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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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please try to ignore some of the over reactive stuff on here with reference to barry seemingly throwing his toys out of the pram. He admitted himself that he met with Ransy and MON who told him that they wanted him to stay. I don't know what more footballers these days want. A phone call everyday from MON telling him how much he loves him? Just another example of an overpaid, pampered primadonna if the comments are true. I for one support the stane that i'm sure you will maintain, and MON has mine (and most others) 100% backing

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Given the long list of players we need in almost every posiiion (as a supporter) do you find it just a little alarming that we have failed to sign even 1 person and yet we are only days away from pre-season training?

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Come on Villa stick your head above the trench and answer a few of these vital questions. Put them on the Official site if you feel you can't answer them on the fans web page.

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General Krulak here:

1. Barry: Obviously I am not going to get into a debate with Gareth Barry on a Fan Web Site...it would not be professional and it is not the way I operate. At the same time, I would expect the Fans to take a step back and think about this issue. Barry is the Captain of our Squad. Barry has played for us over the years. Barry has been successful for Aston Villa Football Club and, recently, been successful for the English Side. Does any Fan actually believe that we have just waved goodby? Does any Fan actually believe that we haven't spoken to Gareth or his Agent? Does any Fan actually believe that no one has told Gareth that he is valued? These are simple questions but ones that I hope you would ask yourself. Our Fans are pretty savvy folks...and I have confidence that they will come up with the right answers. Our Fans certainly do not need me to engage in a debate...they can think for themselves.

2. Transfer Window: For about the 1000th time, I am not involved in the Transfer Window. I am probably as anxious as anyone on this site. At the same time, I am not slitting my wrists! When I read a post that says that other Clubs are "snapping up players" I have to wonder what League and what Clubs they are talking about. When we are compared to, say the Spurs, over the winter...a snapshot in time...I just have to shake my head. MON is NOT going to go after players that he doesn't need...just to say he got players or that we, as a Club, spent X amount of pounds. That is crazy! I have said, at least a dozen times, that MON does NOT have to sell to buy!! DOES NOT!! Barry is NOT part of our buying strategy!!

3. Poor transfer windows: I think that if everyone is fair and looks at the transfers since Randy has taken over...and looked at the performance of the Club...and looked at the amount of money spent on players...that lumping all of the transfer windows into one statement that we have not been successful...is unfair and inaccurate.

4. Finally, I am not sure whether being a Club in the Midlands or in London is a deal breaker....and I am certainly not going to throw in the towel because we are bidding against a London Club. Neither will MON or Randy!!

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That's a very political answer. Forgetting anything to do with transfers, contracts etc etc, what is your PERSONAL view on the article and the comments attributed to Mr. Barry?

Basically cutting out all the rubbish and without revealing anything that shouldn't be publicly known, who's lying; MON or Barry and/ or NOTW?

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We must not back down on our valuation of barry especially after he has made us a laughing stock making these comments to the media,

We must squeeze every penny out of liverpool we set a price and we must stick to it. No compromises if we make a compromise we will be in a position of weakness for every transfer in the future.

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Forgetting what ha been said, I just wanna plead for a way forward that I hope the club will take.

I, for one, have been expecting that comment for about 3 weeks - I was always thinking it was only a matter of time that, after we turned down bids, Barry would eventually be told by his agent to utter the usual clap-trap given by players in these circumstances "Villa are blocking my dream move by asking silly money for me" - and , in essance, this is what Barrys agent has done - OK boy, go and stir up enough trouble so that the club just wanna sell you".

Now I am not going to give my view on the board until this whole episode is over, but, all I will say, is the previous regime would have just rolled over and died - and they did on many occasions - "We don't want to sell Yorke - it would take 16 million for us to think about it" - then snap Man U's hand off at 11m because Yorke came out with the exact that Barry just has !!!.

This can only work if our club lets it. Barry has now backed himself into a corner. Presumably we are planning for life without him, so I would hope we carry on planning - AND NOT SELL HIM UNLESS THEY COME UP WITH WHAT WE WANT and I'd actually say more now after this. What harm will it do us, we are planninf for life without him anyway, so if we don't have to sell to buy - DONT SELL !!!, let him sulk, and if he don't play to his ability - play him in the reserves, let his England career go up in smoke and let him see what he has thrown away for an outburst at a club that has turned him into a multi millionaire !!.

Or we can just roll over as we have many times before.

I'll make my judgement in about 2 weeks !!!

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On a lighter note Gen.

One thing you MUST tell MON - without fail - and I mean this.


Now Olly has gone, we are left with bumfluff !!, Villa have only ever been successful in my life time with a full grown Beard on the pitch - Chris Nichol (mid 70's), Mortimer (late 70's and golden 80's), Peter Withe (golden 80's) - the nthey all left and left us with a clean shaven load that sent us into a spiral towards Division 4 - we then got Mountfield and Simms (who, although hadn't got fully beards - did have a good "porno style moustache which resulted in steadying the ship and bringing us back). They left and we kept steady by a number of attempts at facial growth by the likes of Joachim, Vassell

BUT - in the mid noughties Olly brought back the rugged look and we start to look up again.

