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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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General, just a quick question - why oh why do the club continue to give Bill Howell access? (Actually you'd probably be better off not answering as he'll read this, the parasite, and turn it into a story if you do). But he constantly puts Villa down, and it gets annoying.

Here's what he said about Nicky Keye with regards to the Trinity move.

She ''seemed as jumpy as a box of frogs. Desperate for the handful of press around the table to report the news positively."

Just disrespectful, and that's just a normal example of his sneering. If it was me I wouldn't have him near the club.

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Are there any plans afoot to fill in the corners of the Holte End anytime soon? I was talking about this the other day with some other Villa fans and we all agreed it would be easy to do and would make the atmosphere a hell of a lot better as a lot of the noise is lost out of the corners

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General Krulak here:

1. I managed to jump on a hotel computer between Board Meetings so let me try to quickly answer some questions.

2. Davkaus: I think you have missed the point. It is not just a case of moving 400 fans and getting an increase in revenue. It is all the work that will be done to the Trinity Stands (interior) as well as what is being done in the stand itself (movement of press corps to open up better seating for fans as an example) that will help drive the Club forward. The work done during the summer to expand the Trinity interior is key to the revenue plan. The difficulty is that a portion of this plan involved 400 fans...BUT their movement is NOT the only part of that plan.

3. There are no plans to fill in the corners of the Holte End anytime soon. As I have mentioned before, we are looking at the entire infrastructure and will be making decisions on what we will do for all of Villa Park in a sequenced manner.

4. Re. Bill Howell: We give him access because he is a member of the Press and part of one of the key papers in B'ham. Just like I don't agree to "censorship" on this thread, I could not agree to censoring him from our Park. Hopefully, over time, he will recognize that Randy and the Club are intent on doing the right things and will report accordingly. As for Nicky being "jumpy as a box of frogs"...I have been around her for nigh on to two years and I have never seen her "jumpy." She is one cool lady.

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I have just watched the reserves draw 1-1 on Arsenal TV on SKY which got me thinking....... and i apologise if this has been asked before but i cant spend the time reading all 411 pages of your thread.

Are there any plans to have a Villa TV channel on SKY like Manchester United, Chelsea, Liverpool, Arsenal, Celtic, Rangers and Real Madrid have?

Have the club looked at this as a way of spreading the Villa brand worldwide?

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General ,

I am a season ticket holder in the trinity road stand and look forward to the changes ahead.

Randy and the team have moved mountains in a very short time and europe beckons .

I just have one negative point , that being i think you should spread youreself a bit thinner regarding the time you spend on forums , people in my humble opinion expect too much from you and forget you are , to my knowledge , the only director of a top flight football club with direct contact to supporters .

If we ever want to compete with the best then all of Aston Villa has to be top drawer , board , manager , players , stadium and fans .

Please pass on thanks to Randy , you guys are class !

Up the villa .

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General, I am not affected by the moves but I like others are worried about the creeping prawn sandwich brigade

I do trust Randy and yourself so to some extent it is a wait and see, but to allay fears would it not be a good idea to publish what is happening on the OS ?

But got to say I could never imagine 2 years ago we would be communicating with the Villa board in such a way and with a director the other side of the pond.

tha is how things have improved despite a few grumbles some have along the way, we all (and I can peak on behalf of all Villa fans I think) are so grateful we have Randy and you when you compare us to the likes of Liverpool, man City and our neighbours across the expressway.

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Could you please pass on to Kevin MacDonald and his team my thanks for a fantastic season of wonderful entertainment. They fully deserve their championship trophy.

Make sure you get a look at it when you're next over General, it's a beauty!

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Question about the redevelopment in the witton area general. Apparently (accoriding to the city councils redevelopment website) AVFC are applying for planning permission to build 32 2 bed flats and 80 odd houses. Is this a money making scheme or simply a way of making it more valuable to sell? How will it affect Aston Villa in the long run?

