Peter's concerns. The club by making the statment that the Barry Liverpool deal is dead and that Barry would be staying a Villa player, only for MON to say today that if Liverpool come up with the money then Barry can join Liverpool, quite frankly makes the club looks foolish and extremely amateur in its approach. Is this the way a club with ambitions of being in the top 4 really behave?

I think with the comments that you have made on numerous occasions stating that we do not have to sell to buy, then I feel that the club really has to pull its fingers out now and do what ever it takes to get the players into the club that MON needs.

Please do not forget that Villa supporters have suffered for years with a certain chairman constantly lying to its fans. Mr Lerner took over the club and made quite a few impressive statements that invigorated the Villa faithful, but all I can say is that talk is cheap. Yes you completed the work on Bodymoor Heath and yes you renovated a pub, but its on the pitch that really matters.



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