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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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What a fantastic gesture concerning acorns. In an era when football is tarnished with greed and self interest, its refreshing that we have a club that not only cares about issues, but actually means it.

On that, i have not had the time to read all the posts on here, so forgive me if im going over old ground, would you consider (with Nike ) giving a percentage of shirt sales, to acorns?

Im sure i speak for thousands of fans, that it would be brilliant knowing that a percentage of what each of us was paying for a shirt, was going to Acorns. Hell, i would even hazard a guess that it would increase shirt sales!.

Or how about aranging a one off superstar game at Villa Park, in aid of Acorns?

Whatever your answer is to the above, you made me feel really proud of my club today, and for that..a big thankyou.

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General - I cannot add to the comments in this thread, other than to say everything about Aston Villa FC oozes class ... everything. from a proud, proud Villan - Thank you and all the management team. You said enjoy the ride...I am:)

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General this announcement has wet the appetite of a lot of fans so would it be possible that acorns could do updates in how their donations have gone compared to the same month the previous year? Though an increase in donations is only a part of what the sponsorship is aiming to achieve it would give the club and the fans a way of measuring just how successful this side of the sponsorship deal has been.

I have spent the night reading other forums thoughts on this and apart from the scum across the city who think there is an alterior motive they are all bigging up the club and the management.


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great post b6 - a Blue Peter chart??? only joking:) it would be a great boost for not only Villa Fans but fans in general to see their progress in terms of sponsers/webhits and ultimately the number of kids and families they have been able to help in some way - from some i have read its about giving £2m in lost sponsorship - for me its about worldwide exposure and maybe expansion in number of kids and in geography?? Question General - are any of the board going to add their advisory skills to Acorns?

Again Thanks

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I really appreciated your response a few pages back - while this is a great act by the Villa, it is worth remembering that the kids and their families with what they go through are the real heroes in this picture. The health & wellbeing of our families is worth so much more than a game where 22 men kick a ball around and anything that can be done to ease the suffering and stress of these gutsy families is a real dose of perspective.

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I am so proud to be a Villa fan today - please pass on the thanks to everyone at the club.

And the fact that we are doing to for a charity that means so much to the club, rather than going for a national or global charity (which would still be a great thing) should show everybody that this gesture is from the heart of the club, rather than being 'a bit of a gimmick' as some turd described it to me this morning.

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Hi General,

Just want to reiterate what everyone else has said here. I think most of us had an inkling, but it's fantastic news that we've confirmed sponsorship with ACORNS! Please pass on thanks to everyone behing the scenes (including yourself I assume) who helped organise it, and who will continue to help the charity for as long as we are supporting them. Kudos to all.

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Hi General,

Some interesting stats coming out from a survey over the last couple of days regarding season tickets, prices etc. Villa were shown in a very favourable light when it came to prices contrary to the moans of some on here when the prices for 08/09 were released. However one stat claimed that due to price increases one in seven existing ST holders will not renew. How does this compare to our renewals at the moment? Can you give us current figures for renewals, waiting list numbers etc?


You may have missed my questions, above, amongst all the Barry and Acorns postings or maybe Nicky can tell us, I know she reads this messageboard.

Does your wife need an agent btw? :winkold:

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Thank you...

Gen. Krulak, thank for you restoring pride in this great club. A massive thank you to Mr Lerner and everybody involved. Whether we keep Barry or not just isn't essential. We are on our way up, we are full of class and as a club we are the future Football.

What you have done for this club in under three years makes up for the past 20 years of hurt. Makes up for the late 80s, missed chances in the 90s and the two lone cups from the 90s.

We are beginning to feel like Aston Villa again. The way things are supposed to feel, instead of sitting here worrying we are now looking ahead.

Thank you all so much for bringing Aston Villa back, thank you for restoring just a little bit of what this club means to everybody. I love this club so much and you have all made me so proud and have given me the belief back - something that I lost a while ago with all the negetative things at Villa.

Thank you so much.

And I am forever in debt to Mr Lerner.

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I would like to warn you General that very soon you will be visited by three GHOSTS!

First you will be visited by The Ghost of Villa Past It will be none other than William McGregor, he will have a bloody big smile on his face. After giving you and Randy a solid pat on the back he will thank you for restoring the pride of his great club and honoring it's fine tradition of philanthropy that has been ignored for too many years.

