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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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I appreciate that General but Villa fans were here long before M'ON and as much as we all Trust M'ON weve be bluffed off on previous occasions and it does wear thin.

When Teams like Spurs,Pompey,newcastle are strengthening were standing still - Thats how it seems on the outside.

We Trust you and the team and the longer we go unstrengthened the more underwhelmed we will all be...

Im not being negative but with our team now i would donate £200 to acorns if we finished 6th or above...

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General , Villa could win the treble and some will still moan, you could spend £15 mill on a player and there will be those who will say he's not worth it, We could beat Man u 5-1 and there will be fans saying we were lucky or pick on an individual player for one mistake. The point is that you will always get the negative posts but it is those who make their voice loudest so please don't forget about the majority who even when frustrated still have faith in MON.

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General, many thanks for your fulsome and forthright response. Your efforts and those of Randy and MON are greatly appreciated. As i put in my post, everything that is being done by you all is very positive and bringing a vibrancy to Villa Park, the like of which we have not seen in lots of years.

I know the transfer situation from the outside can be a time when fans worry and see other teams buying any tom, dick and harry.....but I know that MON is on the ball and is working hard to get the right targets into Aston Villa football club....players that will benefit the team and fit into his explosive mix of youth and experience.

General, thank you once again for being so open and honest. you are a top man. Have a good trip to Omaha and Cleveland and i hope one day to meet you in person.


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Hi General

I ordered the new shirt online through Villa and i am quite annoyed.

I ordered the shirt as a present for someone im going to visit abroad this weekend. It came today and i was delighted, only to see it is long sleeve. I phoned the Customer Services there, and they said i need to send it back recorded delivery.

So now, i have spent £50 getting the shirt (£45 + Shipping £4.50), and now have to spend another £6 sending it back to Villa even though they have sent me the wrong shirt. I am spending £56 now on the home shirt here, and i will have to wait another 2 weeks to get it! I thought buying direct was a better idea as money goes to the club even though I live in South London, when i could have bought the shirt from SportsWorld or somewhere for about £20 cheaper than this whole process, plus instead of giving my friend the shirt this weekend, im going to have to send it on to him, again costing me more money.

I have called Aston Villa Direct about this, but they are as helpful on the matter as a fur coat in a sauna.

Is there someone i can speak to at the club who can help me on this matter?


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Hi General,

Away from transfer for you, ive made my feelings on that perfectly clear in other threads, but just a quickie about Bouma. Before now we have seen badly injured players get a great reception from the fans at half-time or before a game. I think im right in remembering Eduardo came onto the pitch at half-time and got a great reception (on his crutches).

Perhaps for the Man City or Liverpool games, we could see Bouma come onto the pitch, and let him now how much we miss him!! Im sure the whole stadium would rise to wish him the best.


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General Krulak here:

Randy gives him whatever support ($$$$) he needs...MON has the charge to make it happen.

The exchange rate on the dollar is shocking coming this way General, clearly bad planning ;)

2. I will be off the site until Saturday....I am on my way to Omaha for a Board meeting then on to Cleveland for a meeting with Randy.

Please say hello to Randy from Villa Talk and remind him how much we still appreciate his input. Can I ask whether Randy intends to be here for the first game against Man City?

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2. I will be off the site until Saturday....I am on my way to Omaha for a Board meeting then on to Cleveland for a meeting with Randy.

I'm jealous General, wish I had some pressing trip that could prevent me from having to look at this scapegoating, fear mongering, self loathing, hatred that appears to be in vogue for Villa fans these days. I guess I could just not log on but like a car accident it's impossible not to look.