WE NEED A BEARD !!! - and at the moment - it has to be Carew - none of the rest are old enough (and Gabby would just look like Cat Stevens !!!) - By August 16th - I want at least 1 inch growth on Carew or else my season ticket goes back !!!!!!!!

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General, to me your comment that we don't have to sell GB to fund our transfer kitty is sweet music. This way if LFC don't come over with the required sum (I would be looking at 20m cash only now, no players, well maybe Torres plus 10m for GB) we should then start our season with a bunch of new players of good quality plus GB great result.

Bring in the new boys and hope LFC havn't got 20m to buy GB

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Hello General, I hope you don't take offence but what is your job at our club.

This is surely a question that has been answered earlier in the thread (possibly in the first few pages). Please look through the thread.

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General, ignore the stupid minority, it is not nice losing your captain, but these things happen in life. Dont think that the majority of Villa fans feel like this. I support the club 110% in not selling Judas till we get exactly what we want for him. I know it is a tricky situation given that he can leave for a small sum next summer, but call his bluff and let him rot if the scousers wont pay what you want.

Will say again what a great boost for the club the input from Randy Lerner and yourself has been. Some people seem to forget where the club was exactly two years ago.

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Thanks for responding to my question about the NOTW article and also well done to Villa for a prompt response from MON/club on the matter. In my opinion we have again got the moral high ground and have put the ball firmly back in Liverpool's court. They now really have nowhere to go other than putting up or pulling out.

Does anything like this go on in American sports and do you think we will ever see contracts meaning anything to football players in the future other than to see how much money they are going to get paid each month?

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Hi General,

Firstly, will admit a little nervousness as the summer progresses with no signings, but in MON we trust!

My question is; Knowing how different the player exchange systems are in the NFL and football, do you think the soccer (!) system is too complicated, expensive and drawn out?

Having experienced both, which system do you feel is best?

Thanks, keep up the good work


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General Krulak here:

1. There is no doubt that there are some aspects of the Premiership Transfer concept that is more convoluted than the US. At the same time, much is the same. The role of the Agent is gaining more and more "importance" in British Football...it has already been very important in the US. The "old" interface between the Club and the Player now has become a "triangle" and not always a "love triangle."

2. MON's comments on the Barry issue pretty much tell the tale. It is now up to the fans as to who they believe. I can state, unequivocally, that MON hit the nail on the head....and was kind to Barry in doing so. We have tried very hard to be professional in all of this...and we will continue to do so. L'pool knows our price...they either will pay it or not.

3. Randy supports MON!! Randy does NOT require MON to sell ANYONE to buy ANYONE. Transfers are the sole purview of MON...with the total, unabridged backing of Randy. The economy doesn't matter, the Browns don't matter, acorns doesn't matter....Randy WILL support.

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Hi General.

Your recent answer to peoples questions regarding Barrys outburst and transfer dealings has been taken in and well accepted by myself. Im confident Barrys just blagging his way out of Villa and see truth when you say "Who in the right mind thinks we havent tried to keep him".

Going back to a query of mine. If you remember i told you about my brother being diagnosed with Cancer, you asked me to get in contact with Duncan Riddle. How can i go about this, via the Club reception ? Thanks

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General Krulak here:

1. There is no doubt that there are some aspects of the Premiership Transfer concept that is more convoluted than the US. At the same time, much is the same. The role of the Agent is gaining more and more "importance" in British Football...it has already been very important in the US. The "old" interface between the Club and the Player now has become a "triangle" and not always a "love triangle."

2. MON's comments on the Barry issue pretty much tell the tale. It is now up to the fans as to who they believe. I can state, unequivocally, that MON hit the nail on the head....and was kind to Barry in doing so. We have tried very hard to be professional in all of this...and we will continue to do so. L'pool knows our price...they either will pay it or not.

3. Randy supports MON!! Randy does NOT require MON to sell ANYONE to buy ANYONE. Transfers are the sole purview of MON...with the total, unabridged backing of Randy. The economy doesn't matter, the Browns don't matter, acorns doesn't matter....Randy WILL support.


Thank you for your answer. Would you say that with the increasing involvement of the agent that we have an advantage as Randy has dealt with this for many years in the NFL? If so is Randy himself getting involved in dealing with the agents and their demands this summer? Has he himself been involved in this since he bought the club?

Many thanks

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Hiya General K,

As you know I am a massive supporter of yourself , Martin and Randy and all the new regime at the club. That support is unconditional, totally.

I was wondering (?) how does it make you feel when you are asked the same questions over and over and over again ?

When people moan about spurs spending like water then actually finishing below us,, does it make you kinda snigger like it did me !!

I have no doubt whatsoever that you all have the clubs best interest at heart and I for one am proud to be a fan of a club that does its business without feeling the need to indulge the paparazzi.

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