The second will be the Ghost of Villa Present a familiar character, weary and suspicious after many years of underachievement and tarnish. He still holds reservations about everything that is happening and may speak in a confused and sometimes negative manner but you notice something in his eyes: at last there is a glimmer of hope. Like a light at the end of a long tunnel or the sun rising over a blood stained battlefield he is starting to believe the dark days are over and while their may be some rainstorms to come, at last Villa's winter has ended.

The third and final visitor is the Ghost of Villa Yet to Come in one hand he holds a medal in the other he struggles to keep a grip on the European Cup he turns to face you and with beaming eyes: "There you are General, time to get going the parade starts in five minutes!".

Suddenly you awake from your slumber shaken but not stirred out the Window of the Hospice you see a young boy by the name of Tiny Tim playing on the grass the only thing whiter than his beaming smile is the lettering on the Claret and Blue jersey he wears spelling out Acorns. He kicks a ball towards his teary eyed father. Tim shouldn't be outside kicking a ball, as far as the doctors are concerned he shouldn't still be alive but there is new hope for Tim and his family as Acorns is thrust firmly into the spotlight.

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Just a bit of feedback.

I live in Hereford so, apart from us exiled brummies, most kids and adults around here, that are into football (as it is an egg chasing area) support the usual man U, Liverpool etc..

But today, I have been approached by many, not just one or two, people who know I support the Villa saying "you know I am not interested in football in any way, and I can't stand it, BUT, I saw the news last night and I thought what Villa have done is superb"

I was sceptical on it all before, but I've gotta hand it to whomever came up with the idea, and I know it isn't the actual intention - but we are the darlings of the media and public at the moment !!!

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Again as one of numerous fans all who have mentioned before... CONGRATULATIONS on a fantastic gesture from the club and from yourselves as well... everyone who agreed and his behind the idea are legends and have ensured ur place in heaven and in the villa fans' hearts. You have shown everyone in the premiership and around the world how a football club should be run have gained the respect and admiration of not only your own fans but those of other teams across the globe... I believe you will save the premiership from greed and self-importance and have already demonstrated that football is just a small part of the club's whole message. LONG MAY THIS NEW VILLA LIVE and once again a big THANK YOU from everyone who loves the club and of course the people you have selflessly helped to save. :)

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Thank you general and team for the wonderful job you have done for our beloved football club, having a charity sponser is yet another masterful decision, and is supported by the fans of villa and also supporters of other clubs

Keep up the good work!

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Gotta say though - being a football fan 2nd and a Villa fan 1st I am the eternal worrier.

And I will admit, all I keep thinking is - one day Randy will sell up - it could be next year - it could be 30 - but what the hell are we gonna do then !!!!

I don't know which one was worse - seeing and accepting the fact that our club was being run into the ground.

or believing that our dreams are gonna come true !!!

Sod this- I'm off to support Gretna !!!!!

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General, like others have said, a big kudos on the Acorns deal. Is there any more to it than sponsorship? Just a few questions for you:

If you could have dinner with 5 people (not family or work-mates) dead or alive, past or present, who would it be?

If you could go back in time to stop one thing happening, what would you choose?

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please acquaint yourself with the site guidelines wrafey, as this is the second time today you've broken them. This time, for not sticking to this:-

General Krulak's thread is for Q&A, the raising of issues and the passing of info two ways. It is NOT for discussions or banter between posters. Please look to see if your question has already been asked or answered before posting. Thanks. Blandy.

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General Krulak here:

1. I just want all to know that I have sent your posts on to Randy and the Board. They wanted me to express their appreciation for your understanding and support of this effort re. Acorns.

2. Gabby 15: The name on the shirt is just a small part of what we have going with Acorns. Obviously there are direct donations but also we have a big effort to get players out there often. Dinner? Right off the top of my head without any major thought..Jesus, Robert E. Lee, Lawrence of Arabia, Rommel, and "Stonewall" Jackson...and no, he isn't a member of the "Jackson Five." What I would stop? My wife beating me in my first marathon...the end of any "bragging rights" I ever had. Next thing I know, she wil be playing right back!! :)

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