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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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General..just re-iterating the comments regarding Birmingham City's vile fans. I think if you can get your hands on some CCTV evidence and testimonies from Aston Villa fans to go to the f.a with I think you should as for an 11 year old kid to see their dad beat up by mindless thugs it is completely disgraceful. I hope the browns make it a wkend to remember....

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ust to re-iterate General, I think these 'fans' should not be allowed at Villa Park. We should have a closed doors policy with regards to their fans when they come to play us.

Missiles such as glass ketchup bottles and coins being thrown by their 'supporters' at our fans, who were simply celebrating a goal. Children being injured.

This is combination with their ridiculous pricing means we need to do something.

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General Krulak here:

1. What a game!! My poor wife is black and blue from all the back-slapping. Talk about excitement...what a game. When Gabby put it in the back of the net I thought I was going to re-injure my back. I communicated with Randy right after the goal and he was over the moon. Unfortunately the Browns lost by a field goal...but they played a helluva game. OUR lads were superb. They never gave up. YOU, the Fans, were superb too...whether at the Blues stadium or in our own...you all were great. We just need to keep it going.

2. Roger on the firefighters....I will see what we can do.

3. Browns gear will be sold!

4. Paddy: I have heard zero about an approach by the G-14...no contact at all.

5. Again, great win in a big game. I am very proud of our lads. We just need to keep it going.

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something has to be done general about those so called supporters who subjected our fans to be pelted by whatever they could find i know they probarbly wont have a clue who it was but we should make it known to the papers just what scum they are i hope you take this issue to heart

villa till i die :winkold:

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Hi General,

First of all I want to say that I am at work today and I am sooooooo happy! :D

I watched the game in a hotel in Sutton coldfield with loads of other villa fans and the atmosphere in their was electric and everyone went home very happy with the result and performance. I think that we weathered a couple of storms during the game but class prevailed in the end. Gabby was already a hero but now he is like a god to Villa fans, a Villa fan scoring the winner against the Blues! it doesn't get any better than that General!

I am sorry to hear that the Browns narrowly missed out on victory but I am sure that Randy will be very proud of their efforts.

If ever you needed proof that your comments were right about David Gold then it must have been yesterday when his own fans didn't show up and fill their stadium for their biggest game of the season - what a joke! the guy his fleecing his own supporters and I feel sorry for the genuine fans but not the ones who brought shame to their club by using violence to try and spoil the day for the celebrating Villa fans - they are a disgrace!

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First - well done to the lads for a great win yesterday.

Second - a customer service note for the General (btw, hope your back is better soon - I'm having disc surgery on mine this Thursday!)

Over the past week or so both my son (who's 21) and myself have e-mailed the Villa shop with different requests about products. His was - will the claret shorts be available for fans to buy? and mine was about the new black 3rd shirt. Neither enquiry received a response! I now notice that Sports Direct.com have the black shirt for sale at £35.49 +p&p. I'd rather not line the pockets of the Newcastle Utd chairman, but Villa need to get their retail act together.

No reply = bad manners and lost business. General, your communication skills are first class so I hope you can help, politely, KATN (for the uninitiated Kick Ass Take Names!!).




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Hi General,

Watched the game in the Holte pub.It was my first visit.Fantastic place.What a superb job has been done renovating it.Needless to say the atmosphere in there was superb. Hope there will be more away games shown in there.When Gabby scored it was pandemonium.

Wonderful stuff!

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General ,

Please can you let the business Villa team AND CATERING STAFF know how much we all appreciated the way they atered for us yesterday . A first class venue the screend upstairs and the way they sorted the beer out for that amount of people , excellent .

I must have been on everybody's shoulders and we took some great photos of everyone on the Holte End steps its was one of those magic days and the staff from the time we did the minutes silence in the holte garden to the way they treated some every excitable people showed how to be doormen without being over the top .

Great day great result !

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The link to the letter leak is here - someone seems to be wallowing in the mud, so to speak..

"In future, maybe 'Corporal' Krulak would like to put the revenue from their 40,000 crowds and our 30,000 crowds in a big pot and we'll split it down the middle.

"We are both in business after all."

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What a great result yesterday was although two things did mar the result. Firstly, the ticket price for the away fans. On friday I went on the Birmingham City website and you could still buy tickets for £25 for their fans. Absolutely ridiculous. Secondly, caging our fans for an hour after the whistle. NO OTHER club in the Country has such a policy for local Derbys, though if I remember years ago South Yorkshire did it in the Sheffield Derby and it let to street fights around the ground. I hope that the FA will look at their fans behaviour and act accordingly; especially with recent events in Italy.

Finally, when we have a repeat of this fixture can I suggest we raise the price of away tickets? Also if any fans are to be caged in please make sure it is the away fans. "Treat others as you wish to be treated yourself"; saying that you can

"Shave a Monkey but its still a Monkey"
(A Yorkshire saying that Mr Gold May be aware of! Please feel free to use it General if you wish as I know he struggles with the American sayings :P )
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Some posts deleted. I think the General knows what is thought of Gold and Co. We've already had loads of posts on that. We won :). Please can we get back to stuff about the Villa - Q&A etc for the General, as per the guidelines. Thanks. Blandy

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After this weekends victory over Birmingham ('The scum' as i commonly call them) us as villa fans are proud with the teams performance but above all the result.

General i was wondering how the board, yourself and Randy would continue this local rivalry success over our bitter rivals in the future and whether you believe this is something we should come to expect with our new european asperations with the new leadership at the helm of the Villans, also do you believe we will be having local derbys on a regular seasonal basis in years to come?

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Hi General

I hope your back is better.

A question about the new website, which I think is a definite improvement on the old one. On the results page it's possible to go back and see results from 2001/02 onwards, are there plans to eventually put the rest of the seasons results on there?

I appreciate that this would take some time and obviously it wouldn't be possible to do match reports and game by game tables for the majority of seasons but it would be great to be able to check results from any season, especially for overseas fans who may not have access to the books on Villa available here.

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General Krulak here:

1. I can assure all of our Fans that we are totally aware of the tragic treatment of the fans who attended the game. The police are following up on all leads...at least 6 people have been arrested. I can also say that the Birmingham City Football Club is very upset and are cooperating with the police. No one is satisfied with this type of action and we will be looking to find the culprits. The key is that we, Aston Villa Football Club, never try to retaliate or treat away fans like this. We have a huge tradition to uphold...we, in many ways, represent the tradition and ethos of English Football. We need to keep our cool and play the game as it was intended to be played...and cheer our lads on with class.

2. I will definitely pass on the "well done" to the catering staff.

3. RA 19: Please contact John Greenfield at our store and explain your issue to him. As Head of our Store, he needs to know what you have posted...and take action.

4. I am not sure about the web site...let me check.

5. I am glad people enjoy the Holte Pub. I hate to say it but we had some problems of our own at the Holte Pub....broken beer bottles, beer thrown on the walls, damage that was inexcusable. Not sure what happened but it was not good.

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5. I am glad people enjoy the Holte Pub. I hate to say it but we had some problems of our own at the Holte Pub....broken beer bottles, beer thrown on the walls, damage that was inexcusable. Not sure what happened but it was not good.

Disappointed to hear about that General - We obviously need to get our own house in order.

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