Mods if you feel this inappropriate just delete, im not easily offended, just very intrigued as it is our name AVFC on the planning app

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I managed to jump on a hotel computer between Board Meetings so let me try to quickly answer some questions

General, I think this demonstrates just how important you see this contact between the fans and yourself on behalf of our great football club. The fact that you are prepared to take time out from your busy schedule to respond to us in this way shows just how far we have come as a club since you and Randy took the helm. This link between the board and the fans is one to be proud of (as are others that have been put in place) and these will see us moving together as one in taking this great football club of ours forward. Where once we were mere "men of the terraces" whose views were ignored, our thoughts are now taken on board and given appropriate consideration. :clap:

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General Krulak here:

1. In an airport on the way to Salt lake City...grabbed another computer.

2. Thank you for the kind remarks. As you all know by now, this is NOT a PR move by your Club. Randy does NOT want me to stop talking with fans and neither do I...you all are critical to our path forward. As an example, we held SCG-5 yesterday and had families there. We ARE consullting with the fans and ARE listening. I will confess that my precious wife sometimes wonders if the sites are now my full time job...I have to break it to her gently that they are not. :oops:

3. I am totally unaware of a plan that has us building 2 bed flats and houses. We are a Football Club, not landlords. This is not part of our plan. :?:

4. "The creeping prawn sandwich brigade"...do NOT be worried about them. We do NOT see a large increase in the numbers...what we do see is a far better package for those who are with us now..at a higher price. ALL intended to help us move forward.

5. Silverware!!!!! Great performance by our reserves...on top of the continuing performance of our youth. :D

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Have you ever dragged Mrs. Krulak to a game General? Or has she ever shown any interest in Villa? If not you should get her into the Holte End for a game, then she'd understand what it's all about!

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Have you ever dragged Mrs. Krulak to a game General? Or has she ever shown any interest in Villa? If not you should get her into the Holte End for a game, then she'd understand what it's all about!

I'm fairly sure that I saw the General sitting with Mrs. K at the Columbus friendly...

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General - take Mrs Krulak to the Trinity Road Stand...I hear they do a mean prawn sandwich:) Have a good trip this week and can I have some of your air miles? together with those nice comfy socks you get on American Airlines?

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Yet again may I say what a fantastic job you and Randy are doing :D

Have we any plans to develop our scouting network or to foster any 'partnerships' with clubs in Argentina, Brazil or South America in general ?

I think with the way clubs in Spain, Holland and Portugal pick up players from there this could be a bit of a goldmine for English clubs to cherry pick the talent ?

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General Krulak here:

1. In an airport on the way to Salt lake City...grabbed another computer.


Unbelievable, absolutely unbelievable.

What happens these days at our club far exceeds the wildest fantasies I have had these last 40 odd years.

Am I going to wake up soon and find this is all a dream ?

Unbe..f**in leivable

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Have we any plans to develop our scouting network or to foster any 'partnerships' with clubs in Argentina, Brazil or South America in general ?

I think with the way clubs in Spain, Holland and Portugal pick up players from there this could be a bit of a goldmine for English clubs to cherry pick the talent ?

Without wishing to speak for the General... Unfortunately Spain, Holland and Portugal can pick them up way before we can because of the work permit issues. Which is why I assume we don't do it.

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Dear General,

Will the club now be reversing the outrageous price increases in the Holte as the seats will be restricted view for about 5 minutes every second game whilst the monstrous Villa flag passes over our heads thus disrupting my pre match view of the syncronised sprinkler system? :winkold:

Keep up the good work :notworthy:

Hopefully meet you at Wigan game, Im in McGregor suite before/after, I'll be buying :cheers:

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Sorry I have been working away. Villa has and always will be our families team but we have decided to buy season tickets at Walsall Football Club from next season. It may not be as glamorous as the Premier League but at least our support will be appreciated there. Like you said yourself it doesn’t matter if we don’t renew because at Aston Villa fans who don’t earn as much as you require don’t matter because somebody will take our seats anyway. It is incredibly insulting to me that you suggest I believe everything I supposedly read in the ‘Mail’ despite the fact I don’t even read the newspaper, I got my information from fellow Villa supporters on sites such as this so maybe if the club itself was a little more clearer with its plans that effect the loyal non-prawn sandwich fans there wouldn’t be quite so much misinformation.

There’s no point private messaging you there’s nothing else to talk to you about Mr Krulak, you slammed the Aston Villa door firmly shut on four season ticket holders the moment you indicted our non-renewal didn’t matter anyway.

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Hi General.

do you have any figures on the size of the waiting list for the various stands at VP (and in particular the trinity?)

Got my name down and hoping to get a look in.

Thanks and keep up the good work.

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Out of interest, research purposes for the General how much are you paying at Walsall? What is the difference between their price and the renewal price at Villa? Have you explored cheaper options at Villa?

this thread is for Questions for the General, not other supporters. use pms for that - thanks, Blandy

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