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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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Hi General,

We've heard today that the club are to blast up images of the new away kit on the back of the Holte End via lighting effects. It's a fantastic idea and Richard Fitzgerald should be congratulated. I'm looking forward to seeing it but are there any plans to use the lighting system in the future for evening games...maybe blast up a few images of past Villa legends? It would look something special I think and if only in the meantime while the commissioned mural gets designed and completed.

Many thanks.

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Seems you've ruffled a feather or 2 at the Sty. In no way is an apology in order for you proving what a hypocrite he is. He has spouted more crap by now questioning dialogue with supporters... after acting as the "people's champion" less than a week ago. You've done a superb job Sir, keep up the good work!!

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I think your comment was a great analogy, and the subsequent mouth-piece by werewolf Gold has shown him up for exactly the publicity-seeking idiot we all know he is. I find his comments, as do all Villa supporters, especially the one that he has championed our club as insulting, so on behalf of us all can our board ask for a retraction and apology from him?

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As a wise man once said "I think I will just let him continue to talk" I think that should stand. I think the MAN has just got covered in mud as predicted :winkold:

It is quite funny how he suggests fans should not be kept in the dark like mushrooms one week, then says it's bizarre that the General would be communicating on a fan forum the next.

Just let him keep rambling General, he will continue to make himself look foolish without our help.

OK, can we now get back to Q&A for General Krulak please. Ta. Blandy

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The idea to have past heroes up in lights projected onto VP before matches is a fantastic one.

At the home tie with Blose, we could project some images of pigs on the Holte and rename the ground for the evening to Villa Pork. We could experiment with ticket prices for the evening charging say £1.05 each for all the Blose fans aka the Tamworth two. As this would be the first time this has been tried, well somebody has to be Guinea Pigs.


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I know you don't get involved in team matters but as you have the ear of Randy can you ask him to make sure he gives MON a bollocking for pratting about too much tonight with the team and for not having them motivated.

I and 20,000+ Villa fans were motivated enough to turn up and pay our cash tonight. Shame our manager and team thought it was going to be a breeze and ballsed it up.

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A really terrible night, I and the 25,000 there paid our hard-earned wages and froze our balls off for nothing in return. MON should be disgusted with himself and the team. This was an important competition for us and we've blew it. I'm furious with tonight's performance.

If I were to show up to work and perform like that I'd expect to be sacked. MON and some of the players need to take a good hard look in the mirror in the morning after their night's work. I feel thoroughly short-changed and let down. Even for £20 General that was not good enough nor was it acceptable.

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General could you get Curtis Davies to check out this link to a post on this site?


It about a gutsy and honest interview he did for the BBC last night and i think if he reads that post it will give the guy a lift. We have an honest manger who says it how it is and this has obviously rubbed of on to him.

Ok we lost and it was not pretty to watch but thats football, 2 seasons ago we used to watch that week in and week out but I am confident we wont see many a performance like that often.

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General, can you please advise why Villa now seem to value away fans rather than their own loyal supporters? Why do I say this? First, I complained previously that despite being ambulant disabled, I was moved from the Tram Museum to the Yew Tree car park because of supposed re-development. However, I have spoken to others who still park there and have been told that there is no re-development and they have noticed a lot more away fans parking there. Why can't the away fans park at Yew Tree? Secondly, I was sat in my season ticket held seat last night, when I was approached by 4 fans who told me I was in the wrong seat. One of them showed me a ticket which was for my seat. Despite the fact that I have been in the Cup scheme for 9 years (and I even rang the ticket office on Tuesday to confirm that they had me in the Cup Scheme!!) the ticket office gave my seat away. To make it worse, these 4 fans were Leicester City fans, 2 of whom were happily wearing Leicester City shirts and baseball caps! I obviously politely refused to move and they sat in the 4 seats next to me as other Villa fans did not go last night. Why did the ticket office sell my seat to other fans? and why sell to Leicester fans? It worries me now that if we get say Man United in the FA Cup then the same thing will happen. I will refuse to move from my seat and then this will cause trouble as there will not be empty seats for the other people to sit in. Thirdly, after the game Witton Lane was closed off so I could not go home the way that I always go. When I asked what I can only describe as the thuggish moron of a security guard why he had closed the road, I was told that it was because there were lots of people walking down the road. When I pointed out to him that if he turned round he would see that the road was totally empty he told me that the away fans took priority and that I should "eff off home!"

If Villa value away fans more than their own fans who have been coming to support them since 1972 then it is a very sad state of affairs. I have not missed a single home game since I got a season ticket nine seasons ago, but for the first time I am wondering whether it is worth the hassle of renewing again next season.

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Please don't let the negativity of some let you believe the vast majority are not fully behind Martin O Neill and Randy. It was disappointing but thats sport, these things happen and its how we build on it that matters. Certainly it was no where near the worst i have seen Villa as some people have suggested!

Keep up your good work, i for one really appreciate what you do and know many many others who feel the same. I'll be at Spurs on Monday night and guarrantee you won't hear moaning there as we get behind the team for 90 mins.

Also someone mentioned a cashpoint near the ground a while back, this is something i have always wondered about and on more than one occassion stopped me spending money in the ground.

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General Krulak here:

1. Rickmeister: Please contact Nicky Keye...Head of Ticketing at AVFC. You can reach her throught the AVFC swtichboard. Please describe what took place to her. As the Head of our Ticketing, she needs to know when things do not go right. She is extremely focused on Customer Service and needs to hear what you have to say.

2. I, too, am disappointed in yesterday. It was not our best performance! I am now focused on this weekend and getting a result. I am sure that MON is re-running the game yesterday over in his mind...he will do the right things to get us ready for the Spurs this weekend.

3. The issue with BCFC has reached epic proportions and I am saddened that my analogy has now become "National" news. This has never been about an individual with me...this has always been about fair treatment of fans, Villa or BCFC.

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Dont lose any sleep about PornoPig, he had to try and save face after being shown up as a hypocrite. He failed, you've shown him to be a right oink. How apt that their dump of a ground is known as The Sty.

Keep up the good (unpaid!) work.

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General krulak here:

Back to some answers I owe you all:

1. Re the fan who mentioned no hot food before kick-off: I checked with Alison and she indicated that every Club kiosk had hot food. She wanted to know if this might have been a stand outside of the grounds.

2. Re the comment about Ramseys and beer. Alison read the comment and went tso the bar herself first thing Monday and checked the barrels and pipes...she indicates that all still had beer, lager and cider in them . This was obviously "operator error" and she has spoken with the individuals concerned.

3. Alison has indicated that the Blues game will be shown in the Holte Suite and the Holte Pub.

4. Alison has also indicated we are planning a former players night for the pub in November and have pencilled one in for December.

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General Krulak here:

3. The issue with BCFC has reached epic proportions and I am saddened that my analogy has now become "National" news. This has never been about an individual with me...this has always been about fair treatment of fans, Villa or BCFC.

I wouldnt worry about it, its made you a bit of a hero to us lot!

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