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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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Good Evening General,

There's is currently a lot of discussion on the topic of improvements to the ground, be it the Holte End, North Stand or the achievement of the magical five star rating. A subject that also seems to be high on the boards agenda also.

Have the board seriousley researched the re-introduction of safe standing terraces to villa park?

i/. They would be an extremely effective way of raising the ground capacity.

ii/. They would prove that we are at the cutting edge of modern football stadia design being the first major club to introduce this.

iii/. They show a great respect for our proud history.

iv/. They would raise the atmosphere in the ground.

v/. They would offer a cheap ticket option, bringing football back to the masses.

Borussia Dortmund and Werder Bremen both operate safe standing areas In-fact 10% of Bundersliga tickets must be standing, Dortmund have 16,000 in a 61,000 seat stadium which hosted games in last years world cup. Many can re-seat these areas at a moments notice to comply with varying international regulations. Neither have any reports of accidents.

Is it an option that Aston Villa would consider merits further research?

Edited Ref: Stephen_Evans Response

Stephen does seem to be spot on with the conclusion that at the moment it would be deemed illegal, however a comprehensive report released this year by the Foootball Supporters Federation Report Here has gained the backing of several senior MPs' including Kate Hoey (former minister for sport) and parliment has admitted willingness to look at this issue if it gains enough momentum. It does appear to be a matter of time and something for the club to get behind perhaps.

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Hi General,

I was thinking it would be a really awesome idea to host an U21 game at Villa Park. With Gabby, Gardner and Lukey Moore in the squad, would get quite a crowd, and cant do us any harm when players are away? Is this something that would have been looked at?

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General Krulak here:

1. When the time is appropriate, the Club will make known the plans for Villa Park. Not only will we make them known but they will be part of the public record since we will need to apply for permits, etc. Re. the Holte End...I do not see it as a single tier...that would cause a very difficult construction effort. The front of the Holte wil be the start point of work on that end of Villa Park. What is key for the fans to know is that Randy is fully aware of the historical context of Villa Park...its history and tradition. He will ensure that whatever is done is done with class.

2. There is no intent to buy the Aston Hotel at this time.

3. Popejosh. Please call Nicky Keye with your question/concern.

4. Standing continues to be illegal. There is not much we can do until that changes.

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General, I haven't read the previous pages so not sure if this has been brought up, and I doubt you can say anything about it but...

What exactly is going on with O'Neill and the England job, it's a huge set back if he goes, he is one reason why I feel we can keep our best players, people like Young, Laursen etc have pleaded that he stay after the last bit of speculation linking him with the England position. All of us are desperately waiting for him to say the words that he's committed to the cause, but what we got was 'lets take it one step at a time' We stood by him through the worst run of form in the clubs premier league history I think it was, that run without a win, everyone loves Martin O'Neill, all of us back him and know he's the man for the job. Why is it he seems to be edging towards the England job which they didn't even want him for in the first place.

I know you can't comment etc, but it looks to me atm that if McClaren gets sacked after the euros (or wed if we fail to qualify) then O'Neill seems ready to jump at the chance to abandon us for England? We could recover I guess, but I wouldn't want to have to get another new manager, theres nobody out there as good as him on the market. If he is going to leave at the first opportunity, then we're wasting our time, if he isn't...and I have faith in him that he wouldn't do it to us surely....then encourage him to release a statement to re-assure us.

I'm not being negative on him, I think he is a great manager, I would be devestated for him to leave, but he's not exactly calming our nerves is he?

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There are certain vibes that are coming out of Villa Park and particularly certain players that does not sit too comfortably with us Villa fans. In particular the fact that certain players - and in particular the bedrock of the defence - Martin Laursen - not being offered a new contract.

While we appreciate the ultimate decision is MON's - Laursen himself has been quoted as saying he is free to talk to other clubs in January, and it would be very worrying for us to lose such a great player to a rival.

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General, hypothetical question.

If O'Neill was to leave, do you feel our current board have the knowledge to find a successor? I know you and Randy are learning all the time, but would either of you, him in particular know who and what to look for or is their a 'football man' at the club who would make the decision?

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After the strangest end to regular time American football on Sunday night! Bet you were shouting some when the Ravens were leaving the pitch!!!!!!!!!! I have another tickets question for you!

I see in earlier posts you are more approved of Debit card payments over Credit cards. I think you are right on that one. So could you answer me this?!

Why can't I pay online with my debit card?! Just because it doesn't have a start date? But I can buy as many tickets as I like with my better half's credit card??!! I don't have a credit card as I don't want one! Like to spend what I have, not what I would like to have in the bank!

To date I haven't had a response about about my question of booking front row tickets for youngster's viewsakes and am putting this down to meetings to see if it is possible?!

It won't stop me buying the tickets - popping into shop today and will buy tickets from the ticket office!

Go Browns - playoffs beckon!

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General Krulak here:

1. avfc: I thought I had already answered the question re. MON. I honestly cannot speak for Martin...I cannot read his mind and I don't know what his personal thoughts are re. the England job. What I do know is the same as what you know...he has not been offered the position of Manager of the England Team. The media is speculating which is to be expected. Randy has made his feelings known. Those are the facts to this time. Being offered the opportunity to represent England as the Manager of the National Team would be quite an honour...BUT, being the Manager of Aston Villa FC is also quite an honour. MON obviously enjoys what he is doing at Vlla Park and we certainly respect and appreciate what he is doing for the Club. To expect MON to come out and give an opinion about a position he has NOT been offered seems to me to be something we should not expect. He has not been offered the job. He would look a bit foolish to come out in the media and say he is not "open" to the job when he hasn't been offered the job. I think MON is doing the right thing. TRYING to quell the rumours ONLY cause more questions.

