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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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Hi General,

i feel i must echo the feelings of many others here regarding the moving of fixtures as it is a disgrace that the dates are moved after tickets have been sold. a friend of mine doing his MA in law told me that here in Ireland this is illegal and clubs here would be subject to reimburse the lost travel expenses if such a thing happened - obviously this isnt the case in the uk?

i do think however as perhaps a good will jesture the club should offer to refund tickets to those who can no longer atend due to the chnge in KO time? just a thought as it very unfair - and could posibly be seen as false advertising - to move a fixture when the tickets with date/time in them have already been issued. Also worth noting that the ticket is no longer fit for the purpose for which it were sold so i dont think the club would have a choice to give a refund if a ticker holder were to ask for a refund.

Perhaps the club could look into posponing the on sale dates for future fixtures if they feel the dates may change? i think this would be a fair curtesy to the fans who spend huge amounts of money on the club and i feel that such changes will actively discourage fans rather than encourage as you say because as others have pointed out this is a huge inconvienience to some.


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I feel gutted that I have yet again lost a flight late in the day. I feel that if I wait until the tv schedule is finalised, this should be enough "due diligence". I have now lost the away game at Liverpool, and the home game at Blackburn in a matter of days!!!!

Really saddened and depressed now

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I echo the sentiments of the majority of the other fans in relation to the rearranged Blackburn fixture. It has left many people, including myself, out of pocket for travel and accomodation which is now useless. I am very disappointed that the club have made this decision at such a late stage.

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I think we should give Charlie Wilson's War free advertising by using those screen to show a trailer before the game and at half time. How about organizing a deal with couple of local Cinema to give us 50% discount to watch the film if we bring a season ticket.

I think we should look in our history and work out what can make a good movie for Aston Villa to be used in promote the club. How about the murder of Tommy Ball or famous trip to Berlin which we refuse to do raise our arm, or Stolen FA Cup or something like that. We need more movies to promote football and Birmingham. There is not enough movies about Birmingham in general. We can use Tom Hanks in it. We can use Tom as a manager or something.

What was the reason to switch from Wednesday night to Saturday afternoon for Blackburn game apart from filling in a gap since going out of FA Cup.

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In regards to all the people purchasing tickets, it does say in the terms and conditions, or small print of any event that sells tickets, that the date and time of an event can be subject to change.

Well that's true, but I don't like to think of us as a small print club.

I think there are lessons to be learnt and I suspect next time we're in this situation we might get a bit more of a heads up. What do you say General, an avoidable situation?

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On a similar note to some of the posters who have lost out due to the rescheduling of the Blackburn game, I had made plans to go to London the weekend which the game will now be played. I understand the clubs sentiments towards having a full house but the fact is, I now am faced with a choice of cancelling my weekend plans or missing the game. Considering I paid £475 for my season ticket, it does anger me that the club can make an unenforced change to the schedule without considering the fans. Had this change been forced due to cup commitments or television enforced changes then I could understand but this is not the case.

Another issue I have is with the seat exchange process. Whilst I appreciate that the scheme is still in its infancy, I think it would be beneficial for season ticket holders to be able to offer their ticket at a slightly reduced rate to encourage people to buy these as currently, unless the game is sold out, there is no incentive to use this service making it pretty much redundant. I say this as most fans will not miss the sell out games such as the derby, Man Utd etc...



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Gotta say, thats a poor decision to reschedule a game so late. Personally I was working that day, booked it off just on the off chance we beat Man U, got knocked out so told my boss I could work again, now what will he say - I'll prob. not get the day off and have to miss it (which will be the 1st home game in ni-on 20 yrs! ). I know a guy who travels to America to work and rescheduled all his work with GM Motors so he could fly out on the Thurs.. !!!

Poor poor decision by whoever made it - whether it was Villa / Blackburn or the FA !!

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On the otherside, I wish to display my thanks to the club that the game has been moved.

It means I no longer have to rush up the M5/M6 to VP straight from work and sit in the cold in my work clothes, without being able to go home and have tea, and generally wind down.

whilst its a shame it was short notice, it has its benefits for fans, and wanted to demonstrate that.

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General Krulak here:

1. I spoke to Richard Fitzgerald late this evening about the change in the Blackburn game. He provided the following information. Because we are out of the FA Cup, the football side of the business asked for the change in dates. Their rationale was that by changing the dates, they would optimize the time between games allowing the players the ability to maximize rest, training, and injury recovery. By basically having a week between each game, the change has somewhat smoothed the "sine curve" that came with the old fixture table...already altered by the Liverpool change.

I absolutely recognize the hardship this has caused some of our fans. Randy does too. This was NOT done because of any sense that we will get more attendence and therefore more revenue. That was NOT the issue. Simply put, the Football side, to include players and manager and coaches, felt this would help the team as we entered the critical part of the schedule.

Re. the refund. I will raise that issue.