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General Krulak here:

1. Let's see...maybe I should take a different approach. Hmmmm...MON doesn't want a big squad. MON doesn't want quality players. MON just wants to sit on his bum during this transfer window and do nothing. The Club doesn't want to move up...we want to stand still or go backwards. Randy purchased the Club to attain a significant degree of mediocrity. Randy doesn't care for the Club, the Fans or standings in the table. He wants the Club to stagnate so that the value of the Club goes down. I am on the Boards for PR purposes and anything I say should and must be taken with a grain of salt. If I say MON is working hard to bring quality players in, well, discount it. if I say Randy's wallet is fully open, well discount it. Remember, I am just a "new" Fan...I cannot possibly be passionate about the Club. All I do is look at the glass "half-full." There, does that make anyone happy??? For the 100th time....I do not do transfers. MON does transfers. MON knows how many players he has...better than ANY of you do!! MON knows what the Club needs....better than ANY of you do. He knows who will "fit" and who won't. Spurs, Everton, Liverpool...yes, they have picked up some players, but so have we...and I'll bet on MON and his ability to turn the players he picked up into superb team players...we will have to see what happens with the other Clubs. I am honestly amazed...NOT at the desire to see players come into the Club but the desire to see "numbers" come into the Club. MON is NOT about numbers....he is ALL about getting the "right" players in...players who can help us now and in the future and players who will "fit" into the Club and make a difference. I KNOW many of you are frustrated. As a Fan, I would LOVE to see a signing EVERY day but....MON is the Manager and is in charge of transfers...NOT me...NOT you. I must trust MON to do what is right for the Club...after all, at the end of the day, he is responsible for what is on the Pitch. Randy gives him whatever support ($$$$) he needs...MON has the charge to make it happen. Randy trusts MON and so do I!!!

2. I will be off the site until Saturday....I am on my way to Omaha for a Board meeting then on to Cleveland for a meeting with Randy.

you must be getting a bit peeved general having to keep repeating yourself. keep up the excellent work pass on all our thanks to randy when you see him, and look forward to meeting you during the course of the season.

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General Krulak here:

1. Let's see...maybe I should take a different approach. Hmmmm...MON doesn't want a big squad. MON doesn't want quality players. MON just wants to sit on his bum during this transfer window and do nothing. The Club doesn't want to move up...we want to stand still or go backwards. Randy purchased the Club to attain a significant degree of mediocrity. Randy doesn't care for the Club, the Fans or standings in the table. He wants the Club to stagnate so that the value of the Club goes down. I am on the Boards for PR purposes and anything I say should and must be taken with a grain of salt. If I say MON is working hard to bring quality players in, well, discount it. if I say Randy's wallet is fully open, well discount it. Remember, I am just a "new" Fan...I cannot possibly be passionate about the Club. All I do is look at the glass "half-full." There, does that make anyone happy??? For the 100th time....I do not do transfers. MON does transfers. MON knows how many players he has...better than ANY of you do!! MON knows what the Club needs....better than ANY of you do. He knows who will "fit" and who won't. Spurs, Everton, Liverpool...yes, they have picked up some players, but so have we...and I'll bet on MON and his ability to turn the players he picked up into superb team players...we will have to see what happens with the other Clubs. I am honestly amazed...NOT at the desire to see players come into the Club but the desire to see "numbers" come into the Club. MON is NOT about numbers....he is ALL about getting the "right" players in...players who can help us now and in the future and players who will "fit" into the Club and make a difference. I KNOW many of you are frustrated. As a Fan, I would LOVE to see a signing EVERY day but....MON is the Manager and is in charge of transfers...NOT me...NOT you. I must trust MON to do what is right for the Club...after all, at the end of the day, he is responsible for what is on the Pitch. Randy gives him whatever support ($$$$) he needs...MON has the charge to make it happen. Randy trusts MON and so do I!!!

2. I will be off the site until Saturday....I am on my way to Omaha for a Board meeting then on to Cleveland for a meeting with Randy.

FANTASTIC POST. I love the new Villa and I really love the fact that you are taking us forwards. And do not pay too much attention to what is written on this forum, as most is just silly drivel and you will end up very frustrated if you read too much into it.

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brilliant stuff on the barry situation general...

lots of other clubs fans are congratulating us on our stance and standing up to the dippers...

obviously, dipper fans arent too impressed, but that is just amusing...

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Hey Gen - I'm so bloody happy I could kiss Karen Brady !!!!!

