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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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As a season ticket holder in the Trinity Rd I was fully expecting a price rise for next season. We have been lucky over the last couple of seasons when you compare us to other clubs in the PL.

£510 is a lot of money, particularly at the moment living in rip off Britain.

However, if we genuinely want to compete in the premiership and break in to the top four then price rises have got to be expected. Take at look at the season ticket prices for the current top four.

We still get a good deal when you compare us with the losers down the road, they are getting ripped off from the price of the tickets to the price of their programmes.

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I now live in Portsmouth and have recently noticed that Portsmouth FC have 3 high profile club stores from what I've found (that excludes any store at the ground itself). What I found surprising is that not only do they have 2 club stores in the city centre and large shopping centre but also outside of the city itself in Hampshire (Fareham to be precise!). Do Villa have any plans on something similar, expanding the coverage of the club store? I would imagine somewhere such as Redditch would benefit from a small club store and when you take into consideration our much larger fan base area it would make good sense to do so.

I do find it surprising that a club such as Portsmouth with their much smaller fan base than ours would seem to have a much larger retail "output" (on the streets at least) - but please correct me if I'm wrong!

Many thanks.

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Just like to say General that I think the price increases are fair and represent excellent value for money, especially when you consider the ever improving product on display and the cost of our competitors.

General, I expected a rise in mine, and my lads U16 ST this season, even though at the time of renewal, he was only 11 - something to do with the fact that his birthday is late July, but I swallowed that one.

I do think that the 30% increase is however, rather extortionate. There could have possibly been another ST from my family with my daughter wanting to come to games too on a regular basis, but I'm now going to have to give that one a miss.

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General, I will just add my point of view if I may.

My season ticket is and will always be one of my most treasured possessions. I know that in comparison to other Premiership clubs that I and my family are getting a very good deal and we will of course renew asap.

I do have the greatest of sympathy for those fans whose family circumstances mean that they wont be able to renew because I can imagine how disappointed I would be if it were me.

I think we all understand that a premiership football club has to be run as a viable business and your comment about someone else will buy your seat if you don't renew is purely and simply a true statement of fact, although naturally upsetting to the fan whose seat it was.

Aston Villa in marketing terms is fast becoming an entertaining product which will attract an even greater fan base in the next few years. Season tickets will not only be treasured possessions but highly sought after.

Thanks General for your unbounded enthusiasm and tolerance in dealing with both the praise and criticism that is the nature of all fan forums. UP THE VILLA!!!!

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General Krulak here:

1. Ticket Prices: I honestly do not know what to say...that I haven't said already. Unlike most of you, I have looked at the new prices for other Clubs...similar to us, above us and even a team being relegated. We have, across the board, comparable seats, LOWER prices!!! You all quote percentage increases....but fail to mention or recognize that those percentages are off a base that was HUGELY below other Clubs. People mention TV revenue as if we are making money because of that revenue. Take a look at a year's worth of TV revenue and then look at the price of a couple of players...all of a sudden I think you all will recognize the problem. In today's paper you can read that MON is seeking 80 million pounds for the summer transfer season...Randy, MON and all the Directors (as well as fans) want the Club to challenge for Europe...to challenge the top four...Randy and Martin are on the same sheet of music. BUT then we have some of the same people complaining about ticket prices that are among the LOWEST in the League. As a Director and as a Fan, I am not sure how I can reconcile this sort of mentality. We cannot afford, as a Club or as Fans, to think that we can pass off TV revenue to the Fans in the way of lowered ticket prices and, at the same time, believe that we can spend what is necessary to be a top 4 Club. Randy has money but he does not have that much. I would ask EVERYONE to take a step back and look at the overall facts. We have some of the lowest ticket prices in the League...FAR LOWER than Clubs we are competing against. We have an owner who is doing his level best to take this Club forward...IN ALL AREAS. He has pledged to keep prices down and he has done so.

2. musicw8822: I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say by the comment you highlighted but....fair play to you, because as I re-read it through your eyes, I can see that I didn't articulate myself well. What I was trying to say was that I am very sorry you will not be renewing your season ticket. That I wish you were. I wish we could do "special category fans" who really cannot afford a certain price level. But the reality is, we can't do that. Just determining who would fall in that category would be a nightmare. At the end of the day, if you cannot or will not renew your ticket, someone else is going to get it. I do not mean that in an obnoxious way...I mean it in a factual way. If you do not renew...for whatever reason...that ticket will be gone. I sincerely mean that I am sad that you will not be able to renew...I mean that.