As an aside, the first time I heard about a desire to shift dates was on all 4 sites that I post on...and it was made by Fans. There are also fans out there who asked that the game be moved to 3:00pm Saturday because of inability to get off work, inability of children to go out on Wednesday, etc.

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General ,

As a former share holder i was wondering if Aston Villa will still make known turnover / profits for the financial year ?

Secondly , fantastic news about the Blackburn game , i havent even checked my work rota yet but dont care , i shall book holiday like i normally do if work clashes with my beloved .

Happy New year to you and yours , keep up the fantastic work , up the villa !

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General Krulak here:

1. I spoke to Richard Fitzgerald late this evening about the change in the Blackburn game. He provided the following information. Because we are out of the FA Cup, the football side of the business asked for the change in dates. Their rationale was that by changing the dates, they would optimize the time between games allowing the players the ability to maximize rest, training, and injury recovery. By basically having a week between each game, the change has somewhat smoothed the "sine curve" that came with the old fixture table...already altered by the Liverpool change.

I absolutely recognize the hardship this has caused some of our fans. Randy does too. This was NOT done because of any sense that we will get more attendence and therefore more revenue. That was NOT the issue. Simply put, the Football side, to include players and manager and coaches, felt this would help the team as we entered the critical part of the schedule.

I appreciate that, General, and at no point did I suspect the club was doing this for the wrong reasons.

The problem is however, that I as a foreign fan who has to plan a few weeks ahead when I travel to Villa Park, am concerned something like this can happen again and that I risk losing a lot of money when booking a game. What we're saying is that the club should perhaps set somesort of deadline for when a game can be rescheduled, or at least point out certain games that will be considered for rescheduling. This would make it a lot easier for those of us who travel from abroad.

Thanks for understanding.

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Genral ,

For the Man city home game a few weeks back i actually used the the catering facilities before kick off to have a coulpe of pints . I had the misfortune to ask for two pints of bitter . After paying 6 quid the nice lady behind the counter served me two 440mil cans as the draft pumps werent working . I then had to remonstrate with some mouthy bint whom i believe was in charge the fact that i wanted two full not half pints . At one stage she threatened not to serve me at all because i had the audasity to insist on her opening one more can to top the two pints up to the level they should be . The sad thing for me was i let myself down and called her a clearing in the woods , i was pretty pissed off by now , her retort was to tell me to **** Off .

Whatever outlet , store , bar , shop i am in when it comes to the point of being served i allways make a point of being polite to the person who is serving me , it makes me fell good and i hope it does them .

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General thanks for your response, there is no argument against the footballing side to the decision to change the Blackburn fixture. Perhaps the club might, then, explain why tickets were released for sale in the first place?

I really don't think it's asking too much to simply hold off selling tickets until it has been set in stone. I never book flights until I get my match tickets first so in my honest opinion the major mistake that has been made here is that the powers that be allowed fans to purchase tickets on the official club site to a game that, in hindsight, was always in danger of being moved. The lack of foresight by the club on this issue is VERY out of character, I understand you cannot work to "deadlines" as such when so many things need to come together, but the fact AVFC allowed me to buy tickets then changed the fixture definitely highlights a serious anomaly within the ticketing department.

General the club dont get much wrong, but you have made a right hash of this and it's very disappointing.

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this is my first post on your thread and so may I begin by offering my congratulations and thanks to Mr Lerner and his team (obviously including you) for the excellent work done at the club.

However, with reference to the Blackburn game, I must say that I am quite staggered by the club's decision and by the attitude of some fans. I am not affected either way on the date of the game apart from my anger at the treatment of those losing out.

Those who are going to lose out might be few in number but it is being treated as a "Well, I feel sorry for you but we all lose out sometimes and anyway the majority wanted it so the pros outweigh the cons."

I don't think it is the best bit of PR, really.

Short term - a large number of fans might be pleased because it is on a Saturday not a Wednesday and because they can now go to the game or their journeys might be made easier.

Long term - a small number of foreign fans are deeply upset because they can't go to the game and have lost a fair amount of money. They might : a) think twice about coming to Villa Park again and B) tell other fans who have not lost out in this instance to think twice before relying upon the Villa.

I don't think the club should be considering refunds of these people's match tickets - I think the club should be feeling some responsibility for the financial imposition caused by the club's decision and considering helping them out with any losses incurred.

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Hi General,

I appriciate that a lot of people have already posted on the subject of the Blackburn game and that you have responded but I have too say I'm still really annoyed at this decision.

While I understand the rational behind the decision I think the club have failed to consider the fans perspective on this and for once under the new regime's ownership we have been let down. I do not think that moving a fixture in this way so close to the game is acceptable even if there are some benefits to the club.

I wanted to ask seeing as this decision was made for footballing reasons does that mean it was made at the request of MON?

I feel really let down by this decision so close to a game and will now be unable to attend the match. I know I could sell my ticket through the seatexchange but frankily I'm not bothered about the money I'm bothered that I bought a season ticket so I could attend every match and now because of this decision I will not be able to do so.

In my opinion whatever the rational behind this decision its a really poor decision.


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