Listening to the scousers on the radio is the best comedy since Fawlty Towers !!!!!

Cheers for everything.

Believe it or not - there are still people saying "argh, yes, but do we actually mean it" - do they really think RL, MON, yourself and other board members would make them selves look like fools by selling him now !!!.

Personally I reckon it shows disrespect to randy - and I've told them so !!

Keep up the good work - if you really want to give us all a chuckle - can we now bid for gerrard and Torres please (but obviously, within keeping, leak it to the Evening Mail first)

UP THE VILLA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And - updated edit - having just read your last log - yes MON does know what he needs I am sure........

But does he know we need a right back !!!!!!!!!! - JOKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome Gen - you've just become a football fan - as pointed out in the film I keep telling you to watch - Fever Pitch" - the boys first game ever he thought "I'd never seen so many people who had paid to hate it so much !!!" - watch it !!!!! - you'll be killing yourself !!!

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General would just like to say well done to all concerned over IMO sticking to your guns and holding out for the right deal over Barry...by doing so IMO exposing Liverpool's true valuation of Gareth Barry...which obviously wasn't as high as their opinion of one Robbie Keane. A most unexpected outcome but none the less welcome!

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Good news regarding Gareth. Just like to say well done to the board and manager for the professional way they have conducted themselves through this whole saga and for not lowering themselves to Liverpools level. The way this club is now run is an example to others.

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1. In all seriousness, if Gareth Barry continues to express a clear desire to leave the club, perhaps even puts in a transfer request, and Liverpool come up with the money that we were originally asking for, then will he really be staying?

And wouldn't that mean that we were keeping an unhappy player at the club? Something which, as you yourself have acknowledged, is counter-productive?

In summation, do you think that the announcement by the football club was a little premature?

Regardless of whether he stays or goes, I think that the club have handled this issue exceptionally well, but I find it difficult to believe that this one is over yet.

If it is, please make sure the player comes out and says so himself (preferably with an apology), so that we can see that his commitment is genuine.

2. Will the third kit be available for purchase this season, and if so, when?



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Hi General - I was wondering has there ever been any thought about linking up with an MLS team as a feeder club ?

we could send some yougsters to get some experience / regular games and it would enhance our fan base / marketing outlets ect many thanks for your input from an ex- season ticket holder now living stateside

Rick Edwards

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Hi General

I ordered the new shirt online through Villa and i am quite annoyed.

I ordered the shirt as a present for someone im going to visit abroad this weekend. It came today and i was delighted, only to see it is long sleeve. I phoned the Customer Services there, and they said i need to send it back recorded delivery.

So now, i have spent £50 getting the shirt (£45 + Shipping £4.50), and now have to spend another £6 sending it back to Villa even though they have sent me the wrong shirt. I am spending £56 now on the home shirt here, and i will have to wait another 2 weeks to get it! I thought buying direct was a better idea as money goes to the club even though I live in South London, when i could have bought the shirt from SportsWorld or somewhere for about £20 cheaper than this whole process, plus instead of giving my friend the shirt this weekend, im going to have to send it on to him, again costing me more money.

I have called Aston Villa Direct about this, but they are as helpful on the matter as a fur coat in a sauna.

Is there someone i can speak to at the club who can help me on this matter?


As I found out, this is actually outsourced to Kitbag.com, so AVFcC do not have direct accountability for distribution although service standards require filtering back.

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The artist Stephen Flemming currenlty has a painting of Villa Part in the Summer Exhibition, in the Royal academ of Arts, London.

After researching the artist I know that he has painted a mural at the Brown's stadium, and that Randy has his "Hands of Fate" painting displayed in a restaurant in the stadium as well.

Has Randy comissioned the piece, seen it or even heard about it?

By the way, it is very impressive!

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Hi General,

Something really minor and I don't know why I care so much, but hey ho.

On our official site Salifou is down as a striker and as a result, he is so on most of the other big websites who obviously just take it off the official sites.

Salifou is a midfielder!

I think most people would class Young as a midfielder, rather than a striker too!


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