3. Shirt sponsor. Your question will be answered on or about 1 june.

4. 1982: Much of my previous comments re. tickets are directed towards answering your comment about TV revenue. Ticket prices were not nailed down until last Friday...and, for that reason, some of the staff were not fully aware of all ramifications. There were PLENTY of people on hand who did know...if you ever have a question that has not been answered, ask for Nicky Keye at Ticketing.

5. I am not sure what is going to take place re. Mellberg. I again reiterate, it is the Fans, not the Club, who will really demonstrate to Mellberg his place in our hearts.

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General. I too am sorry that some people may be unable to afford to renew ST's for next season, but given that prices have been held for the last couple of seasons, I do think that people can't have their cake and eat it. Villa tickets are in demand and when demand starts to surpass supply the cost comes with a Premium. I think people would be up in arms if tickets started to be sold through secondary sources and the club missed out on that revenue.

Now I have put over my thoughts my question. I do not have a season ticket at present,but want one for next season. Given that after current holders have had the chance to renew and the needs of those on the waiting list will be catered for next, what chance is there that people such as I wil a) be able to secure a ST & B) one in their area of choice (I'd like Holte lower please).

Thanks for all you and Randy have done for the club to date.

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General, I just want to say I think the ticket prices are more than reasonable for a Premier League club. Unfortunately, some people think that Aston Villa FC owes them the world and that the club is some sort of charity. Randy has done more than enough for this club since he came but I think some people assume he carries billions around in loose change.

We need big signings and to keep hold of players like Barry which will cost a hell of a lot. As a result, I personally would have been prepared to pay considerably more than the proposed increases and I am far from wealthy. People are wanting Champions League football at Championship prices. Get in the real world!

Keep up the splendid work

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In my eyes it isn't the price increase itself that has got me, it is the people who have the biggest increase. the only thing I can think of is the person who has done the pricing has teamed up with gordon Brown as they seem to be kicking the people who are down most.

Surely, if you are going to try and raise revenue, then increasing boxes, and the posh padded seats that the rich and famous go in is a better way of doing it than the kids / OAPS and disabled ?. Thats the ironic bit in this (apparently I've got to say) we are giving our shirt sponsorship away to a Hospice, and then we give people who may attend from this hospice the biggest increase !! - Bizarre !!!

Thats what I don't understand - the club has done everything in its power to be customer friendly in the lsat two years, and then seem to wallop the ones that are less fortunate.

Can I also put my point of view across on the "we want players - you gotta pay" thing.

I know this is estmates but my ticket has gone up £25 - but lets say an average of £50 - at 27,000 tickets - that is an extra 1.35 million. Now, this may be idealistic but surely that isn't that much of a deal - is it ?? - thats less than the amount of the "Sponsorship deal" that we can apparently afford to give away - or maybe I am just to simplistic in these things !!!

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Can i be so pertinant to say? draw a line under the season ticket thing and call it a day, you will not be able to appease everyone!!! you can please some but not all, that is allways going to happen. If not you will be trying to justify yourself and Randy for a long time......and you have no need to do that at all...after all that has gone on what did people expect? a price reduction...i think not.

Anyway, onto a question...is anything being done about the catering for next season?.....with a near full house at evey game, trying to get served at half time is a nightmare...i sit in the Trinity Upper, and to get sereved i have to miss the last 5 mins of the first half or stand in a queue for 15 mins and miss the start of the 2nd hafl. There is a lot of unused space in that area that could be used for catering....and thus speeding up the service and increasing revenue for the club...i have some ideas on how this can be improved....can i share this with anyone at the club????

General, to you and Randy, from the heart......keep it going....do not be perturbed by the odd (what may seem like a) negative comment.....Rome was not built in a day....KEEP THE FAITH......A5TON V1LLA for life.....KOB...

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How much revenue is brought into the club from abroad as a percentage? I ask this as I suggest the tv revenue money from the UK will be far smaller in the future.

I suspect during this "credit crunch" one of the first money saving sacrifices families will be making is cancellation of Sky Sports astronomic tv prices?

Manure/ Liverplop are obviously big in Asia and no doubt have huge revenue from many foreign climes! Can we compete...... or will we be cautious with the wage structure/ transfer dealings to protect the liquidity of the club long-term?

And no, I'm not Herbert's long lost son!

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sorry, Nick, this is not a thread for discussion between posters. I've copied and pm'd your comment to you, so you can put it in the season ticket discussion thread to continue the discussion there. Blandy

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General can you share some details of the Trinity Development that is taking place over the summer and has meant I have recived a letter today telling me I will have to relocate

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Hello General

I was wondering if it would be possible for the match day program notes be featured on the O.S for fans that cant get to the game but would like to read the features and the manager notes , maybe a virtual version of the program could be made avalible?

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