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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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Please don't take these questions as being flippant or facetious for the sake of it. They are genuine and I would like the club to ask Birmingham council for the answers.

The regulation permits standing up at certain times including 'moments of excitement'. How are these moments defined?

What if everyone who was standing claimed to be excited by the game, be it attacking, defending or a midfield battle? Indeed I would claim that the whole game represents a ‘moment of excitement’ to me and I challenge anyone to prove otherwise.

If standing presents such a risk, why is it permitted at all? What makes standing up for 90 minutes so much more dangerous than the permitted standing for 'moments of excitement'?

If the act of walking involves standing upright with the increased risk of movement, how do fans even get to their seats without incurring such a risk? Why is walking permitted, yet standing stationary in front of one's seat isn't (except during moments of excitement!)?

The regulation makes no sense and I can't but help think that, over time, the strictest interpretation of the regulation has been taken and not the originally intended meaning. Is it not time for our club to challenge the legality and/or lack of common sense that the regulation poses? Or, at the very least ask Birmingham council to produce rational answers to questions, such as the above, before they take action?

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The regulation permits standing up at certain times including 'moments of excitement'. How are these moments defined?

Was also thinking this. I am genuinely excited throughout the 90 minutes of the game. If questioned by a steward as to why i was standing, could i claim that i was excited and that the rules allow me to stand as long as remained so?

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General Krulak here:

1. steveo985: I spoke to Nicky Keye and here is what she had to say. First, she asked to remind you that adults/students could attend VP for any Premiership game (Cat A) for as little as 10- 13 pounds in the N-stand lower. The GOOD news NOW is that there are still seats in the N-stand lower for 12 -17 pounds for the Wigan game. PLEASE call ticket office ASAP as they are going fast!!!

2. brommy: yes, we have asked similar questions. The only issue right now is that we have been offically cautioned about this issue and we need to take action to stop the persistent standing. In many ways, this is like the smoking ban...we don't have to like it...it just is what it is. We are asking for the Fan's help on this...we cannot control it ourselves without causing major problems. We need our Fans to understand that persistent standing puts our club in a financial problem. We will do all in our power to control the away fans...and will do so even if it means throwing folks out of the park. Stating that you or others are "excited" 90 minutes a game is in concert with how I feel (and Randy) BUT, that CANNOT be the excuse we use. I would not be coming on this site and asking for the help of the fans if we REALLY didn't need your help.

2. Yes, the City Board and Management will be invited to our Directors area.

3. As far as it stands now, both Randy and I will be at game.

4. I would say that Richard Fitzgerald's remit has been distributed among many people...but Randy is and has always been the driving force behind the Club.

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4. I would say that Richard Fitzgerald's remit has been distributed among many people...but Randy is and has always been the driving force behind the Club

General perhaps I am reading too much into your answer, but I take it that there are now no plans to appoint a replacement Chief Executive. Is that the case?

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Is there a way of challenging Birmingham City Council in court if they impose sanctions on us for standing at games. Every single club in the premier league has a section of fans that stand at games. Man City and Arsenal have designed singing sections where people are almost encouraged to stand and get behind the teams. It's like we're being singled out for persecution. How are you meant to generate an atmosphere sitting down? When you start singing your first reaction is to just stand and let it out, can we not do that anymore? I can't believe they are trying to ruin the enjoyment of many fans at games by taking it this far. First no potatoes then no standing at all, what next? Turn up at games and just hand over our wallets and be fleeced? Im sick of it.

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Have we had a fall-out with the council? I am intrigued like others as to why our neighbours across at Small Heath are not being put under pressure too? They have even banned us from selling hot spuds as well!!

Are you also aware that small heath are in talks with the council about the council building a new 55000 seater stadium and giving it to them for nothing.

Is the council run by noses?

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General Krulak here:

Stating that you or others are "excited" 90 minutes a game is in concert with how I feel (and Randy) BUT, that CANNOT be the excuse we use.

It is great to hear that you and Randy are passionate about our club. I think most of us already knew this and continue to appreciate it.

Your point that you and many others are excited about a 90 minute Villa game is EXACTLY what allows us to stand for the duration of the game. The regulation specifically PERMITS STANDING during moments of EXCITEMENT.

Why should fans who choose to stand when they are excited (be it for 90 seconds or 90 minutes), be instructed to sit down, when they are in full compliance with the regulation?

If a fan is excited, he or she is entitled to stand. Unless Birmingham City council can produce an 'excitometer' to prove otherwise, the fans (and therefore the club), are doing nothing wrong by standing. After all, it is in the regulation! If the club ensures that Birmingham City Council enforces the regulation CORRECTLY we will be fine.

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General i am gutted that some feel that they can ask you for help yet when you ask for help they choose to ignore. There is not a fan on here that does not want to see standing again but please believe there are fans who understand why this has to be done. It's not just about supporting the team but supporting the club.

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I agree entirely. I urge all fans (home and away) who are not excited by the game, to remain seated. Failure to do so contravenes the regulation and the Council has indicated their wish to penalize the club should contravention(s) of the regulation occur. This cannot be allowed to happen.

I don't think the General is urging us not to get excited by the game though. During these moments of excitement there is no restriction on standing.

General, how will the Villa stewards and Council officials decide which individuals are standing and excited (permitted by the regulation as an acceptable risk), and which individuals are just standing (not permitted by the regulation as an acceptable risk)? Unless the fans are aware of these criteria, how are we expected to comply?

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I don't know how we can continue to use the excuse of 'excitement' for the persistent standing. As i have said, i am excited throughout the game, yet still unable to stand throughout, without putting the clubs finances in jeopardy. We do need to do as the general is asking and sit in order for us not to lose seat, etc. However, we do need the council to sort this argument out once and for all.

The questions we need to be asking the council are; 13 years and no questions about standing, then all this agro we are getting over standing, why have they just started kicking up a fuss about it? and how the council propose stewards measure levels of excitement?

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I realise that I'm bringing a more American legal perspective on this, but as both England and [most of] the USA share the common law tradition:

Because we're dealing with an issue of licensing (and thus not of a right to do something but a privilege to do ), the licensing authority is the sole determiner of whether the terms of the license are being met. Accordingly, Birmingham City Council and/or its designee(s) are effectively the sole judge of what constitutes excitement, and there may not actually be any means of appeal.

An analogous situation is driver licensing: if the examiner on your road test decides that something that's normally a minor fault is instead a major fault, tough titty. Try again sometime.

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do you have plans for a transfer of gifts with the Blues board as is traditional (pennannts? momento's? snout perhaps?:)

General they always say im a team player... i'll take a hit for the team; you can swap Karen Bradys phone number with mine, shes pretty hot, i think i can take that burden...

I was recently chatting to some American girls i brought over to see games and they said how much they loved the experience, in america "the brand" almost tel you when to cheer and how like a talk show, but here its upto the fans how they wish to express themeselves and that they can be positive and negative if they so choose, so their points were please dont americanise everything :-)

with all the discounts you give for tickets, will foreign fans (like non european ever get cheaper tickets?) Whilst £30-45 is ok as im paid in pounds regardless of where im working USA or UK, my friends in the usa who come get dollars...

Not for every tom dick and harry but I was thinking of say the Regulars at NY Villans for instance, they meet up regularly and are awesome fans... just thought its worth an ask

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