2. MON and Randy both know the contract situation of our players. I would urge all of you to not get wrapped around contract negotiations that are being played out in the media. Again, MON and Randy are dealing with the Squad...NOT the media. Rest assured that our Club knows the contract situation of all of our players.

3. Does Randy and the Board have enough knowledge of football to choose a Manager if required? I won't even answer that one. None of us fell off a T.urnip truck last night.

4. Payment for tickets: Again, please contact Nicky Keye on that question.

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General, just a quick word to say that your continued efforts to keep in touch are still very much appreciated.

There have been a couple of 'touchy' subjects lately such as The Holte Hotel damage, contracts negotiations and O'Neill being linked to another position.

Your responses have been reasurring and dealing with these trickier issues is helpful and makes it all the more worthwhile when we can talk about the more positive aspects of supporting Villa.

In the spirit of the thread i should finish with a question so...after 18 months of being involved with Villa would you say the experience has been more or less as you expected or are there certain aspects that have taken you by surprise or that you've enjoyed more/less than anticipated?



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General Krulak here:

I did NOT say a "Graham Taylor" truck...I am not sure how that popped up on my comment. Again, I used a yank expression...let me try this: None of us were born last night.

Some people used to call Graham Taylor a t.urnip head, a phrase generated by the sun newspaper in an attack folling a poor performance when he was in charge of England. The forums word filter automatically changes that word to read as 'Graham Taylor' to prevent anyone slagging him off in this way.

Obviously you were using the word in an entirely different context! :D

that's correct. posts corrected. thanks all for explaining. Blandy

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General Krulak here:

I did NOT say a "Graham Taylor" truck...I am not sure how that popped up on my comment. Again, I used a yank expression...let me try this: None of us were born last night.

Sorry, General sir, I just couldn't help laughing out loud when I read this. Not your fault obviously, but the word filter does work in mysterious ways some times :lol:

Ever heard of Dolly Parton? ;)

Anyway, just a general question (wahey!) for you: If you could, what elements of British culture in general and sports in particular would you bring back to the States (and vise versa)?

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Is the third kit's lifespan only a year? If so do you not think this looks a bit ruthless on the profiteering front that a shirt that is very rarely going to be worn this season is released in mid November only to be changed in May. I know it is the choice of the fan whether to purchase it but the pressure of putting said shirt out there is a bit cheeky or do you not agree?

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Is the third kit's lifespan only a year? If so do you not think this looks a bit ruthless on the profiteering front that a shirt that is very rarely going to be worn this season is released in mid November only to be changed in May. I know it is the choice of the fan whether to purchase it but the pressure of putting said shirt out there is a bit cheeky or do you not agree?

I'm going to guess an answer to this one if i may...

I'm guessing as the club did not make an issue of the release of the 3rd kit that it was more of a necessity than anything else (either from Nike or due to kit clashes, be it only 2 or so), the club did not expect big sales and importantly in reference to your question, nor did they push for them.

I would also imagine that due to the late release it may have been considered for a 2 year kit but that is almost irrelevant as the sponsor expires at the end of the season and so a kit change is inevitable and unavoidable.

The General may have a different answer for you but since the club released this without any sales push i get the feeling it was necessary rather than an attempt to draw more money from the fans.

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Do you think that, in time, all 4 sides of Villa Park will be equal in terms of facilities? If so, how long do you think it is likely to take before this is possible?

I saw the field goal for the Brown's on tv and couldn't believe that the Ravens players had started to get changed before having to go back out onto the field :) that must have been a pleasurable victory for Randy!


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there probably isn't a lot you can say / do on this but as a parent my boy is badgering father christmas for a goalie kit (my boy already has an away kit , my girl the home).

Now the thing is, the kit is going to change in May (or at the very least the sponsor will) thus making the kit redundant.

Would the club look into rewarding fans who bought this years kit, with a reduction on the new one when it changed. I know this always is the case when a new kti comes out but this year is a bit different as , the kit only came out this summer, so the only Xmas kids will get it is this one, then it is out of date in 5 months. Usually, if you buy a kid the kit for Xmas, you are usually going to get at least 18 months out of it.

If the club don't , then I will wait and have to disappoint my boy, if they did , then I may get one.

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I'm hoping to bring my Under 10 youth football side up from Cheltenham to watch a match at VP and maybe hopefully get them a tour of the stadium. I wanna make the day as good as possible for two reasons

a) most of them are fans of the big four but have never been to a premiership ground, if i brought them to VP maybe it would encourage one or two of them to switch to supporting our great club. I mean they are at the right sort of age that we want to get involved in the club now as they have their whole life ahead of them! And also the more the merrier right?

B) I'd just like to treat them for all their efforts, they are not getting on too well in their league at the moment so it might also give them a bit of inspiration.

Obviously there would need to be a certain number of adults who would have to monitor the kids as well right?

Who would be the best person for me to email/phone for info on how to organise this? would Nicky Keye be my best bet?

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